drukowana A5
Demiurge’s secret

Bezpłatny fragment - Demiurge’s secret

Part I

143 str.
za 31.5
drukowana A5
za 55.59

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© Anna Zofia Wójcik, 2023


Nothing is as it seems.

Through your visions, you create your


Open yourself to shifting your


That’s the first step towards freedom.

Amidst fiction, you will find the Truth.

In lieu of a preface

You see, the problem is that your human language is impoverished. Your telepathic communication ability has been withheld, and you struggle to forge emotional connections as well. How can we illuminate the mysteries that pique your curiosity when the precise words are absent from your lexicon?

Numerous messages are conveyed to address your inquiries and elucidate the realm of energy. However, owing to the limitations of your language, these transmissions are often misinterpreted. At times, the messengers employ symbolism or metaphors, which you may misconstrue as literal. Consequently, the true essence of the message is frequently distorted, and deliberate misrepresentations can arise.

Imagine that the word „tree” does not exist in your mind. You’ve never seen a tree in your life, yet you want me to describe a land covered in forests. How am I supposed to explain to you what a tree is? If I tell you that a tree is an energetic being, clad in matter, a being that thinks, feels, and energetically communicates with other creatures, which manifests in various colours, different shades of green, brown, and black, and in autumn, most of them change colours to yellow, orange, red — what will you envision? Probably everything but a tree.

That’s precisely the essence when it comes to the truthfulness and accuracy of messages. Messages can be visually depicted, but if there are entities in the picture that you are unfamiliar with, how can they be explained to you using your language?

Energosphere. Two-level perception of reality

— Tell me about energetic spheres.

— Each person lives within their own energetic sphere. An energetic sphere is formed from beliefs, convictions, paradigms, learned and assimilated knowledge, experiences, traumas, fears, and so on. You all live within one shared, virtual reality that you decode through your senses, each of you in your unique way (there are also various factors at play) and, in addition, everyone remains within their own energetic sphere. Overlaying this is the omnipresent energy of the Universe, which can also be tapped into by synchronizing one’s sphere with the Universe. While being in the same room or residing and working in the same sphere with others, you can enter or become drawn into their energetic sphere. Let’s call it an energosphere.

— How do you recognize being in your own or someone else’s energosphere?

— Constant dwelling within one’s own energetic sphere is optimal and healthy for every individual, yet it is generally not possible at all times.

To achieve this, a person must be attentive and always maintain awareness, through observation, of being in one’s own reality. You should view the external, surrounding world as if you were watching a movie, observing what unfolds without becoming emotionally or mentally entangled in the plot.

— Is emotional involvement about approaching witnessed situations in an emotional way?

— Yes. But I’m not telling you to disconnect from your emotions. You should feel the emotion, acknowledge it, and let it go. Let it dissipate into the ether, especially if it’s a so-called „negative” emotion. Don’t jump into its energy, don’t let it overpower you. Consciously and attentively label the emotion, for example: Right now, I’m feeling anger. And observe that anger within yourself. Don’t get absorbed by it, it will pass. Generate two levels in your perception: on the first one, there is your emotion, which you have named, and on the other level — you as the observer. With this mindfulness and awareness within yourself, no negative feelings will draw you into their game. Sticking to such a two-level perception, you will know when to let go and release the emotion, or when to use it, for example, for self-defense. Because it’s important to remember that all feelings given to you serve an informational purpose, but often they’re so-called false alarms triggered by egregores, ego, parasites.

— What about mental involvement?

— There is nothing wrong with thinking about a situation, a person, a movie or an article that you have read. But most often, it takes away your valuable energy. For instance, you watch the news on TV which, as usual, generates a lot of negative energy. And you think about what you saw and heard there. Why? It takes away your energy (TV news is an energetic vampire) and enters your energosphere, residing within it, thus robbing you of a portion of your sphere. That’s when you cease to be independent.

— And how is our energosphere affected by other people?

