drukowana A5
First kiss

Bezpłatny fragment - First kiss

Love is one of the strongest feelings in the whole world.

118 str.
za 31.5
drukowana A5
za 47.1

Paragraph: There is only one love, but is it really what you give me?

1 New school

Warsaw 1995

Iza! Although Mom made delicious pancakes! My younger sister Cornelia calls. It was my first day at school, so I decided to prepare well for it, I wore a white shirt, a black skirt and black high heels, I let my hair down and straightened it with a straightener to make it look nice on this special day, which was the beginning of the school year.

I looked at the time, it was 8:15, so I still had some time for myself, it started at 9:00, so I still had some time to eat breakfast, my mother was already gone, she probably left early in the morning for work.

I took my bag and headed towards school. The school was close to my house, about 600 m so I wasn’t far, I quickly sent a text message to Nel and went in, closed the door and headed towards the school where the commencement was to take place, after 40 minutes I arrived at the place, I quickly entered middle of the school building and I was looking around for the room where the commencement was to take place, suddenly I heard the sound of a microphone and I ran towards it as fast as I could, thinking that I would still make it before the principal started speech, and I was right, I had time, at the last moment before she started talking, I sat down on the nearest chair next to my best friend Nel, Nel and I had known each other practically since childhood and we went everywhere together, she was my only friend whom I trusted above all else, I hugged her hello and I said:

“Second breakfast, honey,” said Mom.

“Oh, yes, thank you, mom,” Iza replied.

“And don’t forget to come home on time, I have a very important meeting at work today,” Mom said.

— Of course, Mom. — Iza replied politely.

„You’re the same, Cornelia, and take care of your sister,” my mother said to my younger sister.

“Okay, Mom,” Cornelia said.

When we left, we waved goodbye to our mother and headed towards school. While walking, I was thinking in silence about passing this year’s high school leaving exam with an A and finally being able to go to work, to finally become independent, but I didn’t know that this year I would meet someone with whom I would want to share the rest of my life.

Ten minutes later…

After ten minutes we reached school, we were lucky that our mother enrolled us in the local school in our town, so we could save some money by not spending on bus tickets. When we entered school, undressed our jackets and hung them on the hanger in the cloakroom, I prayed that no one would steal our jackets, because we had completely new ones, worn once, I had my first lesson in the biology room, so I wasn’t too concerned. terrified, because I had no problem with biology, the teacher introduced me to the class:

— Dear students, this is your new friend Iza — said Mr. Baner.

— Hey! My name is Iza — I replied to the greeting Iza.

The whole class replied at the same time: — Welcome to our class, Izabella! said the Disciples.

The teacher handed me the textbook and I gave him my sheet to sign.

“There you go, you have a seat, sit down,” Mr. Bender said.

Today, we will focus on mitosis, divide the onion molecules into individual phases of mitosis and the group that completes this task first will win the golden onion, the teacher continued.

— Hi! „My name is Iza,” I replied.

And then our eyes met, he looked at me with curiosity, I followed the teacher’s advice and obediently took a seat at the desk, I sat next to a boy with black hair and blue eyes, he looked quite nice, but he didn’t say anything, I decided to take the first step and introduce myself first, the boy looked at me and said:

“Nice to meet you, my name is Jim Wiza,” said the boy.

“Nice to meet you, Jim,” Iza replied.

I decided to continue our conversation.

— How long have you been coming here? — I asked Iza.

“Almost two years,” Jim said.

“Oh, that’s a long time,” Iza replied.

“Yes, it’s true that we moved here from Arizona not long ago because my parents were divorced and I wanted to stay with my mom,” Jim said.

— I see. I’m sorry, Jim, I said.

„It’s nothing, actually I’m an adult now so it’s time to just get my life together,” Jim said.

„Would you like me to show you the rest of the school?” asked Jim.

— Bright! If it’s not a problem for you, I would be very grateful, Iza replied.

“You go first,” Jim said.

“Okay,” Iza replied.

“It’s Prophase,” Iza replied.

— Can I check? asked Jim.

