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Bezpłatny fragment - For the TOUGH TIMES

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The Contains

My name is Maria Siecińska

I was eager to help in the kitchen since I can remember. Cooking is my passion and something I want to share with you. This is why I decided to show it on my YouTube channel -Gotuj z Maszką.

Despite the fact that you can access most of my recipes there, I have written this cookbook having „the tough times” in mind. You may stumble upon some recipes you have never seen before.

All you need is easily accessible ingredients you can find in your nearest store!

Cooking is a wonderful activity!

Greetings, Maria Siecińska

The Tough Times

As we all can probably notice, the tough times are starting again. But what exactly are „the tough times”?

We live in a reality of constantly changing prices and salaries. The economy is unstable and unfavorable. We often find ourselves paying attention to the prices of basic necessities — such as bread — and notice how much higher they have become because of inflation. I believe that is the reason you are currently reading this — to prepare yourself „just in case”. This is why I have made this book just for you.

You will find 32 amazing recipes for different kinds of bread, pastry and more, using the most basic of ingredients. Remember to always be stocked up on:

— flour

— yeast (fresh or powdered)

— regular or powdered sugar

— salt and optionally other seasonings

Those ingredients guarantee you will be able to recreate of most of the recipes included — and even come up with something yourself!

How To Make Sourdough?

You will need:

— 240g of rye flour (type 2000)

— 240ml of warm water

— 1 1l jar (scalded)

— a wooden spoon

You can make sourdough at home using some rye flour. The process takes about 5 days — you need to add ingredients each day at the same time.

DAY 1 — In the evening (about 8PM), pour 60g of flour and 60ml of water into the jar. Stir with a wooden spoon, then cover everything with a clean cloth and leave it in a warm place.

DAY 2 — When it is 8PM again, add another 60g of flour and 60ml of water. Stir, then cover the jar with a cloth and put it aside.

DAY 3 — Repeat the previous step.

DAY 4 — Stir everything at 8AM, cover it with a cloth and leave it for another 12 hours, then repeat the previous step.

DAY 5 — The sourdough should be ready around afternoon. It should have a sour smell and thick, sour cream-like consistency. It should be left in a fridge and have flour and warm water added about once a week.

Sourdough Bread


— 200g of wheat flour (type 650)

— 300g of rye flour (type 720)

— 3 tablespoons of sourdough

— 350ml of warm water

— 1 teaspoon of salt

— some oat flakes to sprinkle on top


Put the wheat flour in a bowl, add the sourdough and salt. Pour the warm water into the bowl and mix everything together.

Put some baking paper on a baking tray (11x31,5cm). Put the dough in it and even out the top with a spoon. Sprinkle some oat flakes on top and cover the tray with a clean cloth. Put it aside for about 5 hours.

Preheat an oven to 190 degrees Celsius (top and bottom, with air flow) Bake for about 45 minutes.

This kind of delicious bread cannot be bought in any store.


Bread In a Jar


— 650g of flour (450 type)

— 400ml of warm water

— 10g of dried yeast

— 1 tablespoon of sugar

— 1 teaspoon of salt

— 3 tablespoons of oil

— 1 tablespoon of black seeds

— 1 tablespoon of flaxseed

— 1 tablespoon of chia seeds

You may add other kinds of seeds based on your liking.


Pour the warm water into a bowl, add the yeast and sugar. Combine those ingredients together, then put them aside for 15 minutes. Prepare a second bowl, then pour the flour into it. Add the seeds and salt. Combine the contains of both bowls. When that is done, add the oil and mix with your hand until the dough becomes smooth.

Put it on a worktop, then divide into 8 parts, form balls of dough. Prepare the jars — not just any kind. The tops of the jars cannot be narrowed. Grease the inside of them with some oil. Put each ball of dough in its own jar and press them against the bottom.

Preheat an oven to 100 degrees Celsius, turn it off, then put the jars in it for about 30 minutes for the dough to rise.

When that is done, turn the oven on again and set the temperature on 200 degrees Celsius. Bake for 45 minutes. Then, quickly put the lids on the jars, preheat the oven to 130 degrees and bake the jars for another 15 minutes. When that passes, turn the jars upside down. Leave them to cool off.

1 batch of dough should be enough for 8 jars.


Spoon-mixed Bread


— 1kg of flour (type 450)

— 1l of warm water

— 50g of fresh yeast

— 1,5 tablespoons of salt

— 1 tablespoon of sugar

— 4 tablespoons of flaxseed

— 4 tablespoons of chia seeds

— 4 tablespoons of oil


Crumble up the yeast and put it in a bowl alongside with 200ml of warm water and stir until the yeast dissolves. Put it aside for 10 minutes.