— Let’s say you come to work. You’re in a great mood, with joy in your heart, and your colleague, with whom you share the room, is in a lousy mood, feeling upset and dejected — that’s his energosphere. The moment you sense his energy, the so-called ambiance that radiates from him, the atmosphere, it affects you — you enter his sphere, or rather, you allow yourself to be drawn into his energosphere. Alternatively, you can simply observe his behavior and mood, with the awareness as if you were watching a movie, while still maintaining joy in your heart. It’s a matter of your choice, you choose whether you want to stay in your own sphere, or whether you want to lose your independence and be dragged into someone else’s sphere.

It’s the same when it comes to verbal aggression, with another person’s anger. When you encounter someone who’s agitated, you must be aware that it’s their energosphere, observe them as if you were watching an actor on a theater stage. And during that observation remain within yourself, in your own private sphere.

— What about empathy?

— You can still feel empathy and remain in your own sphere. When you let yourself get pulled into someone else’s sphere, that’s when we’re no longer talking about empathy, but about becoming a victim. You can still empathize with the feelings and emotions of the other person, guided by your emotional intelligence, and remain in your undisturbed, peaceful, loving and joyful energosphere. And the key word here is „understand”; you understand the feelings of the other person but you don’t feel them, because the moment you start feeling what the other person feels, you step into their sphere, their energosphere.

— This is selfishness.

— No, this isn’t selfishness. You can only help another person when they themselves want it and only when you are within your own sphere. Otherwise, it’s not help, it’s sacrifice. Why should you sacrifice your energy for someone else? They don’t need it — although, unfortunately, it often happens that they think they do. People who seek help from others like to complain, lament and talk about how sad and unfortunate their life is, and how many problems they have. Such individuals are energetic vampires. Of course, unconsciously. And I want to emphasize the fact that each of you at different stages of life is a vampire, because that’s how the energy world operates. It’s a constant, invisible struggle for energy. You haven’t been taught where to source this energy from, but don’t seek it from each other.

— So, where do you find this energy?

— In the Universe! Energy in the Universe is inexhaustible, infinite, and you have unlimited, continuous access to it. Just think about it and feel how divine, life-giving energy flows to you through the top of your head. You can also stand on the ground and feel how the energy enters through your feet and travels upward your body. This energy is everywhere, it’s for you, and you can use it anytime and anywhere.

— It’s not what the doctors say.

— Of course not! Why would they? You humans are meant to be obedient, submissive, with a constant sense of energy deficiency, so that those who have assumed the right to govern you can manipulate and exploit you. Thanks to the infinite energy of the Universe, you can heal yourselves, energize yourselves; through this energy, the process of connecting with the Soul becomes easier, deeper and seamless. Because this energy is the Soul’s home. The Soul comes from there. But the rulers don’t want you to have a connection with the Soul. A person with high, healthy energy, in a constant contact with the Soul, won’t be a slave, won’t allow to be enslaved. Such an individual will be free and independent, guided by the voice of the Soul, rather than by government regulations, societal norms, or toxic generic beliefs.

— Let’s get back to the energosphere. What’s its connection to shaping your future and creating your reality?

— From the center of your energosphere, you can organize your life and design your future. You are the center. When you radiate calmness, self-assurance, balance, love and joy, others sense that and, on a conscious level, they feel genuine respect and liking for you. Additionally, if all the energy is within you, meaning in the center of your sphere, your energetics become potent, strong. From your center, fueled by the power of energy, you can create your reality. Your energy is then concentrated, affirmations or visualizations carry a greater manifesting power. Your energy focused in the center of the energosphere acts like a magnet for positive, favorable situations in your life; you attract the right people and circumstances. Besides, by staying constantly in the power of your center, you’re shielded from various types of negative energetic influences.

— I think it’s hard to stay in the center of your energosphere. I’d probably have to live on a desert island.

— Not necessarily. Even living on a desert island, you’d still be susceptible to various influences that could throw you off balance: you can feel hunger or stomachache, it might be raining or a bird drops something on your head. To stay within your energetic center, you need to maintain a state of homeostasis and inner equilibrium.

— How do I do that?

— Get enough sleep, always be well-fed, avoid what makes you feel uncomfortable, like crowds, noisy places, certain individuals. Practice the hygiene of thoughts and emotions. Just take care of yourself, prioritize your well-being.

— What poses a threat to our energosphere?

— I mentioned before: other people, including various types of egregores.


— Egregores?