Jim looked through the microscope, surprised and replied — Prophase — Jim.

“I told you so,” Iza replied.

„Why don’t you live with your dad too?” asked Jim.

Slightly confused, I had to think about how to answer this question:

“Eh, it’s complicated,” Iza replied.

“I’ll try to understand,” Jim said.

— Eh. My father left us about 7 years ago, when I was still a child, he doesn’t keep in touch with me or my younger sister, he is simply not in our lives, because my mother told me that he has his own relationship with another woman — Iza replied.

“Oh, I see, I’m sorry,” Jim said.

— Nothing happened, it just happens sometimes, but I have nothing to complain about, because our mother tries her best to make sure that my sister and I don’t miss anything, sometimes she works late — Iza added.

„I see, maybe I could drop by and we could go to the movies one day or something,” Jim added.

— Sure, why not, it’s not a stupid idea — Iza replied.

“We’ll get to know each other a little better, too,” Jim added.

„If you don’t mind, of course,” Jim added.

„Of course I don’t,” Iza replied.

— Great, maybe on the weekend? asked Jim.

— Sure, tell me what time — I asked Iza.

— Okay, let’s focus on the lesson and finish it by the bell — I said.

“Right,” Jim agreed.

We spent the rest of the lesson in silence, when the bell rang, I packed my notebooks and textbook with a pencil case, Jacob was not far from me.

— I see, but I was going to ask what you think about the local girls from our school — Iza asked curiously.

“Hmm… I’ll say you surprised me a little with that question,” Jim replied.

— Why? It’s nothing terrible, hehe — Iza joked.

Well, no girl has ever dared to ask me that question, Jim said.

“I understand,” Iza replied.

— So how? — I continued the conversation Iza.

“Let me tell you, I don’t like fancy dolls,” Jim said.

— Oh, we have one at Caroline’s school — Iza replied.

„I know, and that’s why I turned down her offer to be together,” Jim said.

„Ow, really?” — I asked Iza in disbelief.

“Yes,” Jim replied.

„But you seem different from the rest of the girls at this school,” Jim added.

“Oh, thank you,” Iza replied, surprised.

„You even intrigue me, maybe you could let me get to know you better,” Jim said.

— If you want, no problem, maybe I’ll give you my number — I said.

“I’d be very grateful,” Jim added.

I quickly looked up my number in my phone and entered it, using the name Iza in the boy’s phone.

Once I wrote down the number on his phone, I obediently gave it to him:

“You’re welcome,” I said.

“Great, thank you Iza,” Jim said.

— No problem, when I write something I usually have my phone with me — I said.

„Okay, you have a lot of lessons today,

„Jim asked. “Five more,” I said.

„I could walk you home if you don’t mind,” Jim continued.

— Of course not, I’ll be very happy — Iza added.

— Great, wait for me in the locker room after school, okay — said Jim.

“Okay,” Iza added.

“See you later,” Jim said.

“See you later, Jim,” Iza replied.

„I have to go to my next lesson, I’ll wait outside the school for you after,” Jim said.

As soon as Jim turned and walked towards the room where he had his last lesson, I hurried towards the room where I had my next lesson.

When I entered the teacher’s room, it was not yet, I was lucky, I hurriedly took my place at the desk next to my best friend Nel and took out my notebook and exercise book, as soon as I was ready, Nel started asking me about the conversation with Jim.

— And how did it go? — Nel asked.

“Okay, after school Jacob offered to walk me home,” Iza replied.

— Really?? — Nel was surprised.

“Yes,” Iza replied, full of hope.

“Well, then you must answer everything to me,” said Nel.

„Maybe 4 p.m. if that suits you,” Jim said.

— Sure, maybe I don’t leave the house much anyway — Iza added.

“Well, you will from now on,” Jim continued.

“See you then,” I said to Iza.

“See you later, Iza,” Jim replied.

With a tender voice And at that moment Jim kissed me.

“Geez… Jim,” I said to Iza.

— What is it about? asked Jim.

“You surprised me with that kiss,” I said to Iza.

