You don’t necessarily need to follow the advice posted here, but it is worth to read them and think about them by yourself calmly, to make even more use of them. Choose the ones that are useful to you and introduce them into your life.
General advice
The first thing you should learn is the ability to deal with stress. Running a business is usually associated with exposure to high stress. You are the boss and you manage everything. You bear all the burden and responsibility for all important decisions you make. Don’t be discouraged by this! Keep reading!
Despite many advices as to what you should do in the company, it is up to you to make the final decision. Have your own opinion, but always consider different options and choose the best one. Your idea will not always be the best. Deal with it. You will not be the best in everything.
When something goes against your plan, it gets out of hand, the first thing you should do is stay calm (really). The worst thing you can do in this situation is to react to this situation. Try to bring everything back under control. Situations like this happen and will continue to happen. Treat them as an interesting experience from which you get knowledge for the future, not to make the same mistakes. Be bigger than your problems and fight. Usually, every problem brings an opportunity. Learn to see such occasions and use them skilfully.
Surround yourself with people who have knowledge in what you do, who are passionate about it, they can help you develop the enterprise and people you get along with because good communication is the foundation on which the company is based.
Business ideas alone are worth very little. If you want to start a business and become successful with it, you need to solve meaningful problems. Execution is everything in business.
Becoming successful in business is more about your mentality, psychology and determination than it is about finding little tips, tricks, hacks and exploitations in the marketplace.
Sometimes we should be able to accept that we can fail, but don’t break it down. Be persistent. Pursue your goals and treat your failure as a good lesson for the future. It is perseverance that distinguishes people who have failed to achieve goals from successful people who have achieved their goals and are happy.
Making important decisions usually involves risks that must be accepted because we are not always able to predict everything, prepare for everything. Take into consideration different possible variants and act in order to reduce unwanted losses. By risking, we are able to gain a lot, but also lose a lot. So choose wisely and remember that the world belongs to the brave ones.
Be flexible because nothing stands still. Everything changes, so your plans may not match the most recent situation that is taking place. Be prepared to introduce various changes, to make corrections.
Follow your passion. There are two schools — one of them speaks to take care of what is profitable and to earn a living, after which, if you make a proper amount, you will be able to rest, you will have time to develop your own interests. There is also a second school that says to do what you love to do and find the right way to turn it into business and that others are willing to pay for the activity (of course, nobody will pay for eating pizza and drinking beer, don’t fool yourself, though who knows …). The second version (more motivating) appeals to me because acting with passion, with enormous motivation, we don’t feel as if we were working, and at the same time doing something for someone, we have the opportunity to further develop ourselves and explore our passions. Ultimately, it’s your decision which way you will go. Choose wisely, but first think what’s the most important thing for you in life. My advice is this: if you want to persevere then follow your passion.
Start today. The only true way to learn is by doing and you can’t afford to sit around waiting for funding, hoping someone else will come along to help you execute on your idea or complain that you don’t have the time. Making excuses won’t help you start a business and it sure as hell won’t help you create the lifestyle you want for yourself.
Launch before you feel ready. If you wait until your product or service feels perfect, someone else will already be doing a better job of helping your customers solve their problems. Validate your business idea by launching fast, bringing on a small group of paying customers and adapting to make your solution great for them over time.
Each of us has the same amount of time each day. It is only up to us how we use this time. Time is your most valuable resource. Don’t just exchange it for money. Don’t let other people lose it. Be aware that no one will ever give your time back to you. It is irreversible.
Start with the most important projects that will bring the most to your life.
If you are able to do something that can be done in 5 minutes, do it immediately! The awareness of the existence of this task will not torment you, and what’s more, after doing such a simple task, you gain motivation for bigger and more complicated tasks.
No matter how much you work, there will always be something to do and there will always be someone who works more than you.
Always carry a notebook with you! Write down all thoughts and ideas and come back to them later. You can not remember it without it. Thanks to the notebook, you are able to free your mind from the thoughts that are there, so you can think more efficiently and more clearly.
Never stop building meaningful relationships with customers and other people in your industry. Choosing to instead view competitors as potential partners and collaborators can positively impact your business in a big way.
Say „no” to things that don’t bring you closer to your goal. Use it also in the case of toxic people who only discourage you, lose your energy, bring you into a bad mood.
Focus on your skills, on your passion.
Get up early in the morning. Most people get up a little later, thanks to this you will have silence and you will be able to use this time only for yourself. Start every morning early and good.
Quick advice for entrepreneurs
1.Be better prepared than anyone else. You increase your chances of being noticed and you are stronger than your potential competition.
2. Infect all those with whom you have contact with your enthusiasm.
3.In the case of cooperation with other people for the first time, make an effort to make this acquaintance turned into friendship. Leave a good impression and don’t burn bridges behind you. Don’t get rid of possible good cooperation opportunities with the other side.
4.When people around you are depressed, comfort them and if possible, be an inspiration for them and motivate them to take action.
5.Always focus on possible solutions, not on the problem itself.
6.Don’t limit yourself to your beliefs.
7.Learn to refuse. It is not always the terms of a contract that will suit you. Negotiate or refuse.
8.Remember that negotiations are based on the fact that as a last resort each side wins.
9.Ideas alone are worth very little if they are not backed up by action.
10.If you want to run your business, then it must be the answer to a problem.
11.Don’t start a business if it is not the thing you love and in which you are good. Chasing money does not help much.
12.In terms of business success, your psyche, perseverance and determination play an extremely important role.
13. Finding excuses will certainly not help you set up your own business, let alone create your dream lifestyle.
14. If you are still delaying from presenting your product to the world, if you have an internal compulsion to make this product perfect, then you may be disappointed, because by the time it meets your expectations, someone else will start doing that what you intend to do.
15. Order things that you don’t feel confident about. Thanks to this you will save a lot of time, which you can successfully use by doing things you know.
16. Do everything you can to avoid unnecessary spending of money when setting up your own business. Spend money only when it is absolutely necessary, otherwise use your cunning and intelligence.
18. If you want to build a huge enterprise at once, then forget about it, because it takes time. Instead, don’t give up and focus on the next step — performing tasks and achieving short-term goals.
19. If your eyes are wide open and you question what others take for granted, you will eventually see a problem you say to yourself: „hmm, I believe I can do it much better”, „I see many things here that it should be improved „and at that moment a business idea is born in your head! Just do something better that already exists and what will be of value to other people!