drukowana A5
Conscious Life

Bezpłatny fragment - Conscious Life

Knowledge That Is In Each Of Us And Yet Nobody Uses It — Success Principles

154 str.
za 11.03
drukowana A5
za 37.59

The biggest problem is that a person cannot understand someone who is at a higher level than his own. We can imagine development as going up the stairs with our backs to them. From this position you can only see the steps below, and you cannot see those that lead up. The man standing at the top of the stairs sees the whole, and the one standing on the first step sees nothing, but he is under the illusion that he has reached the tops.


This book may seem too harsh for some people, but it is a kind of motivation to act and encouragement to make the necessary changes in your life.

Sometimes I can repeat myself, but I will do it until you start applying to what I am writing about in practice.

The book is addressed to both women and men, which is why I ask all women for forgiveness when I address men only. It was necessary to make the book have the intended end result.

I encourage you to read and reflect on yourself and, if necessary, to make changes.

Change your life for the better now.

„It is worth remembering before starting anything that a person whose awareness is the size of a golf ball, his understanding will also be this size, while a person who is aware of the size of a medicine ball, his understanding of a given thing, issues will be much greater. Analyzing the same thing, one man is able to extract a lot from it, he can understand it, while the other cannot. A person with greater understanding sees what someone else cannot see. That is why it is so important to constantly develop "- Author unknown

Greatness and uniqueness

“Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.” — Albert Einstein

Without following blindly others, just follow your own path in spite of all adversity — this is how great, outstanding individuals, warriors, and giants of this world are formed. This is a challenge, so few succeed. It’s strange — when you are low, at the bottom like others — people like you, accept you, but when you get out of this unconscious state, people begin to envy you, talk to you behind your back, hate you. They suddenly become hostile towards you, saying, for example: „he is heading over the corpses to the goal”, „he is lucky in life.” However, they cannot see what is behind the success — how much hard work, sweat and effort, how many sleepless nights. They do not see the enormous amount of time, and how many sacrifices of pleasure — without which small people of this world cannot live — it cost us.

„Only the poor are called crazy — the rich are eccentric.”

Don’t do the same as everyone else. Be unique and irreplaceable. Follow your own path. Break the scheme. Nobody said it would be an easy task.

“If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.” — The Dalai Lama

Are you saying, „I’ve tried it so many times and I still don’t get it”? Then draw conclusions from these lessons! Behind every such failure is the experience that you gain and learn what you should not do anymore and how to behave.

If a man has not discovered something that he will die for, he isn’t fit to live. — Martin Luther King, Jr.

You really only live when you are ready to sacrifice yourself and your own life to defend some ideal, some truth. Is life without our life mission and passion worth living? Does going through life, not knowing what we want from him, have any deeper meaning? Then why are we here on earth? Are we here to observe and admire the achievements of others? Can we afford so little? Can we not have our own dreams? Don’t we have ambition and imagination? Let us skilfully use what has been given to us from life.

We didn’t get the same from life, but prove that you can cope even in adverse conditions, that’s how great people are created.

“Little things affect little minds.” — Benjamin Disraeli.

A great man does not deal with insignificant things. His mind and thoughts are directed to ideas that affect hundreds of people. Such a man has the courage to dream. He has the strength to lead, and his personality is charismatic enough for people to be willing to embrace his vision and follow him.

Such an individual — this leader, is a man of success because he skillfully exercised the laws ruling the human mind and the universe. This man certainly strives for his goals, and the rest follows him, because they sense that he is a concrete man, great and can achieve a lot.

The strength of confidence has a significant advantage over its lack, so what choice do people have without an idea for themselves? They must follow their „shepherd”.

“The greats of this world should stay away from the small of this world, who are as many as swarms. The little ones will never understand the great ones, so they will be biting them, biting them like rain rushing rocks. The great should run to their loneliness " — Thus Spoke Zarathustra — Friedrich Nietzsche

A small person is interested in small, insignificant matters. His life is just like his thoughts — he is probably focused on himself and no one else. This man thinks in categories not what others can gain from it, but what he can get from it. This is the wrong way.

„Small people derive enormous joy from the mistakes and blunders committed by great people” — Arthur Schopenhauer

Mistakes made on the way to the top are inevitable, so don’t worry too much about what others will say. They are laughing now, but you will be the last to laugh. Let them waste time talking about you, and devote it to something productive. Focus on your goal and the way you can achieve it.