— But, you’re not mad at me for this, are you? asked Jim.

— No, no, just a little surprised, next week, if you don’t mind, I’ll introduce you to my best friend — I said with a question in my voice.

“Sure, no problem, honey,” Jim said.

Two Weeks Later… Two weeks passed and the day came when I was supposed to introduce Jim to my friend Nel, we met at eleven o’clock near the park, of course Jim went with me because he also wanted to meet my friends. After all, we were a couple and he had every right to do so, and since he was one class above me, I felt a little sad knowing that soon we would only see each other on our free time, when he was going to work. However, I was positive about our future because it looked promising. After classes, I went to the locker room and taking my jacket and the rest of my things, I marched towards the house, where my younger sister and my mother were waiting for me.

The whole way I was thinking about Jim and what he told me, it was still hard for me to believe that a girl like me had a chance with a guy like him, maybe he actually didn’t like refined girls from rich houses who bragged about how much money they had. they don’t have it and how beautiful they are, even though they lack intelligence… I have thanked God more than once that I may not be a goddess of beauty, but I am smart and well-organized enough that one day there will be that one person who doesn’t it will depend on beauty and I will spend a few nights.

Jim was just one of those guys who wanted a girlfriend, not a cheap one-night-stand hooker like they used to say in my grandparents” time, I was so lost in thought that I didn’t even notice the unknown man watching me intently. and as soon as I turned my head towards him, he stopped looking at me as if he was following me, although I told myself that I was probably tired after the whole day and I must have just imagined something, so I dropped the topic. a stranger watching me for a later time, but I had no idea that this was to be the beginning of the horror in which I actually found myself. I called Nel and Jacob to meet them at the same place, of course Jacob arrived first, got out of the car and hugged me warmly.

“Hi, honey,” Jim said.

“Hey, honey,” Iza replied tenderly.

“How are you doing today,” I asked Jim.

“Okay,” Iza replied.

— Did something happen? You seem a little worried, Jim said.

“It’s nothing,” I said to Iza.

— Definitely?? — Jim asked.

— I’ll tell you later, calmly — Iza said.

“Okay,” Jim replied.

“I’ll call you when I get back from talking to my boss,” Jim said.

— Well, I’ll make dinner sometime, Iza said.

“Okay honey, I love you, see you later,” Jim said.

“I love you too,” I said.

Click! Connection completed.

I just hoped that the stranger had stopped looking at me, because it was very strange, the guy I saw for the first time was closely watching my every single move, I even started to wonder if he wasn’t handicapped to some extent, because everyone, people I knew never did that before, I went to the nearest store to do some shopping before I went home, not really wondering if the stranger was still standing where he was and still looking at me staring or not, I took the cart and started wandering around the store looking for the products I was going to buy for tonight’s dinner, it took me about 15 minutes to find everything, but finally, after checking the list again, making sure I had everything, I went to the side of the cash register, behind which an elderly red-haired woman was sitting, I quickly put the purchases on the conveyor belt and went to the end of the line so as not to block the aisle for others, having paid by card, I packed all the necessary things into bags and I took the shopping cart back to the place, and when I left, I said, „Goodbye,” and I headed home, walking alone, thinking about the recent events of the week and wondering what the two of them had in common.

10 minutes later…

When I entered the first floor where I lived, in the block of flats together with my mother and sister, I noticed that the door to the house was slightly ajar… without thinking much, I climbed one step higher so as not to be noticed in case of If a stranger left the apartment, I quickly picked up the phone and called the police, but I didn’t have to wait long for the call, the officer answered after two rings:

“Community police, I’m listening,” said the Chief of Police.

- Good morning, Iza Gruz, I'm calling here because the door to the apartment is open, and when I went to the store, I know I closed it - Iza said in a nervous voice.

— Was there anyone else in the house besides you before you left? - asked the Chief of Police.

- No, but some unknown man has been watching me for some time - I said to Iza.

- I understand, I'm sending a patrol to the site, please do not enter the house until the police arrive - said the police chief.

“Of course, hurry up,” Iza said in a nervous voice.