— Yes. Egregores are energetic entities created by people themselves, which feed on their energy. While parasites are small energetic creatures flying around in space seeking potential hosts, egregores are giants summoned into existence by humans. They exist wherever large groups of people gather and focus their attention. Examples of egregores include politics, religions, entertainment or news programs, art and culture, sports, Olympic games, competitions, collective protests, and many more. Imagine you’re attending a protest, participating in it. You don’t even need to shout out various slogans like other participants; it’s enough that you’re there. In that case, the protest egregore engulfs you, your energetic sphere practically ceases to exist, it’s dominated by the egregore. You no longer think independently, you don’t emanate power from your center — you’re simply not present. Energetically, you merge into one with the remaining participants of the protest. An analogous phenomenon occurs at football matches or in temples when dozens of believers pray to the same deity. The same happens in cinemas or theaters. The entire attention of the audience is engrossed by a movie, fictional events captured on the reel. In such moments, a person loses mindfulness, their entire consciousness and attention get hijacked by the egregore. Egregores feed not so much on human energy as on human consciousness. The individual consciousness of people contributing to the creation of an egregore (for instance, a protest) is overtaken by it. People lose the power of their energosphere and awareness to the egregore they brought into existence. It’s not enough for everyone to go home after the protest. The egregore won’t cease to exist then; it has taken residence in their consciousness and will remain there for many days when the protest ends. Simply talking about the protest, contemplating it, and re-experiencing the events is more than enough. An egregore is like a cancer in human consciousness. Consequently, humans forfeit their autonomy and the liberty of their consciousness, as the latter becomes commandeered by the egregore. This means living in captivity.

How to practice two-level perception

— How to practice self-observation, two-level perception, in order to stay within one’s own energosphere?

— Try this exercise: sit comfortably in a place that you consider safe and ask yourself: What am I feeling right now? Pay attention to your body’s position. Feel how your buttocks, back or legs touch the surface beneath you. Focus on your entire body, scanning it with your awareness piece by piece, from your feet to your head. Check for any muscle tension, pain or discomfort. Later in the day, perform this exercise in different situations, like washing dishes or brushing your teeth. Again, ask yourself: What am I doing right now, what am I feeling? You can also inquire: What’s happening right now? And with this thought, engage in those activities, observing yourself brushing your teeth or doing the dishes. Don’t become the one doing the dishes; be the one observing. Let your mind not wander off to unknown places, pondering hundreds of different things. Bring your mind back to you, discipline it, let it focus solely on doing the dishes or brushing your teeth, while you watch yourself performing those actions. You can also imagine that you’re playing in a movie, you’re on the movie set, you’re an actor, and at the same time you’re watching yourself as you perform your part.

You can set a ringtone on your phone or an alarm to go off, for example, every three hours, to give you a sign. And then, check what you’re doing, what’s happening, what you’re feeling at the given moment. With practice, this will become a habit. You can also apply this method in social situations where you’re surrounded by other people: at work, while shopping, at a bus stop, at a party. Look at everything around you as if you were watching a movie. When you engage with other people, observe yourself, your reactions, behavior, what you say; watch your body, your posture, whether you’re slouching or standing upright.

Practicing two-level perception is as slipping beneath the surface of reality. You’ll exist between two worlds: the world governed by the automaton of the mind and the world of attentive consciousness. As a result, your mindfulness and awareness will expand and grow day by day. You’ll see, know, and feel more than before.

On parasites

— And what about parasites? Once you mentioned that they don’t like emotions with „high vibrations”.

— Yes, but that’s only one of two kinds. The second one consists of parasites for which it’s indifferent whether the emotions are „low” or „high” in terms of vibration. They go wherever they sense a significant energetic and emotional shift, whether it’s positive or negative. They’re present when two people argue fiercely, and they’re present when two people are in love. For them, lovers are excellent nourishment. By the way, the polarization of emotions, dividing them into good — bad, positive — negative, high-vibrational — low-vibrational, that’s just a human invention. In the realm of energy, there’s no such division. Here, everything is energy. There’s no judging, hence there’s no polarization. Everything simply Is.

— I had a vision once. From a single trunk grew two branches: good and evil, meaning goodness and wickedness share the same roots, originating from the same source.