„The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”. — Albert Einstein

If a person is interested in small things and himself, does not do any major work, does not show signs of entrepreneurship, what remains for him? I think you know immediately how little such an entity is capable of achieving. Even if he is lucky, he will not be able to meet this task. The burden of the task and the inconvenience will quickly make itself felt and the fate will probably turn again, and our man will return to his old, comfortable and familiar life.

People want a lot, but they just say it. First of all, few of them would be able to cope with the new circumstances. We can’t bear much without proper preparation.

„Giants often wander and fall. Worms don’t because they just dig and crawl "- Author unknown

People are already so, that they expect a lot, demand and do nothing themselves, do not give anything from themselves. Nothing will happen without their involvement. An interesting example are people who have won a large sum of money on some lottery. Such people spend too much quickly lose all their property, all their money, and usually remain with debts to pay.

Someone will ask how this can happen? It’s easy. Appetite grows with eating. These people spend more and more, not wanting to notice that their money is disappearing. They do nothing to save money and invest it.

If you do not have such a habit, with small amounts, it will certainly not be with larger ones. Such people are quickly bored with new gadgets and are getting newer and newer. When they realize that something is wrong, it is too late. Living costs far outweigh their real capabilities and sooner or later they will lose everything.

Great people are not great for no reason. They traveled a long way to the top and skillfully seized the opportunities. It seems we can’t see it. Man sees only what he wants to see.

So dare to think on a large scale. Commit your strength to ideas that are worth it and do not give up pursuing your goal.

We hear about such giants, because they were able to overcome all adversities, overcome all obstacles, skillfully using what they received from life. So what’s the point of your life? What sense did you give him? Whether it is teaching others or pushing the world forward into a new era. Or maybe your goal is to live for others? Choose for yourself!

What vision do we have on ourselves? Are you going to sit out all your life at home? Are you going to waste yourself and your skills in any job, spending most of your life in it? You can do better than that! First of all, find a goal! You must give your life meaning. Nobody else will do it for you.

Dare to dream and aim high! Reach for what you want!


“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” — Steve Jobs

Time is something fleeting, something that we cannot stop, slow down or recover. The dream of every human being at the moment of death is to have more of it, to be able to use it again or to make better use of it.

„There are thousands of ways to kill time, but no one knows how to resurrect it” — Albert Einstein

We still lack him to do the most important and necessary things, to deal with our responsibilities, and at the same time we can lose him for hours of unnecessary things. Each of us has 24 hours a day and it is up to us how we use it — not all of us use it effectively. Just look at the achievements of the great personalities of this world. I think that the best example illustrating what a single person can achieve was Leonardo da Vinci — painter, architect, philosopher, musician, writer, explorer, mathematician, mechanic, anatomist, inventor, geologist, sculptor.

His achievements could be used as a colorful biography for several people at once. Of course, there were many people like him, and there will still be many — the secret lies precisely in the skilful use of the time available to us.

“Employ your time in improving yourself by other men’s writings so that you shall come easily by what others have labored hard for.” — Socrates

When we have a specific action plan, our productivity increases, thanks to which we are able to perform a given activity in a shorter time. By delegating tasks that can be performed by other people, as well as skillfully using the things that surround us — various gadgets and devices, we gain a huge amount of time, and how we use it depends only on us …

“Somebody should tell us, right at the start of our lives, that we are dying. Then we might live life to the limit, every minute of every day. Do it! — Michael Landon

The years you have lived through will not return, so don’t think too much about them. Instead, engage your energy in more useful things for yourself and others. Do you lose your precious time on unnecessary things in your life? Do you abuse entertainment? Are you arguing about trivial things? Start living really! Fill your life with passion and enthusiasm. Start realizing your goals and dreams. Dare to finally do the crazy things you’ve always dreamed of, but you kept putting them off for later. Realize that later there may not be time, it may be too late and do it today. What are your obstacles? You have nothing to lose and you can gain a lot.

„People would do better if they knew how to do it better,” Jim Rohn

Don’t you think you could make much more of your time given to you here on earth? Don’t you think that it would be worth spending several minutes a day on your development? Saving a dozen or so minutes a day is not so difficult. Maybe it is worth giving up watching TV and thus receiving negative information from the TV? Maybe you sleep too long, waste time on unnecessary activities? Benefit from the knowledge of the best, those who managed to achieve something on their own, who lead a full and happy life that is prospering. Apply the most valuable things and methods to your home and discard the rest. The time invested in yourself now will certainly bring you a lot of good in the future. This is time well spent.

„Life is something that happens to us when we are busy planning other things” — Anthony de Mello

We’re still busy. We live in a constant race. We hurry everywhere and complain about the lack of time. Despite the technological development and the appearance in our lives of many facilitations and improvements, we still lack time.

