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Quantum Psychology and Mental Quantum Tools

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...The biggest mountains are in the lowlands…


This publication is unique for me. In it I have changed my certain optics of describing Scientific laws not so much from the point of view of physics (esoPhysics), but rather from the point of view of psychology and that of quantum psychology. Of course, there is also a lot of physics here, after all, everything is physics, and mathematics is its language and description, but mainly there is in this publication a strong emphasis on the use of mental Quantum Tools, as ways of assimilating reality and modeling this reality according to this principle … if a person messes around like this, something always doesn’t suit him, and then this can be changed with mental Quantum Tools. And all this is a manifestation of the transition to a new level of our civilization, the so-called civilization of Quantum Man. We are unlikely to build a Paradise on Earth, but with mental Quantum Tools we will be able to take more care of our own health, happiness and success in life. Which I sincerely wish for each of my readers.

1 Quantum psychology. Kickoff

This current of psychology is a novelty, for never before has this science referred so directly to concepts native to Quantum, Cognitive Science and attempts to apply the laws of Nature, Physics to improve the qualitative comfort of human mental life. Such attempts began only in the late 1980s. The official attempt to explain the adequacy of such an approach in psychology within the framework of Quantum Science is to note that quantum laws act on human mental processes, because they are universal laws of Nature, and this is an indisputable fact. Only the matter of explaining this influence crashes into the rather conservative treatment by the official interpretation of Quantum Physics, which is accepted by physicists in general, and which is extremely atheistic and materialistic and single-level. It recognizes as physical facts only what can be measured, i.e., Physicalist processes. This is known as Physicalism. Either the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics or any of its numerous clones, or the Everett Interpretation, or the Multiverse Interpretation, is considered official. And even such representatives of the Quantum approach in psychology as Joe Dispenza or Amid Goswami do not know how to go beyond the official mainstream of quantum physics. And just to remind you of the fact that single-level interpretations of Quantumism lead by a simple route to descriptive and logical inconsistencies and numerous paradoxes. Be that as it may, such as the Problem of Measurement in Quantum Science, or even Schrödinger’s Cat Paradox, or even the impossibility of explaining the phenomenon of Radiesthesia on the grounds of the official current of Quantum Science. One can, of course, overlook and disregard the evident empirical evidence for the existence of subtle energies in Radiesthesia. Only, how long can one? After all, physics is based on empirics, and the fact that the official mainstream of science cannot explain the phenomenon of Radiesthesia, or other paradoxes of quantum physics, does not prove that they do not exist. After all, radiesthesia is pure empirics. Well, one simply has to humbly accept that all one-level interpretations of Quantum with the flagship Copenhagen Interpretation are false and look for some new, sensible interpretation of Quantum. In my opinion, there is such an interpretation and I have included it in my author’s esoPhysics. The legitimate question is: why after more than a century since the discovery of Quantum Mechanics still, at least the official mainstream of science, has not developed a correct and true Interpretation of Quantum? Answer: because the mathematical formalism of Quantum is flawless and physicists, guided by David Mermin’s famous call: Shut up! And count!!!, the formalism alone is completely sufficient, and they exploit it unreflectively at every turn, leaving the Interpretation of what they do to philosophers. Unfortunately, the effect of this is lamentable, and unfortunately scientists, not only physicists, do not really know what kind of World they live in. Therefore, every now and then, I will smuggle in this publication the basics of esoPhysics, that, in my opinion, the only sensible interpretation of Quantum. But, rest assured, this will not be a book like my „Cognitive Prothesis” where I explicitely presented more-or-less skillfully all of esoPhysics. It turns out that it was probably a bit too difficult for a moderately knowledgeable reader of Physics. However, in order to explain how Quantum manifests itself in the procedures of quantum psychology, I will have to touch on some topics. First, man, as part of Nature, must use the means that belong to that Nature. And all physical processes are carried out under the influence of Causes, which cause certain Effects. In the aspect of man, this Cause (Causal) is his Free Will. Otherwise man cannot act, influence the World. Immediately thrown in here is the vision of explaining the role of man as an „Observer”, a role that is so accentuated even by proponents of quantum psychology or even by Quantum theorists. Well, okay, Observer, observation, but what does this really mean in the physical process? It is some kind of interaction with the quantum system, the very one being studied. But the interaction in physics is manifested by a specific Cause (Causal or Purposeful). And what is the Cause here in the case of observation? This Cause is the Free Will of the „Observer”. According to esoPhysics, it is worth mentioning here that the Free Will of man and the Will of the Absolute are two new types of Elementary Forces, or Causes (Causal and Purposive), not considered by Science so far. Normally, here the Hard Matter Free Will of man is realized by ordinary Work. That is, according to Free Will, buildings, machines, etc. are created, but it turns out that man’s Free Will can also be realized differently. In order to explain this completely, however, I must refer, at least in part, to the theory of esoPhysics.