— Exactly. That’s why some of you say there’s no good or evil. These terms exist subjectively, not objectively. Everything that is, comes from the same source. Events unfold — and it’s you, humans, who assign meaning to them. Emotions resonate — you give them meaning, and so on.

— What about when one person kills another? That’s an evil, wicked, negative deed.

— Punishing killers originated from the assumption that the human species is inherently evil, and to prevent humans from committing crimes and killing each other, there must be the fear of punishment. But punishment truly means nothing. If someone is meant to kill, they will. The fear of punishment won’t stop them. Each individual comes to Earth to play their part. Punishment holds no significance here. Returning to polarization: in the realm of energy, there’s no hierarchy, no valuing, no judging — these are human labels, concepts you’ve bestowed upon the world. Often, what is „evil” for one person is „good” for another. Let’s take an example: a crisis occurs, and a small business owner goes bankrupt. Because of the bankruptcy, he can’t pay the mortgage, so the bank seizes his home. The entrepreneur — bankrupt, moves out, and the sheriff auctions the house. The house is purchased at a very attractive price by a real estate trader. The trader sells the purchased house at a substantial profit. Is the fact that the small business owner loses his home positive or negative? Is the fact that the trader buys and solds the house at a profit positive or negative? For the entrepreneur, this is a tragedy. But for the trader, it’s good luck. It might also turn out that the loss of home and business marks the beginning of a new, happy, different path in life for the entrepreneur.

— Okay. But you didn’t answer my question about the scenario when one person kills another; you started talking about punishment.

— I did answer. Everyone comes to Earth to play their part. You must understand that, indirectly, you create such events for yourselves as a collective consciousness. From the perspective of the energy world, you as humanity are One. When you think and speak negatively about others, about yourselves, it doesn’t just disappear; thus generated energy, like a hungry vulture, flies around and eventually lands on you or on other people. You’re cooking up such fate for yourselves. Imagine how the world would look, how people would live, if all of you collectively started thinking positively about yourselves and others, if you began practicing the hygiene of thoughts and didn’t allow yourselves to be drawn into negative, hateful, and contemptuous thoughts. You have the power to shape your world with your thoughts. It’s very easy, yet at the same time, very difficult for you to grasp.

— Alright, going back to parasites. A while ago, you mentioned that people tend to demonize tchem.

— Yes. Parasites are very obedient and weak beings. Merely yelling at them or stomping your foot is enough for them to flee. But they will come back again anyway. There’s no need to be afraid of parasites. They are energetic vampires, and you can’t permanently escape from them; you must keep shooing them away. However, they’re not as terrifying as they’re portrayed in your religions, iconography and mass culture. They’re more like tiny mongrels than dangerous guard dogs.

— So, how did this portrayal of them come about in culture?

— This portrayal and the entire narrative that surrounds parasites have been orchestrated deliberately, purposely introduced into your consciousness, thus infiltrating your subconscious and collective unconscious. All to instill fear within you. It’s one of the ways of manipulation. In truth, humans are far more powerful than energetic vampires, but by introducing certain symbolism and iconography into your energetic sphere, your resilience and power have subsequently diminished.

— Is there any way to protect oneself from parasites?

— Not entirely, they have always been and are still going to be around. Certainly, staying within your energy sphere as much as possible will be helpful. By remaining conscious, you won’t be an easy target for parasites. Additionally, you can cleanse yourself of them, but you need to do it every day. Unfortunately, very few of the individuals engaged in healing or assisting on an energetic-spiritual level are aware of this and remember how to do this (and to do this daily).

— How can a person cleanse oneself from parasites?

— The easiest way is to do it in the shower. When you take an evening shower before goint to sleep, imagine that you’re rinsing off all the energetic attachments, parasites and energetic impurities from other people. Do it with intention, for example: „Now I’m cleansing myself from parasites”. Envision the water flowing off you as dirty, contaminated. Rinse yourself with water for as long as you feel appropriate.

— People who work with energy and with the energy of others on a daily basis should also remember about such cleansing.