Put the flour, salt, flaxseed and chia seeds in another bowl. Combine the dry ingredients, then mix the contains of both bowls alongside with 800ml of water. When the dough becomes slightly sticky, add 4 tablespoons of oil of your choice and mix for another moment.

Prepare a heat resistant dish and put some baking paper in it. Put the dough in the dish, alter the shape of it with a spoon. Sprinkle some pumpkin seeds on top.

Put everything aside for about 10 minutes. When that is done, put it in an oven and set the temperature on 180 degrees Celsius (top and bottom, with air flow). Bake for 60 minutes.

A small dish filled with water may be left at the bottom of the oven for better results. When the bread is done, let it cool off before cutting.


No-rise Bread


— 300g of wheat flour (450 type)

— 350g of spelt flour (630 type)

— 350g of wholegrain flour

— 10g of yeast

— 1l of warm water

— 1 tablespoon of sugar

— 1,5 tablespoons of salt

— 1 cup of oat flakes

— 1 cup of sunflower seeds

— 4 tablespoons of oil/olive oil


Prepare 1l of warm water. Crumble the yeast up and put it in a bowl, add 100ml of water and mix until the yeast dissolves. Put it aside for some time.

Put the flours, salt, oat flakes and sunflower seeds in a bigger bowl, combine them together, then add the contains of the first bowl and mix thoroughly with a spoon. Add 4 tablespoons of oil of your choice, stir with a spoon. When all that is done, put the dough in 2 bread trays. Remember to put some baking paper in them beforehand.

Put the trays in an oven, then set the temperature on 180 degrees Celsius and bake for 1 hour. When that is done, let the bread cool off, then cover it with a cloth.

PS: Since I’ve been using this recipe, I haven’t bought a single loaf of bread from a store!


No Flour Or Yeast Bread


— 400g of oat flakes

— 500ml of kefir or buttermilk

— 100g of sunflower seeds

— 3 tablespoons of flaxseed

— 3 tablespoons of chia seeds

— 1 tablespoon of salt

— 1 teaspoon of baking soda

You may add some other seeds of your liking


Pour the buttermilk or kefir into a bowl, add 1 teaspoon of baking soda and combine them together. Put the bowl aside for 10 minutes. Mix the oat flakes, sunflower seeds, flaxseed, chia seeds and salt in another bowl.

Combine the contains of both bowls. Prepare a small bread tray and cover the bottom of it with a baking paper. Put the dough in it.

Preheat an oven to 180 degrees Celsius (top and bottom). Bake the bread for 50 minutes.


Homemade Bread Like Grandma Used To Make


— 350g of wheat flour (450 type)

— 250ml of warm water

— 1 teaspoon of sugar

— 7g of dried yeast

— 3 tablespoons of oil/olive oil


First of all, put the yeast and 100ml of warm water in a bowl. Mix them together and put the bowl aside for 15 minutes.

Put the flour, salt and sugar in a big bowl. Mix, then add the contains of the first bowl and combine them together using your hands. When a ball of dough is formed, cover it with a cloth and put the bowl aside for an hour. When that is done, form a loaf and put it in a heat resistant dish. Cover it with a cloth and put it aside for another 30 minutes.

Preheat an oven to 250 degrees Celsius. When you put the dough in the oven, turn the temperature down to 200 degrees. Bake for 40 minutes.

If you want your bread to be especially crispy, put a dish with 100ml of water at the bottom of the oven.


Rye Bread


— 250g of rye flour (720 type)

— 250g of wholegrain flour (1850 type)

— 500g of wheat flour (550 type)

— 25g of fresh yeast or 7g of dried yeast

— 750ml of warm water

— 1,5 teaspoons of salt

— 1 teaspoon of sugar

— 3 tablespoons of oil/olive oil


Pour 750ml of water into a bowl and dissolve the yeast in it. Add salt and sugar, then combine everything together and put it aside.

Take another bowl and mix all your flours in it, then add them to the first bowl. Combine everything together. Add 3 tablespoons of oil of your choice and stir the dough for about 3 minutes. Cover the bowl with a cloth and put it aside for an hour.

When all that is done, divide the dough into 2 parts and form 2 loafs. Put them on a baking dray and make some shallow cuts in them. Sprinkle some flour on top and cover the dough with a cloth.

Preheat an oven to 250 degrees Celsius, turn the temperature down to 200 degrees and bake the bread for about 40 minutes.


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