According to esoPhysics, the World is divided into two levels. There is that level that surrenders completely to Physicalism, the material one, called the Measurable Level, but there is also a second level of the World, slightly different from the former, that level that does not surrender to measurement and observation. In esoPhysics, this second level is the Unmeasurable Level. It is the level of the Spiritual, of Transcendence. In my books, especially in „Cognitive Prothesis,” I prove that on this second level the Will of the Absolute is realized. The Absolute (God) has also given us human beings, rational beings in general, an attribute such that they can realize the manifestation of their Free Will on this second level, on this Unmanifested Level. How does this happen, on what principles does it work? I refer you to my earlier books, especially the book „Cognitive Prosthesis”. And it is this- the realization of our Free Will at the Unmeasurable Level- that the ability will serve us in application in the construction of the methods of quantum psychology including mental Quantum Tools. Let us also add that the center of a person’s Free Will is not located in his brain or body. This is empirically proven by numerous neurological and physiological studies. Normally, from these studies, it follows that we either have no Free Will and are automatons, or… Well, just either the Free Will Center is an attribute of our Souls, i.e. emanations on the Measurable Level of Spirit, which belongs to the Non-Measurable Level. Since Free Will is an Elemental Force of Nature it is therefore a primary concept to our bodies and our physicality, so it cannot depend on our human physicality (animalness). However, it is also worth realizing, which unfortunately is not communicated by the official mainstream of Science, Physics, that the whole formalism of Quantum is a description of Physics, or rather, esoPhysics, from the level of the Unmanifest. It is not surprising then that a failure to understand this, this basis, this base of physical analysis of the quantum system, leads to so many errors, paradoxes and logical and descriptive inconsistencies. In order to clarify this issue a bit, without going into more detail, in this book I will limit myself to the fact that the mathematical formalisms of Quantumism (Schrödinger’s Image, Heisenberg’s Image) are written in the spirit of complex numbers and functions. And as you know, composite numbers and functions are unmeasurable. Doesn’t that tell you anything already? Well, it does. What it does tell you is that these formalisms are descriptions of physics (esoPhysics) from the Unmeasurable Level, and almost all concepts associated with these formalisms belong to this Unmeasurable Level. The trouble is that the official mainstream of Science, Physics completely ignores this. And even more, it ignores and mixes entities from the Non-Measurable Level, such as: state function of a quantum system, superposition of states, quantum entanglement, with concepts native to the Measurable Level, such as: Eigenvalue Measurement. And from here, for example, comes the Measurement Problem, or Schrödinger’s Cat Paradox, for example, and many other errors. We, however, knowing this, will try to use it precisely in Quantum Psychology by constructing Quantum Mental Tools. I personally am an amateur physicist myself, so I focus the problems of modern man through the lens of physics, in this case, esoPhysics. I make no secret of the fact that my own problems, including mainly health problems, determined my „discoveries” in the field of quantum physics. Consequently, they must have also led me into the territory of modern psychology, and how quantum psychology. Well, because, after all, our problems, that is, our life sculpts our character, our Soul. So, before I go further in constructing tools to help quantum psychology to improve our lives, our mental and physical well-being, let’s step back a bit and define the basic facts about man and the human psyche in general.