— Absolutely! But sadly, they don’t. They don’t apply energetic safety measures and, instead of helping others, they spread energetic impurities onto their clients. That’s why many healers, many individuals working with energy, become tired and drained of energy after the years, and start getting sick. Such people in particular should remember about cleansing, about closing energetic spaces around themselves. They should do this after working with each customer. Unfortunately, very few healers practice energetic „occupational health and safety” measures.

Good and Evil. Levels of consciousness

— I’d like to ask about the issue of good and evil. You’ve mentioned that good and evil exist subjectively. I disagree with such an approach because it leads to a new age-style moral relativism which is morally wrong. There must be some code of human good and moral conduct.

— Yes, but I was talking about the roots of Good and Evil. This is at the highest possible level, at the highest „tier” of consciousness. You, humans, don’t have a chance to reach that dimension in your human bodies on Earth, and that dimension doesn’t need to concern you. It’s not necessary for your earthly life.

— Could you discuss these tiers in relation to good and evil?

— At the highest of possible levels is the tier of energy, unpolarized energy, from which both good and evil originate, brightness — darkness, all kinds of duality. This is the level of the Absolute. Your Soul has access to it when it leaves the body.

— And can one get there through meditation?

— Yes and no. One can get there, but generally, humans cannot enter such a state of consciousness during meditation. There are several such individuals, but the vast majority who meditate remain at a lower tier. The lower one is your earthly tier, dual in nature. At this level, you are aware of the existence of good and evil and you follow these guidelines in your life. This one is perfect for your earthly existence. Below, there is the tier of moral relativism, meaning there’s no moral code based on the system of good and evil. It’s up to the individual to decide what is good and what is bad. If something is convenient and considered good in their view, they do it, regardless of whether it harms others, causing evil to emerge. This approach is typical of children and followers of Satanism. Unfortunately, many people unconsciously cultivate this way of thinking in their lives.

— But earlier you provided an example of a small business owner and a trader.

— That example aimed to illustrate how you, humans, categorize certain events. How you assign meaning and emotional charge to them. Notice that in this example, no one harmed anyone. Good and evil manifest in actions. Evil arises when you intentionally harm someone. There’s only one fundamental law in the Universe: Do not harm and do not allow harm. You don’t need anything more: no commandments, no rules, no additional laws or moral codes. It’s enough for you to guide your earthly journey by this one law, that’s all you need.

Mind Hygiene. Karma

— You’ve mentioned several times about mind hygiene. How is it applied?

— First and foremost, you must understand that your brain is both a transmitter and a receiver. Through your brain, you pick up thoughts flying around in the energetic sphere, which are not necessarily yours. Often, thoughts are suggested to you by parasites and egregores. Frequently, these are exactly the same phrases that parents, teachers and other adults used when you were a child. Often, they’re echoes of your childhood past. You need to realize one thing: you are not your thoughts. All the negative, judgmental, slanderous, gossiping thoughts aren’t you. Thoughts like: I must, I should, that’s not proper, what are people going to say, I’m not allowed — these aren’t you. To catch and stop these thoughts, you need awareness. You must be conscious and attentive to avoid being swept away by the hurricane of thoughts that aren’t truly yours. Again, you must employ the two-level perception technique I mentioned when discussing the energy sphere. Create two tiers of perception in your consciousness: on one, there are thoughts that aren’t yours, and on the other, there is you as the observer. Simply watch your thoughts, even if they aren’t yours. Don’t let them catch you, pull you in, consume you. Be aware that you aren’t the one thinking those thoughts; they’ve just entered your head and are trying to settle in.

— Is it enough to just observe those thoughts? Some of them can be quite persistent and annoying.

— With such thoughts, you need to be firm, just like with parasites, and simply kick them out of your head. Tell them: go away, I don’t need you, I don’t want you. You can imagine those thoughts as a black cloud that’s flying out of your head. Sometimes you need to apply a substitute thought to your mind, for example, if you’re thinking: everything is pointless, the weather is awful again. First, you realize that those thoughts aren’t yours, then you tell them to leave, and in their place, you apply a contrary thought: everything is as it should be, everything is falling into place.

— But it’s like feeding yourself lies.