It is worth looking at even the way of moving, once it lasted all eternity, and today? (And so much ahead of us). Despite this, we assume more and more responsibilities — maybe we achieve more thanks to it, leading to faster development, but at what price?

Do we still remember about ourselves in this race? Have we completely lost ourselves in this life, completely losing the meaning of life? Instead of becoming more and more aware, we lose ourselves in the whirlwind of technology and mania to fill every second of our lives with activities. Do we still remember about ourselves?

Maybe it is worth putting aside everything for a moment and spending some time with yourself in peace and quiet. When was the last time you meditated? Never? So maybe it’s time to start?

Take a few minutes a day for yourself, and I assure you that it won’t be a waste of time. The reward is always waiting for the persistent ones.

We’re still planning something and we’re busy, and we never really think about ourselves. We put personal life in the background. In this case, only one thing can be said, namely: something definitely went wrong!

Think for a moment where you are in your life, what plans you have on yourself and your future — what you want to achieve and what you expect from life. Strive for it! Don’t focus only on everyday matters, work, school, etc.

Live your life so that you do not regret old age, that you could have done something differently or that you did not do something. Live in such a way that at the end you say: it was worth it!

„Remember that when you make an appointment with someone, you assume the responsibility of being punctual and you have no right to be late even a minute” — Napoleon Hill

Punctuality is now more and more rare nowadays. It can even be said that this is a legend. It seems that all technological development that makes life easier should change that, and it’s only worse. It is true that access to information is now easier than ever. We no longer waste time on long searches, but we still have less and less time. This is due to the fact that we receive too much information and should then be skillfully assessed and sorted, whether in terms of truth or from the perspective of usefulness.

The same can be said, among others, in the case of transport and human communication. The development of civilization has changed nothing in terms of how it continues to approach punctuality.

The only thing everybody has in life is time. It’s up to you what you do with it. Will you spend it on entertainment or development, will you work hard or wisely, will you think positively — in terms of success — or negatively?

“Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.” — Carl Sandburg

The most surprising thing is that if someone took even a small amount of money from us and spent it, we would probably be angry. However, the situation is different in the case of time. How many times have we allowed someone to be late, take our time irrevocably, which did not result in anything valuable for either party?

Is this madness? Losing money hurts us more than losing time, and it is time that is most important here. When someone is late, you should clearly and clearly present the situation that next time you will not wait that you are a punctual person and expect the same from others. Lack of punctuality is an obvious disregard for another person, which somehow people do not really care about. Of course, there can always be a random event, etc., but we are still responsible for the consequences.

“Do you love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of.” — Benjamin Franklin

While waiting for someone, you can of course somehow use this time — for example, reading a book or learning, but can we focus on something else, especially when something important is waiting for us? Let everyone answer this question for themselves.

A successful man knows the value of his time. He knows how valuable it is and doesn’t waste it on unnecessary entertainment and pleasure. If you have wasted at least an hour ever, then you will not do anything about it, so do not reproach yourself, and in the future do not do it again. Everyone has certainly done it once. It’s a thing of the past and you can’t do anything about it. Focus on the present, because if you really want to live consciously, then you must appreciate the true value of life. Remember that you can’t buy time for yourself — you have it like everyone else — a certain amount — and then you leave this world.

„The unexamined life is not worth living” — Socrates

You can go through life without knowing anything but how far it will lead you, and what will it make sense? Without realizing certain things in life, we are doomed to stumble, erring, which can be significantly reduced by just passion for something.

Without showing any signs of interest in anything, we will not be able to understand even the basic laws ruling the universe. Certainly we receive all stimuli then as something supernatural, everything seems to us great created just by God. One is simply happy and life is constantly surprising us through various situations and events.

If everything looks so beautiful, why don’t we all live like that? After all, no one really knows where we come from and what happens to us after death, or where we are going. We don’t know what the purpose of our life here on earth is. Each of us must find it ourselves, each of us is called to a different mission and seems to be „sent” to earth to undergo some teachings, gain some experience, simply to „better understand”.

Everyone decides how they want to live their lives. Our decision depends mainly on previous experience and lessons learned.

After all, we can experience the time given to us here, seeing everything as miracles, which is certainly much more valuable and interesting, or we can allocate the received time to eternal complaining, whining, wandering and be convinced that miracles do not exist. As always, the choice is yours, dear reader. Choose well how you want to spend the time available to you.

Will you use it to help others, for your own development or for less valuable things? My advice to you is: go through life confidently, with a positive attitude, have your goal and believe in its implementation. Choose wisely!