It is known that we are born in a physical body after fertilization with the sperm of an egg, i.e. a Zygote is formed. However, we actually become a rational human being only with the moment when our Soul, that emanation on the Measurable Level of our Spirit from the Non-Measurable Level, „flows” into the body, „embraces” the body. It seems that the brain is to some extent the „receiver” of the Soul. How is it done, where is it done? This is not known exactly. For the time being, Science is not yet very interested in explaining this. Why? Because modern Science is extremely materialistic (see: Measurable Level) and atheistic (see: one-level), and it doesn’t care, ba!, it even bothers to accentuate the Spiritual character of the World. Esotericists and occultists have and have had suspicions for centuries that the pineal gland plays a major role in this process. But these are only suspicions and it is not even that important whether they are true. What can be said for sure for today? Namely, that human consciousness is a superposition of the human Soul and its animal, physical properties of brain structures, neuronal structures that make up the physical brain. I will try to prove this in a moment. It is known that any real entity, that is, one that manifests itself on the Measurable Level. That is, a mountain, a stone, a house, a hospital, a train station, a stick, in a word, every material inanimate, but also animate object, in addition to its typically Measurable properties, such as: weight(mass), charge, also has prices typically from the Non-Measurable Level and only occurring there, such as: spin (that’s an elementary particle), energy from the Non-Measurable Level, that is, energy that cannot be measured by measuring devices. And a stone, and a stick, and a mountain, etc., has a certain energy expressed in Bovis units, which radiesthesists can determine. Or measure it? After all, that would be, in light of what I write, a paradox? And here we come to the clou of proof. Because man himself is partly a part of this Unmeasured Level, if only through his Soul. So, he doesn’t need some external measuring apparatus to record this energy on the Measurable Level. A simple pendulum is enough for him to register the subtle vibrations of his muscles as a reaction to this energy, let’s call it inner entity energy, or Prana, or Chi, or Ki, or Mana. There are a multitude of names for this type of energy, and it depends mainly on the region of the world in which such a name operates. It should be noted here that Asia has already overtaken Europe in this regard for centuries, millennia, and there, in Asia, it is no longer discussed, but considered an objective thing. Moreover, even modern neurology or cognitive science is already loudly emphasizing that the phenomenon of consciousness cannot be explained in the field of materialism and atheism, in the field of mere physical work of the brain’s neural structures. There must be something more here than mere matter. There is a qualitative leap from the level of the meta description of the neuronal workings of the brain to the level of the feeling of our consciousnesses, by me, by you, dear reader. This is what no materialistic and atheistic Science or Ideology can jump over. It turns out that Descartes” division into the Spiritual and the material (that which is animal) pertaining to the existence of man now in the light of esoPhysics is confirmed. And indeed, in the light of esoPhysics and from historical and traditional accounts, if only from the entire legacy of Esotericism, which I propose not to ignore, it appears that parents in the act of sex and love do not create a child, in the sense of a human being, but create a body for that human being. Each Soul (actually, Spirit) of this Non-Material Level cyclically incarnates, and with each act of incarnation follows a certain Path of Spiritual Development, defined for it. For what purpose? There are several opinions, but one of the more certain ones is that a person on the Measurable Level, in these cruel conditions of existence, has a cycle of life lessons (and exams!) to overcome, in order to finally reach such „perfection” as to free himself from this samsara (cycle of incarnation) and reach the level of nirvana, i.e. eternal, under the conditions of the Non-Measurable Level, happiness. Of course, no one really knows God’s intentions and how or what that would mean. The reason is that no one has returned from the Unmanifested Level and given people any testimony. But that’s what logic would dictate. Logic and Moral Laws, which, however, in spite of- I can already hear it- the protests of some people who are enervated by the life of the fauna and flora, and believe that from this point of view that only the cruel struggle for existence is important, just as among animals, which, however, these Moral Laws are quite clear to any sane person. Indeed, the laws of fauna are cruel, but animals are at a lower level of Moral development. They murder each other and inflict suffering on themselves in order to live, according to the principle: the bigger eats the smaller. However, let’s leave the cruel earth fauna. For man is on a higher Moral Level, and man is harmed in the literal sense (to his health), and figuratively (to the plight of life) by violations of Moral Laws done by him, or simply by sinning. This is perfectly reflected in the Generalized Law of Karma, presented, for example, in the theory of Dr. Eng. Jan Pajak. Which boils down to the fact that for every sin a person is responsible already in his lifetime. It was Dr. Pajak who pointed out that we, with our illnesses and quality of life, pay for our sins already in this present life of ours. I have added to this Pajak theory the concept of Ethical Implication, which explains what doing sin consists of and how it lowers our Moral Energy Level, which is the decisive factor of what kind of life we lead. I encourage you to read my publication „esoPhysics” where this is discussed in more detail. It is esoPhysics, not a book just an attempt to describe the Physics of the World, that gives credence to this cycle, called samsara, of every human being. After all, the Spirit of a person from the Unmanifested Level is, one can imagine, some form of Energy, and Energy is eternal. So, if a person fails in one life, he or she will probably have a chance to „fix”, „what he or she has broken”. Of course, this is just a guess, because Judeo-Christian religions, for example, shun the concept of samsara, believing that the Last Judgment and Divine Punishment await those „who have failed” in their lives. According to the messages and esoPhysics, we, as Spirit, choose for ourselves the body, parents and conditions, at least the initial ones, of life on Earth. Interestingly, some people emphasize and that we choose for ourselves a planet and a race of intelligent beings, where we will incarnate (for example, so claims Robert Bernatowicz). And this is very likely, for certainly life and evolution did not develop only on Earth. The Cosmos area is so vast that the races of God’s Children, such as humans, are multitudinous. And rather certainly evolution proceeds similarly on all planets, for such are the laws of Physics. The differences between the Children of God, or races of intelligent beings, are due to the technical progress achieved by these races and the progress of the Moral level they have already achieved. Thus, if we consider the progress in Moral Development, which must also accompany the progress of the species and races of Intelligent beings, then from this point of view the so-called Star Wars idea presented in the Star Wars film series can be rejected. Neither the Empire of Evil exists, nor will it arise, for with Moral progress there is accompanied by increasing responsibility and punishment for acts committed against the Moral Laws. In humans there is also this progress, but for the time being we stand, as far as the Moral level is concerned, only above animals. This is my personal reflection, but it seems to me that our Elder Brothers, the other intelligent races, are not revealing themselves to us because of this relatively weak Moral Level of ours. And remember, we also have a weak and mediocre level of civilization, our Science has a gross five hundred years of development, of course, Modern Science. On the scale of millions of years of evolution, this is not even a second. So our current concern should be, not fear of aliens, but fear of AI (Artificial Intelligence) getting out of our control, which could have disastrous consequences. Technological progress must be accompanied by Moral progress, as evidenced by our evolution, our species. It’s just that for most people, let’s admit the primitive ones, this is not yet as apparent as it should be. However, morally sick, primitive people, perhaps blinded by their strength, health and vitality, and animalism are not sufficiently aware of this.