— So what? Why shouldn’t you feed yourself a statement that will improve your mood and drive away negative thoughts? How do you know that this statement isn’t true? This sentence is as true as it gets, because everything that happens in your life is meant for you, it’s a lesson. Remember that it’s you, humans, who give meaning and polarity to events.

— And how does the hygiene of thoughts relate to the collective unconscious?

— Thoughts are primarily energy circulating in the universe. By thinking negatively and poorly about yourself, others, and events, you amplify these energies. They grow and multiply, flying over your heads like annoying mosquitoes. When you stop feeding these thoughts with your energy, they stop growing, they stop reproducing. When such a thought enters your mind and you don’t give it attention, it dies. It won’t receive energy, so it will cease to exist, dissipate. The thought already in your head might either settle in or die from lack of nourishment. Here lies a fundamental difference between parasites and thoughts. A parasite will move on, seeking its host, while a thought will vanish. Often, thoughts are creations of parasites and, as „derivative” beings, are mortal. That’s why thought hygiene is important. If you nurture and feed these thoughts in your mind, not only will they poison your life, but they will also multiply and you’ll emit them into the energetic space, from where they’ll enter the minds of others. It’s like humanity’s collective game of ping-pong. But when you stop the ball and destroy it, the game ends.

— But in nature nothing truly disappears; when, for instance, a molecule disintegrates, something else arises.

— When you replace a negative thought with a positive one, the energy of the negative thought gets transformed and absorbed by the energy of the positive thought. Based on this principle, it „dies” in the sense that it stops being a negative thought and instead fuels a positive one. Once you become aware of your thought processes, you can welcome negative thoughts and envelop them with the conscious light of love. Then, the energy of the thought neutralizes and transforms into light. You can be a warrior of light too! Transform negative thoughts into light. In doing so, you improve the world by clearing the energetic space from vibrational debris, so to speak.

— I like the term „collective ping-pong”.

— You’re playing ping-pong in the energy sphere all the time. There is a saying: what you send out, comes back to you. It’s not entirely accurate. What comes to you, you pass on. If someone treats you poorly, you’ll treat someone else poorly, and so on. It’s a cycle that continues until someone decides to break it. Just like in your energetic ping-pong, it’s up to you whether to let the ball keep bouncing or to stop it. That’s how energy works; it circulates among people, and you pass it on to each other. If you didn’t receive the right, unconditional love during childhood, you won’t be able to give it to someone else, to yourself, or to your own child. It’s the same with every emotion, with every energy. Only a highly self-aware person who has control over their emotions and feelings, someone who remains within one’s own energy field, can halt those unhelpful and non-constructive emotions and keep them from circulating further.

I would like to mention karma here. Karma is nothing more than another program for scaring and manipulating people. Karma has been invented for those who do not believe in hell. Instead of scaring you with hell, the fear is installed within you with the notion of karma: Be careful, don’t do wrong, don’t harm others, because it will return to you. In reality, there is no such thing as karma. You don’t need to go through anything, repay anything — you don’t need to carry any emotional burden. By doing so, you hinder your own happiness. You’re not enslaved by karma; it’s a manipulative construct designed to take away your power and ability to make decisions for yourself. Your fate and life are shaped by you every day, anew. It’s not true that what you send out comes back to you. Instead of listening to gurus who preach these lies, start observing your own life and the lives of others. You will see how much of it works and how much of it is just fear-based manipulation. By thinking that you have to make up for something (karma), you assume the role of a victim holding no control over your own destiny, and that’s not true. If you choose to, you can free yourself from all negative, inhibiting conditions and programs. Karma has no relevance here, simply because it doesn’t exist.

Vibration — High and Low

— How about high and low vibration?

— Ha, ha! There’s no such thing as high or low vibration. That’s your human invention. You must categorize everything. Have you ever seen the energy of an angry, aggressive, jealous, hateful person? Do you know how this kind of energy vibrates? It vibrates high, right? Such emotions provide a tremendous dose of energy, giving strength and power. Imagine a situation where someone attacks your child or a loved one. Seeing that, you would rush into battle, even knowing you don’t stand a chance against the opponent. But anger, transforming into aggression, would give you a lot of energy for action and fighting. Jealousy also provides a lot of energy: when someone envies a neighbour’s new car, they will do all they can (work more, take overtime, save money) to buy the same model or even a better one.