While waiting for the police to arrive, I was becoming more and more nervous, not knowing who and how could have entered my apartment or what they could be looking for there, because I was neither rich nor did I have anything valuable in my house that anyone would have a reason to be there. I was looking for something, I prayed to myself that it was just some sick joke on the part of the local kids, but I didn’t know that the real nightmare was just about to begin.

2. Emergency situation

After an hour, a police car was already in front of our block, I knew it would be quite a scandal, because the local neighbors were very curious and liked to gossip about everything that was happening with a given person, so I knew that it would not be about our family either..

— Good morning, lady! — said the policeman.

“Good evening,” Iza replied politely.

— So tell me calmly what happened? — asked the policeman.

— When I entered the house, I noticed the strangely open door, I immediately decided to notify you because I was afraid for my life — Iza replied.

— And rightly so, you shouldn’t stay at home alone, especially since the burglar may be hiding somewhere inside — said the policeman.

— I can’t think of any place where I could stay at the moment, apart from my boyfriend’s house — Iza said politely.

— Oh, very good, that’s great, does your partner live far away? — asked the police chief.

“A few houses from my street,” Iza replied politely.

— Great! So it would be good if you stayed with him for a while, for your own safety, of course we will keep an eye on your house, but that’s all, for further action we have to wait a while until we find some traces of the burglar — said the policeman.

— Of course, officer! — Iza replied politely.

— That’s all from our side, if something happens, please call, and it would be best if you didn’t stay home alone that night — said the policeman.

“Of course, I’ll call my boyfriend soon, he’ll come here and ask him to stay,” I said to Iza.

“Very well, then have a nice evening, goodbye,” said the policemen.

When they left quickly, I took the phone in my hand and immediately called Jim to let him know about the situation. After 3 rings, Jim answered:

— Hello?? Jim said on the other end.

— Hello, honey, it’s me — Iza said. — Iza??

Did something happen? asked Jim.

“Yes, the police were here,”

Iza whispered, still shocked.

— Police??!!, But why? What happened??? — Jim asked.

— Someone has been watching me for a long time, recently I saw a suspicious man, he followed me to my house, when I tried to talk to him, he just ran away — I told Iza.

“Why didn’t you tell me about it right away,” Jim continued nervously.

— I didn’t want to worry you, you already have enough on your mind, and I thought it was just my guess — said Iza.

"Honey, you have to tell me when something happens, remember, I love you and I'm worried about you, I can't imagine what I would do if something happened to you," Jim continued.

— I know, I should have told you about it right away, I’m sorry, I wanted to check first if someone was actually bothering me — said Iza in a tearful voice.

— Okay, calm down, I don’t blame you for this, but please tell me if something happens, I’ll come to you today and stay the night, I hope your mother won’t strangle me, we’ll also talk to her about this topic,” Jim said.

— It’s better not to upset her for now, she works night shifts anyway, so additional stress could only harm her — said Iza.

„Okay, well, we’ll leave this between us for now, but I will come to your place every evening and stay, in which case I will pack some things for everyday use so that I have them at the place,” Jim said.

— Really, thank you, honey, for doing this for me — said Iza.

— You’re my girlfriend, I would never leave you in such a situation, you would do the same for me, actually — said Jim.

“That's right, you know me too well,” I said to Iza.

“Throughout,” Jim added jokingly.

Maybe 5 seconds of silence passed...

“Okay, so I'll be there in an hour,” Jim said.

- Okay, honey, I'll wait - said Iza.

“I love you,” I said to Iza.

„I love you too, honey, I love you more than anything,” Jim said.

“See you later, honey,” I said.

“Wait for me, Iza,” Jim said.

Conversation ended

When Jim hung up, I grabbed some of my clothes, closed the window and went to take a shower in the bathroom, I wanted to freshen up after a long day before Jacob came, I went into the bathroom, closed the door and entered the shower, drops of water flowed down my body, washing them away. I lost my whole day today, which was not that easy to digest, suddenly I heard:


I quickly turned off the water and got out of the shower, not sure if someone was walking around the house, I didn’t leave the bathroom, I took the phone and quickly called Jim, I didn’t have to wait long for the call. Jim answered after one ring:

“Hello Iza,” Jim said.