As for quantum psychology, here we need to consider and analyze more the structure of our brains in the context that our consciousness is defined by the superposition of our Transcendence, or Soul, with our animality, which is characteristic of the structure of the brain and our evolution in this Darwinian sense. Yes our Souls, our Transcendencies „include” our bodies, but bodies are a product of evolution. And the brain, its structure and functions are a consequence of Natural Selection.

Certainly from our ancestors we inherit the body, its structure, its parameters. Beauty, musculature, bone structure, to a large extent our height. But above all, we inherit the brain. A brain that is the result of evolution from reptiles, mammals all the way to humans, and that incorporates this evolutionary path in its structure. Yes, certainly, our bodies, partly mental properties, are the result of Darwinian selection. But the interesting thing is, are our diseases also the result of our ancestry? It turns out that only about 1% of diseases are genetic in nature. Most diseases are earned by the stresses we experience, our own habits, eating habits, and neglect of the body’s physical condition. It’s true that in these unfavorable circumstances of our neglect, most often diseases awaken and develop, to which, so to speak, we have a certain tendency from our ancestors. But it is precisely the typical genetic diseases that are so relatively few, for it is Nature herself who has seen to it that for us the most attractive sexual partners, that is, those with whom we will beget our descendants, appear to be such individuals who are genetically extremely different from our own genetic pool. This is all so as not to duplicate genetic errors in our chromosome. This may seem shocking at first glance, but these are the facts. However, it does not change the fact that our parents are only the „creators” of our bodies and certain character traits (and even significant ones). However, our Souls have a pedigree of Transcendence and, in light of what is established by esoPhysics, are the work of God. Without the Soul, the physical body dies. The Soul is such a Homunculus in our brains. In the case of man, there is a superposition in the brain, or rather, his consciousness is a superposition, or in other words, an overlap, of the qualities and characteristics of the brain resulting from natural selection and evolution with the Soul of man, which is an expression of the manifestation on the Measurable Level of the Spirit of that man from the Non-Measurable Level. These traits from selection are all that is studied, brain neuroscience, cognitive science, behavioral psychology. In our brains all the time, there is a dynamic sculpting of neural structures by the turns of our own lives, our stresses and the good ones (eustress) and the bad ones (distress), our emotions and feelings. To paraphrase a well-known slogan straight from the General Theory of Relativity: our neural structures cause certain of our behavioral reactions, which in turn behaviors sculpt our neural structures, and the loop closes. But is it so completely? Well, no. Well, a deeper meaning can be found in all of this. This process, this sculpting of our brains, our behaviors and characters constitutes the Path of Spiritual Development, which is the proper purpose of our being here on Earth, here on this Measurable Level. In fact, this Path of Spiritual Development is about sculpting our Souls and our Free Will, which is an attribute of the Soul. And we will be held accountable for this whole process after the death of the physical body. We are afraid of death, everyone is afraid of death. That moment when we leave our corporeal shells, our bodies, and what will happen then? As I wrote in my earlier books, especially in „Cognitive Prosthesis,” where I presented the physical evidence of the existence of the Transcendent and Immanent God, and the whole concept of the two levels of Reality, it seems that there is nothing to be afraid of that moment of transition. Well, but where? To the Immanent Level. And while I am convinced of the validity of esoPhysics, I too am afraid of death and what happens „later”. That’s why, and this is the main reason, I discovered and developed mental Quantum Tools, and that’s why I try my best to make this mortal life easier just by using mental Quantum Tools here on the Measurable Level. Free Will, which is an attribute of the Soul, is at the same time an Elemental Force that has not been discussed and considered as such by the official mainstream of Science so far. The Elementary Force of Nature, the Source Causal Cause. On what basis do I make such a claim, what authorizes me to do so? I realized this conclusion after an in-depth logical and physical analysis of how the Two-Point Method works. The one just discovered by Dr. Bartlett. For all this to make sense, for the mathematical formalisms of Quantum, Formal Logic to agree with it, and for it to interact with the Pythagorean Principle, it must be so, because it cannot be otherwise. On top of that, I have come to formulate my own proprietary Mental Quantum Tool, which I call the Philosopher’s Stone Algorithm, and based on the fact that its operation is empirical proof of this, I can claim that Free Will is an elementary Causal Force, a Source Causal Cause, which can operate under certain conditions even on and through the Unmeasured Level. And this Free Will is at the disposal of us, specifically our Souls. Since Free Will is at the disposal of the Soul, i.e. the manifestation of Spirit on the Measurable Level, it is not surprising that the Will center in the brain operates with a certain delay than it seems it should. The cursory conclusion from this fact so far has been, this is how Science interprets it, that Free Will does not exist. And interestingly enough, this is the official, though one must admit rather awkward and widely concealed, position of neuroscience. For the sake of completeness, we can add that the official position of atheists on the interpretation of Quantum is the Everett Interpretation. It is characteristic that atheists dominate mainstream Science. They prefer to use falsehood and nonsense rather than admit the Spiritual nature of the world.