So, anger, aggression, jealousy, hatred all involve high vibration. But fear, anxiety, guilt — not at all. These emotions can be categorized as low in terms of vibration. They are so low that, depicted on the graph, they would go down far below zero. They’re like a black hole that sucks away a person’s life energy. You see, your division is highly unfair and inadequate to reality. Every emotion is different: love, fear, joy, envy — each of these emotions has its unique vibration, and they cannot be confined to two drawers labelled as emotions of „high” and „low” vibration. It’s your human lack of tolerance and respect for the uniqueness of each emotion. In your world, you advocate against categorization and fight for tolerance for different groups of people: homosexuals, disabled, men, women. And here, what are you doing? Instead of celebrating the diversity and variety of all emotions, you’ve shoved them into two bags. The moment you embrace categorization, you cease to be free. If you created these compartments for yourself to navigate the world and make it a bit more manageable, it’s one thing, but if you believe and accept the compartments created by someone else, you’re relinquishing your independence and freedom of thought.

Creating divisions restricts and impoverishes. Don’t confine emotions/feelings to just two concepts: low and high vibration. Each emotion has its unique vibration. You can’t compare love to joy. If you were to do so, joy vibrates higher than love, it has a greater amplitude, but that doesn’t mean love is inferior to joy. Gratitude, peace are also entirely different vibrations.

— People strive to constantly stick to „positive” vibrations. I believe that’s impossible.

— Of course, it’s impossible. After all, you have a brain that generates your emotions. You can’t control your limbic system, your neurobiology, your hormones. You can’t disconnect from that part of the brain that produces fear, anger, anxiety, aggression. Every person throughout the day or week experiences almost all feelings available to humans. And that’s normal, there’s nothing wrong with it. It means you’re human. You always have a choice whether you want to engage in a certain emotion or feeling, or not. If not, at least you have a choice of how long you want to stay in that emotion. Unfortunately, people often take on the role of victims and linger in „negative” emotions for longer than necessary. By applying the hygiene of thought and two-level perception, it will be easier for you to maintain control over your emotions and feelings.

— Sometimes the control is difficult. People can really throw you off balance, especially toxic, narcissistic types, various kinds of aggressors, and so on. Sometimes I wonder why there are bad people on Earth.

Good and bad people

— A particle of your Soul comes from the Demiurge, from the Source; there’s no polarization of good and evil there. Both elements are contained within. That’s why people are both good and bad. Each of you at some point in your life is both good and bad. There are no purely good or purely bad people; both elements exist within each of you. How could we conduct research if the Earth was inhabited only by good people? Or only by bad ones?

— It would be an interesting experiment if the Earth was populated by bad people only.

— From our perspective, it would be unproductive. We want to explore the entire spectrum of human behaviors and the Demiurge manifested in it. The depth of your Being can only manifest through interactions with various factors, situations and people. Engaging with bad people and interacting with them helps you grow. Other people are merely tools in your development. Through challenging, difficult individuals in your life, you can know yourself better, delve into your own depths, and expand your awareness through experience. And thanks to this, through your suffering we can come closer to the Demiurge.

As you experience both good and evil throughout your life, you develop, grow, and get to know yourself, your dark and bright sides. The more you know yourself, the more you can stand at the center of your inner energy sphere and manage your life, your feelings, emotions, and behavior from there.


— Sometimes people go through traumatic events that later have a negative impact on their entire lives. Tell me, what do you think of that?

— You say that feelings and the body tell the truth. This is, however, not always the case. If a person experienced trauma in the past, that trauma becomes an independent, self-sustaining energetic entity. And in any situation similar to the one in which it originated, it will manifest unpleasant signs in the body or emotions. The trauma takes control of your inner self, your soul, and tells you that something is bad for you, even though it’s not true. The trauma believes it stands guard, that it watches over you, and warns you of danger. It does this for your own good — in its perception. Since the trauma utilizes feelings to manifest itself, a person can’t look at the situation logically and rationally because the feelings triggered by the trauma block logical thinking. And this way, you become a slave to your trauma. In reality, the trauma guards you for its own sake. If the trauma allowed a person to look at the situation with fresh, conscious eyes, it would cease to exist, that would be its end. Therefore, your traumas employ feelings that hinder your thinking and true feelings — your Soul. It uses emotions with so-called low vibrations, mainly fear, anxiety, panic, for this purpose.

