drukowana A5
Tips of successful people

Bezpłatny fragment - Tips of successful people

29 str.
za 6.3
drukowana A5
za 15.56

“It seems that once the future was clear and most people knew what their career would look like. Today, to achieve something you have to fight for it for a long time”.

Part one

General advice — Rules, wisdom and knowledge

„Factors that determine success are talent and mental strength”.

The secret of productivity is your ability to focus on the thing you do. Dismiss multitasking because it is a myth. Multitasking is nothing but a continuous shift of attention between different activities. (If you do not believe, try to read some scientific work and talk to someone on the phone, of course, you can talk to someone while eating and being on the move, but that’s not what we call multitasking, and it’s hard to concentrate on something specific, which reduces the quality of the thing being done, or we are not able to receive sensory input so well and very often there are many mistakes to make.) So it is not worth doing too much at the same time.

The risk does not scare us so much when we start working.

Usually, we are afraid of what we should do at the moment. We use various tricks against ourselves, just to justify our lack of action. Important things and decisions do not give us a sense of comfort!

Too much choice causes us to feel overwhelmed, which is why an efficient ability to decide is important. Learn to make decisions quickly and independently.

Nowadays, procrastination is a problem. We are constantly postposing something for later, waiting for better moments. Remember! It never has an ideal moment. Waiting for this moment you lose only precious time, which you could use much better!

Learn to perceive opportunities and skillfully use them.

Do not listen to the advice of hypocrites. Listen to the „real” people, i.e. those who follow the voice of their own heart, their own soul, their own „I”. They strive for their own purposes, where the first ones speak and do something else.

One of the most important advice you can follow when making decisions is this: „if you have to convince yourself to say yes, it means that your soul says” no”. However, if your soul says „yes” then you do not have to convince yourself to anything because you are just doing it”.

Follow the rules of KAIZEN. Strive for perfection and constantly look for improvements in your life.

Be curious about the world. Discover what surrounds you. Live and still experience!

Have contact with nature. Find a place where nobody walks, where you can stay alone in silence, away from the everyday world and its affairs.

Believe in yourself, in your skills. Appreciate your strength.

If you are looking for your goal in life, then search — search all the time and everywhere.

Strive to your goal with the attitude that the obstacles are not to stop and break down, but that they are so that we can overcome them and get closer to our goal.

If your decisions are safe and such as other people, then you will probably be the same as the rest of the people — unremarkable. You can not become someone special or different, living in the same way as the rest. You must learn to break your comfort zones.

Skillfully use the work and knowledge of those who lived in front of you. Do not waste time on the same mistakes and do not let the work of these people be in vain. „Support yourself on the arms of the giants.”

Develop self-discipline and self-control:

— The self-discipline is the ability to force myself to do things that we do not want to do or we do not like.

— Self-control is a habit of limiting things that we enjoy doing, and by the way, how often it hurts our health and takes away our valuable time.

You will certainly achieve a lot in life when you do what you should, exactly when you should do it. Do not hesitate. Fight procrastination and act regardless of whether you like it or not.

Take care in life that everything you do in it is done as best you can. Take care of even the smallest details.

Know when to rest — work skillfully. Know yourself and your body. When you work a lot and get overworked unnecessarily, it is usually also inefficient. Work wisely and divide your work into intervals followed by a short rest.

Think by your own.

If you want to be noticed and there are many people around you, change your surroundings. It’s obvious that „it’s easier to achieve anything by being a big fish in a pool than just a fjord in a huge lake.” Remember to find your niche, offer something special. The easier it is to do something, the more competition you can expect. „There is a small queue for great goals.”

Lack of certain things in our lives forces us to be resourceful and more creative, thanks to which we are able to achieve more by working less.

Even the most groundbreaking idea is worthless when you do not do it.

„Your decisions create your destiny”.

The human mind is structured in such a way that it always strives to achieve the greatest benefits. When making decisions, he is guided by suffering and pleasure. It is how much we combine a given choice with suffering, or with pleasure affects whether we undertake to implement something. If it exceeds pleasure, we do the given activity, we make a specific choice. However, if we associate suffering more with the given thing, we probably will not implement it, we will avoid it. We will do much more to avoid suffering than to gain pleasure.

Successful people are aware that there is neither good nor bad information. There is only information and it is only up to us what we will do with it at a given moment, how we will react to it. Something that is a disaster for one person is a reason for joy for someone else, opens up new opportunities for him. How many people, so much reaction to a given thing, which is closely connected with attributing to specific information a specific intensity of experiencing suffering and pleasure.

„Nothing happens without a reason”.


— First they ignore you.

— Then they laugh at you.

„They’re fighting with you later.

— And at the end you win.

Decide what you really want from life. What do you want to achieve in it, then think about what’s stopping you to achieve it — set out the things you need to do to achieve your goal and just start doing it.

Make sure that you are able to cope with any problem that will happen to you, that you have the strength to overcome any difficulties encountered.

Remember also that it is not the goal itself that counts, the life you lead along the way is also important. What counts is what you had to sacrifice in return, what you were forced to renounce, and at what level was your life and how much effort it cost you.

Take so much time for your improvement that you do not have time to criticize others!

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