The human brain is a creation of many millions of years of evolution, from apes to humans. All of one’s abilities necessary for life at the Measurable Level are the result of evolution. All five (for simplicity of argument, let’s limit ourselves to these 5 classical senses) senses are the product of evolution and natural selection. Also memory, psyche, emotions, the general character of man. Even his intelligence. But the basic core of consciousness is the Soul. She belongs to the Transcendence, she survives the death of the body. Belief systems based on reincarnation and the wandering of souls through incarnations emphasize just that. The evidence, of course, is not there, because there is no return from there. There is only a one-way road across this Measurable Level — Non-Measurable Level barrier. Once we lose This body, there is no return to This life, in This body. And no one from there has returned in the same body. But we, knowing the mathematical formalisms of Quantum and knowing the correct form of Causality, can nevertheless establish something. So, referring to esoPhysics, I can say that it confirms, as it were, reincarnation and this tradition of the wandering of souls (samsara), and this laborious from life to life refinement on the Path of Spiritual Development. Because since the existence of God is proven and this division into two levels of reality is real, it must be so for it all to make sense. Atheists differ from Theists in that they believe there is no God, and the world makes no sense. We prove that there is a God, and the world hence has a meaning to its existence and human life also has a deep meaning. As we have already established, the brain is, this physicality and materiality of it, a product of evolution. As I have also written before, the neural structures of the brain are dynamic and change with every feeling, every emotion, every thought. This sculpts our psyche, and it influences and changes our Soul, the Transcendence within us, to finally determine how we have walked this whole life path. Moreover, our Free Will also undergoes this transformation. In the course of life, a person shapes his Free Will. And in life there is no shortage of pernicious habits, addictions, unfavorable habits, that is, those elements that lower our Free Will. And how we cope with this, such will be our „carved” Will, such will be our carved Soul. Beautiful or Hideous? Will we liberate ourselves from samsara, attain nirvana, or laboriously continue to be a participant in this life relay? What is peculiar is, memory is probably not an attribute of the Soul, because in reincarnation from body to body the Soul does not take with it the memory of past incarnations. This real memory, because it only takes with it this Karmic Memory, so that we pay with our fate for the sins of past incarnations, but we are not aware of this. Therefore, this is the main reason that people generally do not remember their past incarnations. Only hypnotic regression can lift this mystery, but this is already, this is my opinion, from the Akasha Chronicle. During hypnotic regression, we can have a glimpse of the Akasha Chronicle and get information from there. The Akasha Chronicle is otherwise known as the Divine Energy Matrix, on which are written all the events that have happened and all those that may happen. Contrary to appearances, the Akasha Chronicle confirms that the future is not determined from the Point of View of the Measurable Level. Because what can happen is not equivalent to what will definitely happen. The future is not determined, but it is not random either. Such a small paradox, but it stems from the fact that it is God, His Will, that Determines from the Unmeasurable Level what will definitely happen in the future. However, it is not predetermined. It happens on an ongoing basis, so to speak. This is because God is Immanent. I know, atheists prefer to adopt the „belief” that with each process there is a multiplication of Worlds, but „God forbid!” there is no God. Really, Dear Reader, does this seem plausible to you? They prefer to assume so, rather than believe that the World is a Conscious Design, and that God, His Will, is an indispensable part of physical processes. Atheists prefer to think this way with the intention that humans are autonomous and not dependent on anyone, on the other hand there is a question that has no satisfactory answer: Who created God? However, science itself has come to the conclusion that there is no answer to certain questions. In order not to be lip service, I will give a question of this nature that has no answer: can you give the full expansion of the number Π (the non-measurable number Pi)? Well, there is no answer to that. And if people are autonomous and independent, then they are also, according to such logic, capable of anything. And to lofty deeds and to the latest meanness.

Before I go straight to quantum psychology from the point of view of esoPhysics, let’s deal for a moment more with the resilience of our psyches. One thing is certain, since consciousness is a superposition (overlap) of the Soul with our learned and evolved (animal?) skills of the neural structure (brain hemispheres), it follows that it is possible for another person to at least destroy all these learned and evolved skills. All these „faults” of the brain have been parlayed for many years in neurology, brain physiology, cognitive science or simply psychiatry. That is, it is possible, in other words, to destroy and damage a person’s physical brain tissue. Well, after all, it is the body, and the body is just a thing, a material object, that is, impermanent. The findings of science in this regard are impressive. All the centers belonging to our senses and abilities are known and well localized. The Central Nervous System is very well understood. Both the brain itself and all the nervous systems. Their role, their importance, their diseases and dysfunctions. The connection of the Brain and nerves with the entire body, with the internal organs, is well learned. This is somewhat overshadowed by the complete lack of Science’s position in relation to the distribution of bodily energies from the Non-Measurable Level (Prana, Mana, Ki, Chi) in the meridians and Nadis of our physical „bodies.”