— How to deal with trauma?

— By being aware and somewhat observing your relationship with the stressful situation, your „own” feelings (in quotation marks, because these are feelings generated by the trauma). You must be conscious that it’s not really you, it’s not an expression of your Soul and your genuine feelings, but rather a manifestation of the trauma. Besides that, you need to have a conversation with the trauma. Like with a child, with gentleness, love, and calmness. Explain that these situations are not dangerous now and that everything will be fine because you have control over it.

— Oh come on, „with gentleness, like with a child”. Can’t you just command the trauma sternly, with a firm voice, to go away and stop poisoning your life?

— Anna, where’s your empathy?! You can’t shout at the trauma, it’s not a parasite that will tuck its tail and run away. You need to approach the trauma gently, and it won’t go anywhere; at most, it will transform into a different energy, but it will still be the trauma, just transformed. Energy doesn’t vanish just like that, it can transform vibrationally at most. There’s always a risk that it might revert to its original form when a person experiences a traumatizing event again. And then you have to start all over again, but it’s easier the second time around.

Diseases, getting sick

— You mentioned once that people want to get sick. Can you elaborate on that?

— Yes. When you tell someone who is ill that they wanted that illness, that they wanted to get sick, they will be offended. On a deep, unconscious level, in the depths of their subconscious, that person wanted to be sick. Every sick person will tell you that they didn’t want the illness, but in reality, they did, they just aren’t aware of it.

— Why do people want to get sick?

— Oh, for a variety of reasons: they want to finally take it easy, rest, they want someone to love them because they don’t have that love within themselves, they want to draw attention to themselves, they want someone to take care of them, they want to be the center of attention. Often, chronically ill individuals can’t let go and release their illness; they identify with it, and the illness becomes their closest companion. They hold onto it tightly because they’ve built their identity around it; they’ve grown accustomed to the state of being sick and have even become dependent on it. After all, if they were to finally recover, then what? What comes next? What about the pain, the daily rituals of taking pills, the doctor visits, the concerned questions: how do you feel? They’re familiar with the illness, fond of it, and familiarized with it. Those who aren’t afraid to leave their illness behind and start anew — they triumph. They are healthy, beginning a new life, while others often end up succumbing in the end.

— How to deal with illness?

— First and foremost, listen to it. Listen to what it has to say, as it will reveal much. It might tell you about your fear of love, fear of life, fear of embracing life’s fullness, fear of being yourself. It might draw your attention to your lack of self-love, or remind you of a forgotten event from the past that has caused an energy blockage or entanglement within your energetic field. Often, during the illness, mechanisms of self-sabotage come up into the open.

— How does such entanglement appear?

— Every event carries a certain energy, an emotional charge. As a child or young individual, you might not yet have the tools to handle and direct your emotions. You absorb everything, taking it all onto yourself. In those moments, such events get imprinted into your energy. Not wanting to think about them, you push them out of your conscious mind. That’s when the energy goes into your subconscious, where it starts to whirl around, creating loops like a black hole. It spirals, vibrates and drains your life energy at various levels, causing the lack to manifest in various aspects of your life. These can be so-called „feminine” issues, difficulties forming new relationships, aversion to physical activity, overeating, addictions, or the tendency to play the victim role. After a while, the energy shifts to the physical level and manifests within the body as an illness.

— How to heal from it?

— I’ve already mentioned — talk to the illness. It will tell you everything and even provide hints for healing. The illness itself isn’t bad — it’s a kind of messenger. It’s meant to show you what’s wrong, what needs healing, what you need to work on. Sometimes, just becoming aware of the cause of the illness is enough for it to disappear. The body always seeks balance, and the illness is there to help regain it. Unfortunately, your modern medicine focuses merely on symptoms and not on causes. By seeking treatment from doctors and taking prescribed pills, you don’t have a chance at true healing. You swallow the prescribed pills, which poison you and harm your organs. And then you become even sicker.

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