“Jim, there's probably someone at home, I heard a crash,” Iza said, terrified.

— Oh shit! I’m already near your fence, I’m climbing inside, where are you? asked Jim, terrified.

“In the bathroom, in the shower upstairs,” I said, scared.

“Don't come out until I call you,” Jim said.

“Okay, honey,” I replied, still shaking with fear.

While waiting for Jim to check every room in the house, I quickly toweled off, put on my pajamas, brushed my teeth and dried my hair, about 5 minutes later there was a knock on the door.


I jumped on the spot and with a little fear I asked:

— Who, who’s there? — I asked Iza, scared.

“It's me, Jim, honey, let me in,” Jim said.

I quickly turned the lock on the door.


—Jim!! - I shouted Iza.

“I'm here,” Jim said.

— And how? — I asked Iza nervously.

“Not a soul in sight, maybe you thought,” Jim said.

— Honey, do you think I’m crazy?! — I asked Iza nervously.

„No, I didn’t think so, maybe you just dreamed something,” Jim said.

I looked at him in surprise, then took a moment to process what Jim had just said.

— If I had dreamed it, I would certainly have told you about it on the phone when we were talking! - Iza said furiously.

„Oh honey, I didn’t mean to say it that way, I’m sorry, don’t be mad at me,” Jim said in a pleading voice.

As I walked to the room in just a towel, I could see Jim’s longing look out of the corner of my eye, and I knew that he, too, was missing the days when we had more time to go out together or spent time together in my bed under a blanket with pizza and a strawberry shake.

No wonder we hadn’t seen each other much since I went to work, but I had an idea how to make up for lost time with Jim.

“Honey,” Iza said to Jim.

- Yes, little mouse? asked Jim.

- Maybe we should watch a movie, cuddle and sin a little, I feel like you - I said in a longing voice - Iza.

„That’s actually a good idea, we both need some time to relax,” Jim agreed.

- Yes, it should be good for us, do you want something to drink, honey, because I'm going to the kitchen - I said.

“You can bring me a Coke if there's any,” Jim said.

- Sure, no problem, honey - Iza replied.

As I walked downstairs, I kept thinking about the strange voices in the house today, as if someone was watching me, but who could be desperate enough to want to hurt me?

I don’t know anyone like that, and I don’t have any enemies who would wish me harm, except for Caroline, but we graduated from school about six months ago, so what reason would she have to hurt me, unless… it’s not about me at all, it’s about Jim!

— Oh shit! — I said to Iza.

— What happened?? asked Jim.

“Now I realize that maybe it’s all about you, not me,” Iza said with fear in my voice.

— Why do you think it’s about me? — Jim asked surprised.

— Remember how jealous Caroline was of you for choosing me to be your girlfriend over her? - I asked Iza.

— Yeah, I remember, but what does that have to do with anything? — Jim asked surprised.

— Exactly a lot, she may be taking revenge on me now for being with me and want to get rid of me to get closer to you — I said.

— Iza, can you hear yourself? asked Jim.

— I know what it looks like, but look, she’s been trying to do everything for a long time just to humiliate me in front of you, so that you’ll break up with me, can’t you really see that, Jim? — I asked worried Iza.

“Maybe you're right,” Jim confirmed.

— A little??, Jim, I know that’s the case, I know her better than you — Iza said with full conviction in my voice.

“Okay, I'm sorry, Iza,” Jim said.

“Okay, Jim, but more than that, don't do something like that secretly behind my back,” Iza said firmly.

„I promise you, honey, I won’t do it again,” Jim said in a sad voice.

— Let’s enjoy each other’s presence better, it will be the best thing we can do together at this moment — Iza said.

“You're right,” Jim said.

Jim started kissing me tenderly and touching my body, I melted under his paralyzing touch.

“…Jim,” Iza whispered quietly.

— Yes? — Jim interrupted for a moment.