Science ostentatiously disposes of this issue on the grounds that it conflicts with the atheistic and single-level Interpretation of Quantum that prevails in Science today (the Copenhagen or Everett Interpretation). It is also known that the brain is cumulative in nature. That is, it accumulates everything, consistently, but precisely commutatively. It also means that there is a certain lithium of accumulation of the brain’s abilities, followed by painful overkill. This applies to: experienced stress, emotions, feelings and even just knowledge. There is a common belief that the brain has „infinite” capacity. Which, however, is not true. Not only too much stress, emotion or feeling can kill, and that in the literal sense or lead to real mental degeneration. A person can also be destroyed by an overload in this regard, that is, too much accumulation, which is done over time, in life so day by day, so god forbid. Psychologists then speak of distress, which, if it turns into chronic distress, can ruin a person, his psyche. Until recently, there was no „cure” for this, no remedy. If a person crossed a certain line in distress, he was practically finished. But now, in these days of Homo Sapiens Quantum, there are already some methods of quantum psychology, which can be called mental Quantum Tools, that can help. I, for one, do not claim that this is an absolute cure, but one can at least try to help oneself, even in those formerly hopeless cases. I myself am the creator of such a Quantum Tool, which I called, I admit, rather deliciously, the Philosopher’s Stone Algorithm. And how does it relate to the Soul, this Transcendence in us, in people? Can it also be destroyed? I answer just as our body has to do with our entire life. If someone is stubborn then he can kill, injure and even destroy someone’s psyche, after all, Free Will, his Free Will, is an elemental force. And in this way one can destroy a person, his psyche. But also, his Transcendence? This I do not know, I would bet that everything can be destroyed, but the Soul, the Transcendence probably not. It can be changed, after all, our Path of Spiritual Development is about that. I personally doubt this ultimate, such a Christian, Last Judgment, and that supposedly after the Judgment, when someone „flops” it, he is annihilated, that is, his Soul (specifically, his Spirit from the Immaterial Level) annihilated, so claims Pope Francis. I rather opt for samsara. One can only ennoble or debase the Soul, but not destroy it „physically.”

According to the traditional division, the human psyche is divided into the Subconscious and Consciousness. In the past, the division into the Superconscious was still emphasized. Such a division is the spirit of the Huna. But today it is unanimously believed that this Superconscious is part of the Subconscious, that is, processes that do not happen in a conscious way. In the work of the Subconscious, the true computing power of the brain becomes apparent. The processes of the work of the Subconscious control the hidden work of the internal organs and those mental processes that take place in parallel, non-linearly. Under these conditions, the work of the Subconscious can only be compared with the work of a quantum processor.

A quantum processor, on the other hand, is an arrangement of quantum entangled cubits, in this case bio-cubits. How is this realized in the brain? This is something that Science has not yet investigated and defined. The obstacle is to treat Quantum in terms of one-level categories, such as the Copenhagen Interpretation does, which is as of today. I can describe it in terms of the Theistic Interpretation. And according to me, there is a quantum entanglement of parts of the bio-cubits in the brain, which after this entanglement „pass through” and work on the Unmeasured Level, working there in the likeness of an ordinary, technical quantum processor. A working n-cubit quantum processor (n cubits), on the other hand, works at once on 2n computational processes. If we have 50 qubits, and they are all quantum entangled, the computing power so understood is 250 computing processes at a time. Immediately here comes to mind such a comparison that, as Leibniz emphasizes in his considerations, God at once has the ability to influence all the physical processes that happen in the World. He does it, as it were, at once. And here this reflection comes to mind, that, as the example of the quantum processor proves, similar multitasking is possible at the Non-Manifest Level, and God works mainly at the Non-Manifest Level. In these terms, let’s consider what kind of multitasking God, the Absolute, has. Let’s calculate. If the particles in the observable world are about N=280, this is only an approximation and an order of magnitude, but it is worth noting under these conditions 279 particles would be half the World!, then the number of simultaneous physical processes must be proportional to all the mathematical relations of this set of particles, that is, from Combinatorics it follows that the multitasking of God would be of the order of 2N. This is a huge number, but not the largest number known to humans. The text editor doesn’t cover this, so I’ll write in words. This number of operations at once that God operates is of the order of two to the power of two to the power of eighty. This seems unbelievable, but the example of the quantum processor shows that it is not impossible. All the more so because at the Non-Measurable Level such multitasking is possible and rather ordinary. That is, it can be concluded that our Subconscious is working under conditions of multitasking with enormous power (of course, not as enormous as God) of some (what?) set of bio-quantum processor. This work of this quantum bio-processor, which is probably the Subconscious of man, allows the brain to control almost all physical processes in which it participates, which affect it, every human being. This includes the work of almost all the cells of the body and all the sensory stimuli that man receives. And also, his entire „hidden” psyche. Man’s consciousness, on the other hand, works linearly, without multitasking, logically, and relies on what is suggested to it by the Subconscious. A conscious person can effectively be focused on practically only one activity. This is such a characteristic difference between working on the Unmeasurable Level (cubits, subconscious, Absolute) and working on the Measurable Level (Our Consciousness, ordinary work). At the Non-Measurable Level, a locality reigns, everything is interconnected, composite, there, as the mathematical formalism of Quantum shows, the physics there is wave-like, governed by composite wave functions, hence, acting directly there (quantum entanglement), we act on everything at once, according to multitasking. On the Measurable Level, on the other hand, physics is local. Consciousness acts mainly on the Measurable Level; hence it is local and lacks multitasking. The mathematical formalisms of physics at the Measurable Level are „inferior” because it is the Non-Measurable Level that is the Source Level for Source Causes. Therefore, Classical Mechanics is „inferior” to Quantum Mechanics. This is because Quantum Mechanics, Quantum’s in general, considers Source Causes from the Non-Measurable Level, which cause specific Effects, already manifested at the Measurable Level. Let us note that our Soul is from the Measurable Level, because it is a manifestation of Spirit from the Non-Measurable Level, but just manifested at the Measurable Level. Hence it is easier for us to explain why our Consciousness, which includes our Soul, is also largely from the Measurable Level. Hence the locality of consciousness and the lack of multitasking. Hence, „normally” from the Consciousness level we have no insight into the Non-Measurable Level. But under specific conditions this can be disrupted, as empirically evidenced. Actually, also the work of our Sixth Sense, that domain of the Subconscious, testifies to this. Through the Sixth Sense, or Intuition, we can have insight into this Unmeasured Level. For example, through Intuition, some people — I would argue that everyone can — can have insight into the Akasha Chronicle and derive from it the knowledge today called Esoteric.

