drukowana A5
Let it be Rasism@

Bezpłatny fragment - Let it be Rasism@

19 str.
za 1.58
drukowana A5
za 9.54


„People are more than happy to let other people suffer for the sake of feeling better for themselves” M.Bill

When Barack Obama became President of the USA, one could feel that something had changed. The conviction of the superiority of whites over other races is gone. But is that for sure? Are political and social changes, inequalities, and other problems not the opposite? After all, Donald Trump's anti-immigration policy is aimed at no one else but the Mexicans. And these often have a slightly different skin tone.

Since the dawn of time, man has used his neighbor in every possible way. Although much is said about humanism and the achievements of civilization, this one has not been changed for thousands of years. Echnaton had slaves, who filled the newly built city with them. They died working to their last strength. One could say that it was this Pharaoh who invented the first special variety of an open concentration camp.

They were killed because they belonged to a race, a nation, a sexual minority. One can get the impression that if all these sick ideas were realized, there would be only one ideal human species and form on earth. But that’s complete bullshit. We know perfectly well that it was nature that changed our skin colour and facial features, adapting us to live in different conditions. So this is just proof of the perfect adaptation. But that would contradict what some people want to believe.


„Who is blue, who is red, who is black.” M.Bill

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za 1.58
drukowana A5
za 9.54