“I love you,” Iza said in a tender voice.

— I love you too, Iza, more than anything in the world — said Jim.

We spent a wonderful night together, I couldn't believe that this was my life, I felt so happy, especially as the years flew by and I knew that each year it would get better and better.

We both worked, so we could afford most of the pleasures, but for one reason I wasn't satisfied, I felt that Jim wasn't telling me everything, but I didn't want to pressure him so that he wouldn't get discouraged, and besides, we had been together for a year, there was no what to worry about.

We loved each other, nothing could have separated us so easily, Jim wasn’t the type of guy who changed his mind from one day to the next, I just had to be calm and patient and surely everything would slowly work out, I lay down in bed next to Jim, covered him with I covered myself with the blanket and snuggled into him, closed my eyes and fell asleep behind him, and said to him tenderly:

“I love you, Jim, very much,” Iza said.

"I love you too, my dear, you are the greatest happiness that has ever happened to me," Jim said.

After these words, relaxing completely, I slowly fell into a deep sleep, before I fell asleep completely, I thought in my mind what our life would look like in two years, I dreamed of starting a family and being close to Jim forever, slowly the tiredness gave in. to know about myself, I said after a while:

— hmm… I don’t know, maybe, I’m already tired, I work 12 hours a day — I said.

“Maybe it would be good if you rest a little, I think a little rest won’t hurt you, especially since you hardly have any time for yourself,” said Sister Charlotte.

— Maybe you’re right, Charlotte, I’ll take a little nap, Iza said, yawning.

“Goodnight, sister, I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything,” Charlotte said.

“Okay, goodnight Charlotte,” I said to Iza.

Charlotte left, closing the door behind her, I lay there for a while, thinking about the mysterious figure I saw outside the window, I had no doubt that it was a man and quite a few years older than me.

Before I fell asleep, I got up to close the window, I didn't want a stranger to come into my room at night, he would kidnap me or, God forbid, rape me.

I didn't want to admit these thoughts, but one after the other they kept circulating in my head, giving me no peace, and finally, after the shock I felt, I pulled myself together and said;

— I’ll call Jim, he’d better stay with me for the night, I don’t want to stay here alone tonight — Iza said, still scared.

— I think it’s a good idea, especially since this guy may still be around here, I shouldn’t be left alone tonight, I’ll call Jacob — said Charlotte.

- To Jacob? - Iza was surprised.

“Oh yeah, he's been my boyfriend for weeks,” Charlotte said.

“I didn't know you had a boyfriend,” Iza said, surprised.

“Because I didn't say anything, and I don't know anything, Mom, because I haven't had time to tell her yet,” Charlotte said.

“Maybe don't tell her anything for now, wait until she's sure about it,” I said to Iza.

“Okay, you're right, she might get mad,” Charlotte said.

“Not so much to piss us off, she would probably even ground us for a month,” I said to Iza.

— Well, it’s true, I wouldn’t want to sit in my room, I’d be bored to death — said Charlotte.

“Then you'd better not upset your mother,” I said to sister Iza.

— No, I will, don’t worry, Iza — said Charlotte.

— You know that mom has her reasons for dissatisfaction — Iza said stoutly.

— I know, I know, Iza, calm down, everything will be fine, you better focus on the fact that Jim is coming to your place tonight, too — said Charlotte.

— Jim! Oh yes, I completely forgot about him, that he’s staying at my place tonight too — Iza whispered, angry at myself.

"You'd better get ready, what time is Jim coming?" - Charlotte asked.

“At eight o'clock,” Iza replied.

„Well, I’d advise you to hurry up, you have maybe thirty minutes left,” Charlotte said.

— What??? — I asked surprised Iza.

I quickly checked the time on my phone and was stunned, Charlotte was right, I had thirty minutes to get everything ready before Jim arrived.

- Charlotte, why did you talk to me? I don't have much time to sort everything out before Jim comes, Iza said, devastated.

"Don't worry, I'll help you, everything will be sorted out on time," Charlotte said.

- Really?? - I asked surprised Iza.