2. the traditional view

Normally, in this decades-long history of quantum psychology, traditional meditation, heart-brain coherence meditation, visualization, affirmation, resonance of visual and auditory stimuli, etc. are considered its basic tools. What is worth noting here is that esoPhysics has a number of modifications to offer, which I will take the liberty to discuss. This will include quantum meditation, quantum coherence meditation of the heart and mind, and among others, quantum resonance of visual and auditory stimuli, etc. In all of these methods, esoPhysics proposes the use of quantum entanglement as that bond of quantumness that brings these methods to the Unmeasured Level. Of course, in traditional terms, they also took place at the Unmeasured Level, but to an intuitive degree. In this they are and were similar to the operation of the Two-Point Method, which is an intuitive application of quantum entanglement, rather than the Philosopher’s Stone Algorithm, which is already a conscious application of quantum entanglement. And just as this Two-Point Method is an Abacus to more modern mental Quantum Tools, so this traditional quantum psychology is also such an Abacus to the methods proposed by esoPhysics and modern quantum psychology.

On what is the advantage of these methods of esoPhysics over traditional methods? On what is the advantage of conscious action from intuitive action. Well, the effect may be similar, because even a blind person can succeed in finding a needle in a haystack. But you will admit, dear reader, that conscious search and action is much more effective. And, importantly, it always, like the Philosopher’s Stone Algorithm, works. For example, a needle in a haystack is easier to find with the conscious use of a magnet than by searching blindly. And this is what esoPhysics proposes.

So, let’s take a look at how such traditional meditation takes place, considering it, as it were, from the point of view of esoPhysics?

However, let me remind you at the outset that through quantum entanglement we, that is, those who apply these methods, operate, as it were, from the Non-Measurable Level, which is the Source Level for all physical processes whose Effects manifest at the Measurable Level. By the same token, we can build and model Causes at this Non-Measurable Level, which will cause beneficial, most often health-related, consequences already in the observed reality, i.e. at the Measurable Level. And, it is also worth noting what I wrote about, there at the Non-Measurable Level is multitasking, so we can model many things at once. And on the Measurable Level, for example, when we build a house, we have to put up laboriously brick by brick the whole building (it’s about one bricklayer and not a whole team). That is, then we cannot use multitasking. This is already proven empirically, because this is the principle on which the Philosopher’s Stone Algorithm, discovered and developed by me, works. Let us remember that God, the Absolute, has given us practically only one method for conscious modeling of Source Causes at the Unmeasured Level. That method is the proper use of quantum entanglement. Yes, we normally also act on the Unmeasured Level, because the two levels are interrelated, but conscious, and I emphasize conscious, that is, planned, modeling is only possible with quantum entanglement. This is probably my discovery, and I was guided to this fact (and to the concept of esoPhysics in general) by Dr. Bartlett’s experience, i.e. his Two-Point Method.

So, how do we traditionally meditate? We lie down in silence on our backs or assume some kind of meditation posture and, concentrating on our breath, we observe(mindfulness) our breath and thoughts. We continue like this for many minutes. Seemingly simplicity, but nota bene it doesn’t suit everyone, it doesn’t work for everyone. What do we achieve this way? Calming of the Central Nervous System, regulation of all the most important physiological processes of the body and psyche. In a word: sheer goodness. But this does not suit everyone, because it is so passive and just so „intuitive.” EsoPhysics proposes something more active.

But let’s consider, what quantum process is going on here? The answer, for deeper reflection is obvious, there is an entanglement here of the quantum function of the state of the Heart Field with the quantum function of the state of the mind (brain and nervous system). In this way, there is a synchronization between these fields, which is, as it turns out, of capital importance for improving the functioning of our entire body and our psyche. Perhaps there are other elements of this process that I am overlooking, then, go ahead, I will be happy to learn about these processes for my benefit.