„If we continue to develop our technology without wisdom or prudence, our servant may prove to be our executioner.” — Omar N. Bradley

These words are becoming more real for us day by day. The development of technology and its huge „jumps” occur only within a few years, right before our eyes.

Annually, more and more devices and gadgets are produced in the world, in many cases completely unnecessary. It is happening faster and faster. Today, completely functional electronic equipment is thrown into the bin, just because a new and better model came out, although it is not much better than its predecessor, you need to be up to date. Heaps of electric waste are constantly growing.

Our main concern is taking control of the world by machines and enslaving humanity. No matter how you look at it, we are still enslaved, although not in the way we imagined it — but time is still ahead. We can’t sit in silence, waiting for something, because we have to look at the screen of a smartphone or laptop every now and then.

“What had once been life’s quiet moments of solitary reflection — a few minutes alone on a bus, or walking to work, or waiting for an appointment — now felt unbearable, and people impulsively reached for their phones, their earbuds, and their games, unable to fight the addictive pull of technology. The miracles of the past were fading away, whitewashed by a ceaseless hunger for all-that-was-new.” ― Dan Brown, Origin

Technology put into the wrong hands or simply misused can do us more harm than good. This is perfectly illustrated by the following statement:

Technology should be a product of humanity, not the other way around, for when the population becomes a product of technology, it self-destructs.

“There is not enough time to do all the nothing we want to do.” — Bill Watterson

Are you one of those people who are always short of time? In that case, the first thing you need to do is eliminate harmful habits and learn to reasonably manage and manage your own time. This is a basic skill if you want to fulfill your responsibilities, be it at work, at home for the family, as well as for yourself.

Let your time be valuable to you and let others know about it so that they won’t take it away from you. When you really lack time for yourself, it is a clear sign that something is wrong. It’s time to take care of yourself and your busy schedule. Let there be time to fulfill all duties, but also to rest.

„Getting Things Done is not just about realizing tasks. It is also about getting properly involved in life and work.”

Postponing things is called procrastination. Intelligent people postpone the biggest matters and things for later, because they feel physical rejection from matters that cause them difficulties. Let’s start with doing the first and easiest things to do, i.e. those that need the least time to complete and those closest to us.

The implementation of small things gives us motivation to continue working and dealing with more difficult matters. (I also recommend that you read the theory described by Brian Tracy in the book „Eat that frog.” To put it simply, he suggests starting with large frogs and then taking up the smaller ones. Personally, I think that both methods work, only for everyone another will work. The choice of method depends on ourselves and the challenge we face.)

One of the very useful techniques to organize your time is to keep a notebook that will always be at hand, in which we will often look in and in which we will have all the tasks that we should perform written. This is the best way to reduce unnecessary stress caused by a lot of „things on your mind” by freeing our memory of unnecessary information at the moment. Checking the notebook regularly, we will not forget anything, and after a short time you will see for yourself how such seemingly trivial thing can help, and the exercise itself will become a habit.

Another very simple method is to perform tasks from a list in a notebook, which takes less than 2 minutes to complete. Do these tasks right away, and remove finished items from the list.

If you have a big project to do that you don’t feel like doing and you don’t know how to go about it, just take this first step. Start anything directly related to this project. Do not think about the whole, and after completing the first step, perform the next and the next one and you will see how easy it is, and the tension associated with reluctance to the project passes and before you see it — the project will be ready. This is a way to deal with an unpleasant task for you.

The small steps method is effective in overcoming the habit of procrastination.

Choices and habits

„Your life is the sum result of all the choices you make, both consciously and unconsciously. If you can control the process of choosing, you can take control of all aspects of your life.” — Robert F. Bennett

It is amazing that even the smallest choices shape our fate. It is surprising how few people pay attention to these small decisions. Of course, we don’t pay too much attention to our unconscious choices, because we do it automatically, through learned behaviors, reactions, habits. That is why it is so important to eliminate bad and harmful habits, replacing them with good ones.

When we fill our daily lives with as many habits as possible for us, we can almost be sure that our lives will be ordered and we will have control over it. This is an important factor when we are on the road to freedom. Remember that you alone are responsible for your decisions, so think now what to change in your life, what to organize and what to fix. Choose wisely!

„Make self-discipline your habit, only then will you achieve the great goal”

Both self-discipline and self-control are supported by motivation. People with a strongly developed self-control feature follow their own rules carefully. They are their own supervisors and do not allow themselves a moment of weakness. Too extreme self-control is asceticism, but this is not the point to be mortified. Everything should be approached with common sense and it is best to stick to the middle way — which the Buddha himself was a supporter of.