"Of course, you're my sister, you would do the same for me," Charlotte said.

“Gosh, thank you very much, dear sister,” Iza said with tears in her eyes.

“Come on, come on, you'll smudge your makeup and you look beautiful, it would be a shame to have to repaint everything,” said Charlotte.

- You are loved, dear sister, I don't know how I can repay you - said Iza.

“Don't worry, we'll think of something,” Charlotte said with a smile on her face.

At that moment Jim entered the room and immediately greeted us as soon as he noticed us:

— Hello, honey!, hello Charlotte! said Jim.

— Hi Jim! said Charlotte.

— Hey, honey! — I greeted Iza tenderly, kissing Jim on the cheek.

— I didn’t have time to prepare for us this evening, forgive me, Charlotte and I were just about to do it — Iza said sadly.

„It’s okay, I’ll be happy to help you make it go more smoothly,” Jim said.

— But you really don’t have to, we’ll manage, honey, you just rest — Iza said in a concerned voice.

— Are you sure? - Jim asked.

“Yes,” Iza and Charlotte said at the same time.

„Okay, if you think so,” Jim said.

Jim lay down on my bed to get some rest and Charlotte and I went downstairs to the kitchen to talk quietly, when we got to the kitchen I closed the door to give us some privacy and got to the point:

— So tell me, what is he like? — I asked my sister Iza.

„He’s so sweet and manly, I can’t tell you exactly, but he’s different from all those other kids in our year,” Charlotte said.

— So I take it he’s older than you, right? — I asked my sister Iza questioningly.

“Maybe a little,” Charlotte said, embarrassed.

— Geez… Charlotte, please don’t be stupid, otherwise my mother will kill us both — Iza said with concern in my voice.

"Don't be afraid, I know, I'm not planning anything for now, if that's what you mean," Charlotte said, embarrassed.

“I hope so,” Iza said.

“Iza, remember that I would also like to have children with you someday,” Jim said.

“I know, honey,” Iza replied.

The thought of having children with Jim and starting a family warmed my heart. I was very lucky that fate gave me such a wonderful boy like Jim.

I was really lucky to be his girlfriend, the only thing I was curious about was that Caroline suddenly stopped bothering us and finally left us alone.

It was hard for us to live with the constant harassment of the two of us.

I hoped that we would finally start living as we planned, without the constant misfortunes that happened to us, because it was our chance to live a normal, peaceful and happy life together.

Jim was my whole world, he was the man with whom I would spend the rest of my life growing old and having all the happy moments, but this was only the beginning, the real nightmare was just about to begin.

3. Riwalka

The next day, when I woke up, I knew that I was going to have a nice day, although it looked very promising, that when I went back to school, the problems with Caroline would return, although I really wanted to avoid meeting her, I knew that it was impossible. .

So I mustered up the courage to prepare for post-secondary school, where, as I found out, Caroline was also going to attend, the very thought of it made me feel sick and I wanted to lash out at her.

I would accept anyone who would go there except her, an understanding and empty doll from a rich home who could do anything to bring down anyone who stood in the way of her fame, she walked up to me with a confident step and greeted me with a malicious smile.: :

— Part of it, peasant! Caroline said maliciously.

— Well, some of the plastic — I said as loudly as I could to the entire school, Iza.

— Don't think that Jim will be with you forever, he will finally understand that he only loves me and I am the one he deserves! Caroline said with a mean tone in her voice.

— You know what I’ll tell you? I feel sorry for you, are you under the illusion that Jim will leave me after we get engaged and come to you like a dog to a bitch? — I asked Iza with a question.

— Yes, because I deserve him more than you! Caroline continued fiercely.

— Oh Caroline, it would be good if you would stop daydreaming and come down to earth, Jim will never be yours! — Iza said firmly.

„We’ll see,” Caroline said with conviction and turned her back and walked away in the opposite direction.

— Damn wimp! — Iza thought to myself.

I turned around and went in the opposite direction to my Italian lesson, in room one twenty.