This entanglement is intuitive in nature, but nevertheless real, because the subconscious that directs it is also of the nature of a quantum bio-computer. If a quantum bio-computer, it uses quantum entanglement, because that’s what a quantum computer is all about. You will ask: surely, after all, people have been meditating for thousands of years? And I will ask: did Gravity work thousands of years ago? If it worked, then Quantum also worked. This applies not only to meditation, but also to magic, which has been with people for thousands of years. She too, probably relied on the intuitive application of the laws of Quantum.

If we already know roughly what meditation (the traditional one) is all about, let’s try to improve it as much as possible. And this is called Modern Heart-Mind Quantum Coherence Meditation. All we have to do is to consciously use the power of the Elemental Force, which is our Free Will, and make the quantum entanglement of the Heart Field with the Mind Field with the coherence of this quantum entanglement, so that the whole process „does not escape” us from the Unmeasured Level.

I know, I know, some will immediately protest, because these are not all types of meditation. After all, there are meditations with the repetition of the syllable „Om” or another word given to us by the guru, there are other types of meditations and there are hundreds of them. But, when you analyze all these types of meditations in this way, you come to similar conclusions as I did. Therefore, I ask you, dear reader, analyze, as a homework assignment, other types of meditations in terms of the quantum entanglement of the components of these meditations. I assure you, you will come to interesting discoveries that will certainly enrich your Quantum Tools workshop.

Meditation with repetition of miracle syllables (OM) is similar to affirmation, and I will try to discuss it further when I write about affirmation as one of those effective quantum tools that modern quantum psychology uses willingly.

These different types of meditation in the course of the development of our civilizations have arisen a multitude, and it is impossible to stop them all. But just this example, which I will present here, can serve as a model and pattern.

So lie on your back or adopt a meditative posture. Calm chillout or wellness type music, or solfeggio frequencies, can flow in the background. Ideally, we should not be disturbed by anyone for those few tens of minutes, but, here’s an interesting fact, theoretically with a well-executed meditation of this type it always comes out, it always works, just as the Philosopher’s Stone Algorithm always works. Why will it always work? Because it is a conscious use of quantum laws and the Elementary Force of Nature, which is the Free Will of man. That is to say, it is a conscious use of the laws of physics, specifically esoPhysics. When you turn on the light in a lamp in a room, you always expect the same effect. And here similarly.

Modern quantum meditation of the coherence of the Heart Field with the Mind Field.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Start breathing consciously, apply mindfulness. Focus on your main chakras for a while.

[Incant in thought or in a whisper].

By the power of my Free Will, I am now performing the quantum entanglement of the Field of My Heart with the Field of My Mind.

{You are actually entangling the quantum state function, the quantum function of the Heart Field with the state function of the Mind. These functions are wave functions from the Unmeasured Level. That doesn’t mean you’re dealing with a wave, it’s just that physics from the point of the Unmeasurable Level is wave. You can see here that the corpuscular-wave duality is not that once we have a particle (for example, an electron) and once we have a wave, it is just that once its (this electron) physics is classical (from the Measurable Level) and the other time its physics is wave (from the Non-Measurable Level).

[Incantate on].

By the power of my Free Will, I place this quantum entanglement in the space of the Field of My Heart.

{that’s where you can maintain the coherence of this quantum entanglement in the maximum way, which is when you operate through the Unmeasurable Level [Dr. Kinslow’s discovery].

Observe yourself (mindfulness). How your body and your psyche will behave. You will observe a marked improvement in every aspect of your body and psyche functioning. You will become calmer, more relaxed.

{When first applying this type of meditation with active quantum entanglement and placing this process in the heart field, some sensations may occur. You may sense a distinct activity of the heart chakra, the heart area, maybe a slight pain, maybe tightness. This is a rather normal reaction. If you have any fears and get overly anxious, then stop, do not use such meditations, but I can assure you that with such a strategy, then you will not achieve anything and soon you will be afraid to even leave the house. In general, life is „harmful” and therefore you need to take responsibility and some risks with life into your own hands, do not blame anyone for your mistakes. But I can assure you, this discomfort around the Heart Field after a few séances itself „passes”}.

When you consider that the meditation has been completed. After a few tens of minutes.


By the power of My Free Will, I am now decohering this quantum entanglement of the Heart Field with the Mind Field.

{It is rather advantageous to make the completion of the formal screening}.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

This is kind of my composition of the Heart-Mind Coherence Meditation, but I encourage each conscious reader to make his own suggestions. If you actively accede to the suggestions for the „exercises” I serve here, and compose them for yourself, you will gain much more benefit from reading this book. You’ll gain self-confidence, causal power and the conviction that on your own, without help, you can deal with problems, your own problems. Certainly, you will not shun mistakes and errors, but that’s what it’s all about. To paraphrase Churchill’s words … do not give up, from defeat to defeat, final to victory …

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