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Get your book illustrated

Order unique illustrations for your book at Ridero

Place an order
  • Professional We work fast and pay attention to details.
    We know how important it is
    for you and your readers.
  • Unique We actually read the book
    to illustrate it properly
    and stay true to the tone.
  • Contextual Use graphics to talk to your
    readers. Make them feel the mood
    and atmosphere of your work.

What we do

Charts and schemes

Simple charts, tables, diagrams


Collage, vector or bitmaps


Monochrome or color


pencil, ink, vector or bitmaps


Detailed, highly realistic characters


painting, engraving, classical technique

Illustration + cover design

Add €48 and get cover design based on illustrations for your book

How we work

We will need a very detailed task form from you
to get high-quality illustrations.
Our managers will help you to do it.

Choose illustration type, add an option
for book cover if you'd like and send us your preliminary order.


Your personal manager will help you to fill a detailed task form for Illustrator.

Prepaid sketch

When you feel ready with the task form, you make
prepayment for €10 to get us started on the first sketch.
You will receive a thumbnail or a sketch
for the first illustration.

Refined sketch

If you have any comments, an artist will take them into account. If you didn't like your sketch - just tell your manager and we elaborate. When you are satisfied with the sketch, pay the remaining amount.

Actual payment

Only after finalizing the first sketch you pay the full cost of the package of illustrations.


You get thumbnails for all the images while we are working on them. And yes, we accept minor adjustments for every illustration on this stage.

Final results

When everything is done, we email you the full set of images you ordered. At this point, you get all the rights for the illustrations.

By the way, you can add illustrations yourself using Ridero text editor,
just upload your manuscript. Or get your own personal assistant

We will be happy to answer
any questions you may have!

Email us at support-en@ridero.eu

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