When I got to the room, all the students were already sitting on their desks, I quickly took my place next to Nel and took out my Italian notebook. Nel, who was sitting next to me, asked in a low voice:

— Where were you? - Nel asked surprised.

— Aaah… it’s too bad to say it, you nasty female dog — Iza said, still a little nervous.

„Let me guess, her again, Caroline?” — Nel asked confidently.

— Who else would it be?! — Iza replied reluctantly.

“I want to take Jim away from me,” Iza said, dejected.

— Iza, do you really think she can do it? After all, her IQ is not as good as yours, said Nel.

— Maybe you’re right, but even though I’m engaged to Jim, I’m afraid that she might succeed, said Iza in a dejected voice.

„Jim is not the type of guy that after such a long time that you have been together, he would suddenly fly to another woman overnight, and certainly not to Caroline, she is not his type,” Nel continued.

“Let's hope you're right,” Iza said.

— I don’t know what I would do if Jim abandoned me overnight, I would probably break down completely — said Iza.

— Don’t worry, it will never happen, you love each other, and when two people really feel something for each other, they don’t break up overnight — says Nel.

— Maybe you’re right, it’s good to have a friend like you, Nel — said Iza with gratitude in her voice.

“And both of you, Iza,” Nel replied, grabbing my hand under the desk.

"Now, let's focus on the lesson before Mrs. Ashley gives us the attention," Nel said.

“You're right,” Iza said.

We sat through the rest of class in silence when the bell rang and I started packing my things and hurried towards the door.

I was glad that all I had left was PE and geometry, I wanted to be home as soon as possible so I could rest and cuddle with Jim, now I wanted nothing more than to be able to cuddle up to him and forget about the unpleasant day and Caroline, who was constantly trying to compete with me for Jim.

I decided that a movie, wine and dinner would be good for us, especially since Jim would also come back from work tired and would also need my attention, so I decided to prepare a relaxing mood with a romantic background, Jim liked it when it was just the two of us, and I couldn't can't deny that it was one of my most favorite moments in the world with him.

My mother had the night shift once again, so we could enjoy each other as much as we wanted, I just hoped that nothing unpleasant would happen to me in the coming time, because there was no shortage of such moments in my life.

The next day, when I came back from school, I took off my shoes and hung my jacket on the hanger at the entrance to the house and went upstairs to my room, when I entered it, I put my backpack at the desk, turned my back to the bed and sat on it to get some sleep. to rest.

I lay there for probably 30 minutes when I suddenly became aware that I was not alone in the house.

I suddenly heard a knocking sound downstairs in the kitchen, when I went to check what it was, I noticed a shadow of an unknown man in the dark, he was obviously looking for something because he was so focused on his search that he didn't even notice my arrival, after five minutes that seemed like an eternity I asked a stranger a question:

— Who are you? What… what are you doing in my house? — I asked terrified Iza.

The stranger noticed me and ran away through the door, which turned out to be open, I was surprised because my mother always locks it, and I never left the door open either.

I ran after him, hoping that I would still be able to catch up with him, but it was dark and it was difficult for me to determine in which direction, the unknown man ran away.

Resigned, I returned home and immediately called Jim to inform him about the recent situation that had occurred at my house, after three rings Jim finally answered:


— Hello? — Jim said in a sleepy voice on the phone.

“Jim, honey, it’s Iza,” I said nervously.

— Did something happen? "You don't usually call like that in the middle of the night for no reason, my dear," Jim said.

— Yes, it happened, this guy was here again — Iza said with conviction in my voice.

Jim jumped to his feet as if he had been punched in the face.

— What?! When? — Jim asked nervously.

“A moment ago,” Iza said.

— Are you okay? Did he do something to you? „Jim asked worriedly.

— No, I’m fine, I’m fine, luckily he ran away when he saw me, but he was obviously looking for something because he was searching the shelves and cabinets — Iza said in a slightly calmer voice.

— Don’t leave the house, I’ll be there soon! — announce Jim.

— Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere today, only to the store, I need to buy a few things for tomorrow’s dinner and sandwiches — I said calmly.

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