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Short guide to become UK nurse

Bezpłatny fragment - Short guide to become UK nurse


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In the last few years it has increased interest in undertaking work in medical professions beyond the borders of our country. In particular, this issue has attracted those who are female and Male representatives or representatives of the nursing profession. At the same time on the internet there are many different, often conflicting and inaccurate information. This publication is based on my own experience in working abroad. It aims to present the fundamental aspects of this issue.

This short guidance base on public informations regard to NMC registration, and other different resources, especially it base on law related to care industry. If you want to know more about those issues, let’s have a look at websites related to care in UK. Full list of those is available on the last page.

Due to the likely exit the UK with European Union rules can change over the next few years, but all of the medical professionals and government representatives in the United Kingdom ensure that ultimately the nursing profession will be placed on the list of desired occupations. So take up employment in that capacity will not encounter much difficulty. The demand for trained nurses in the UK is huge. Currently only few thousand nurses from Poland working in UK.

The market of medical care in this country is developing in a dynamic way. Every year they create new hospitals, centers, nursing homes. Therefore, I urge all hesitants to go in order to obtain experience. In the nineteenth century. Polish nurses of ten gained experience in countries such as the US or France or Belgium, bringing to the Polish nursing knowledge and making changes. The intention of this study is to support just such an approach to make this work abroad. The Author is an active certified nurse, working in the UK, having also several years” experience working as a carer in the UK.

I Formal requirements

1.1 The right to practice a profession

The basic condition practice as a nurse in the UK is to have current registration with the NMC. Those who have obtained the right to practice before that date should also meet the criteria of length of service, proven by relevant documents. However, for people who have at least a bachelor’s degree is not required seniority. new condition in relation to nurses from countries in the European Union is the requirement to prove the ability to use the English language. Basically, there are two ways to meet this criterion. The first of them refers to the presentation of a certificate exam IELTS level 7 in all four aspects, namely reading, writing, listening and speaking skills, the test can not be passed in the past, than two years ago. In this case, you must also prove that language skills have not diminished. The second situation involves nurses who have a registration in the country in which registration is required for the ability to use the English language, for example. In the United States, provided the profession in this country for at least two years. final possibility relates to teaching nursing in English, provided that the science involved for at least half of the clinical practice use of English. On Polish territory, there is a school that allows nursing studies in English. This requirement was originally concerned people taking registration and from outside the European Union. This requirement is the result of a series of incidents over the past few years, when many companies urgently need staff employed en masse nurses to work in hospitals, among other things, that do not have the appropriate language level.

This led to various problems. including communication difficulties with patients. From the practice should be noted that after the first possession of the basic dictionary of medical terms and their English counterparts is essential for understanding the simplest medical records. Helpful here is knowledge of the terms of Latin diseases and syndromes, because a large portion of medical terms in English, directly or indirectly refers to that. At the same time poor knowledge of the language spoken might even prevent understanding patients. The work under stress, where it counts the time pressure you can be alone or alone without the help of a person who herself speaks little English. Many people living in the UK are foreigners, a large group of care centers represent both the elderly and children. So apart from the formal requirements worth before departure, even a short, hard and honestly to prepare on the basis of materials commonly available on the websites of the English-speaking.

If the employment agency or other institution in the United Kingdom ask you to additional conditions, eg. Recognition of a diploma obtained after the 2004 or pursue additional courses, it means that you have been misled. In the event of such a situation, you have the right to ask for a formal intervention to the nearest to your place of turmoil in the UK Polish consulate. In order to work in the UK in a nurse or nurse must have a valid registration in the English equivalent chambers of the national chambers of nurses and midwives. To do this, you do not need to go abroad, it may be necessary only if, in specific cases representatives of the NMC, for various reasons will demand direct contact, to which they are entitled. The application process begins with the collection of relevant documents. These issues will be presented later in this paper. It should be noted, however, that the rules relating to the registration have diametrically changed in 2016. Therefore, you should carefully read the current information on the NMC website, at the time of applying, to avoid disappointment and unnecessary nerves.

The general trend now goes forward the needs and expectations of different social and political circles to strengthen the composition of the healthcare people who have completed university English. Tightening up the rules of registration and its renewal is a fairly vague goal of increasing the quality of care. In practice, however, has long leavers universities translation in the direction of nursing are not able to replace the need for it for the UK market. This is a problem similar to that of Poland, in terms of generation replacement. Therefore, staff nurses are powered by people coming from countries such as the Philippines, Romania, India, Poland, Spain. This does not change the fact that both the daily work and the opinions and comments of press nurses from other countries are constantly on the news, including with regard to the language requirements. In the past time nurses going throughout registering process found it sometimes difficult to cope with all requirements. The issue was debated in the circles of the NMC in the past two years and changed the procedures and principles of better controlling the process of applying and ensuring the impartiality of the evaluation according to clear criteria. Unfortunately, exceptions do occur, so in preparation for a possible registration you should make every effort, competing in a sense, common problems associated with it, as in the following paragraphs of this study.

he registration process starts filling in the application located at the Internet address, posted on the website of the NMC. Documents to be filled in this respect shall be sent to the address. At the time of completing the application is required to accurately fill out all data in this field, which is required parts of the registry, to which we would like to be included, select a specific Adultnurse, RN1. Other possibilities of specialization applies only to nurses who have obtained such qualifications in the UK or such qualifications have been confirmed, but also the first requires a basic registration.

Dispatch application along with the documents that are necessary in this area involves the payment of the costs of the registration process in the currency of the British pound, which can be done through a bank account or a bank transfer. The initial fee is now in the year 2016 110 British pounds. After the successful completion of the implementation of the registration process and obtain the card from the so-called. identification number PIN is also necessary to make a second deposit of 120 British pounds.

1.2 Internship and experience

In the UK the person who carries out tasks in the field of nursing general nursing is referred to as „generalnurse” or „adultnurse”. However, the current European law require that automatically recognize the qualifications of nursing at the university level, which were completed in Polish, continue with registration requirements are related to supply various documents and meet the formal requirements. As a general rules:

1. All documents required by the NMC should be translated by a sworn translator into English and their originality notarized. It looks in practice in such a way that first we should go eg. To the competent chamber of nurses to dispense a particular document, then make a copy, and only obtaining certification notary to pass the documents to be translated. For documents that are an integral part of the application which was submitted by the NMC and all confirmation stamps they should be placed at appropriate locations sent in printing.

2. In any case, is required for the validity of the institution’s full name, the full name of the person, and a clear rubber stamp, any failure in this regard may result in the need to resubmit the documents.

3. By submitting the application must have to attach both the original documents and official translation. Hence, it is worth to previously obtain the documents, such as the English version of the diploma. Polish originals with translation (the translation copies) will ship together. In some cases, NMC also requires a translation of the list of subjects with a list of objects hours. To ease the task, it is worth to get at his alma mater appropriate document in the English-language edition (ie. A supplement).

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