„Self-control involves sacrifices. You have to let go of what is nice and easy, keeping only hard work in mind.”

Careful cultivation and development of these qualities in us will make us become better people, and our activities and work will be more efficient. By the way, we shape our character in this way.

„Real golden years are when you are young, intelligent and full of strength” — MJ DeMarco

The years of youth are the most important for most of us, because that’s when our habits shape and we build our character. Man reaches his full strength and intellectual ability at the age of about 25 years. That’s when we have the biggest ambitions and motivations to follow our goals. This is the time when the biggest changes in our life take place — e.g. starting a family.

Do not waste these years, only for fun and carefree life. Think about your future and take care of it now.

Are you older? Nothing lost, just awaken a great desire to change and start acting. The sooner you start acting, the sooner you can expect positive results from your efforts.

“For yesterday is but a dream, And tomorrow is only a vision, But today well lived Makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, And every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to this day” — SANSKRIT

It depends on your current activities who you will be in the future. You don’t have to run your mind far ahead to the next years, just another day, another hour or even a minute. Everything you do now affects your further life. What you do now affects you.

The present moment is also your tomorrow, from your yesterday perspective. Right now you are experiencing the effects of your previous actions and choices. What decisions you have made in the past has an impact on you in the present.

Our life is the sum of our habits as well as the sum of all decisions made. Did you achieve what you dreamed about yesterday or a year ago? If not, then this should be a good lesson for you to start working finally. Time is always flowing, only we stand still. So do not let you stay in place, go ahead, develop yourself!

As if to meditate more deeply on this, we come to the fact that we are finally beginning to see the real power of „now”. We realize that the future and the past do not exist. There is only the present moment.

The past is nothing but our memories, and the future is our imagination. We have no influence on the past, but we have influence on our future. It all depends on what you currently do, whether you take actions that lead you to your goal. The past cannot be changed, but you are creating the future right now.

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift… that’s why they call it present” ― Master Oogway “Kung Fu Panda”

When man realizes the power of the present moment, he is never the same again. He tries to use every moment of his life as best he can. He accumulates as much experience as possible, learns and constantly increases, thanks to which he intensively builds his future. Make good use of every single day, take care of it, and tomorrow will take care of you.

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” — Will Durant

We are a product of our habits. They shape us as a human because they fill our lives at every moment. Our relationships, activities, answers — everything works according to a learned pattern that we have consciously acquired or not.

By repeating the action dozens or even hundreds of times, they are remembered and it is very difficult to get rid of them later. The method that accompanies us is usually the most suitable, easiest, most convenient. It is memorable and, although there may be others that are more effective and efficient, we will insist on our own.

That is why it is important to choose and learn, as consciously as possible, only good habits, thanks to which our lives will be much easier and better, because better habits mean a better life.

We make some habits unconsciously, mechanically, without paying attention to them. Some habits that are easy and pleasant for us are usually harmful and are remembered very quickly, while others that are useful, but cost us some effort, require a little more time. However, after some time, even these habits will not cause us problems.

Habits lead us to perfection, because a useful thing for us and for others every day will certainly give us the opportunity to find success.

Performing useful habits, e.g. ten minutes learning a foreign language every day, is certainly useful for us, and who knows how and in which situation this skill will be useful in the future. None of us knows where time and our activities will lead us, but regardless, it is always worth being prepared to know how to use it when the right opportunity arises.

“Habit is a cable; we weave a thread of it each day, and at last we cannot break it.” — Horace Mann

Indeed, after a while this cable becomes so thick and extremely strong that it is almost impossible to break it. To do this, it will require a lot of effort and dedication, and above all time, because to break or untangle such a rope for good, you will need to work for a long time.

Be aware of your own actions. Do every day, even for a few minutes, activities that you consider valuable that may be useful to you, and you will certainly be happy to do them after some time. Such activities go deep into the human mind and they become a kind of daily ritual for us. When we implement them, we feel a bit better immediately.

So choose your habits wisely and sooner or later they will bring measurable benefits.

„We are all victims of our habits”

Purpose in life

“There are two things to aim at in life; first to get what you want, and after that to enjoy it.” — Logan Pearsall Smith

Each of us has dreams and plans. In this respect, as a human race, we are not very different. However, there is one very important thing that decides whether we will succeed or not. This thing separates successful people from the rest, and that is our action.

Only by taking conscious action can we get any results. Without any effort on our part, without any specific allusion, we are still stuck in a dream world. Only our thoughts, transformed into actions, have enough strength to change anything. It’s so simple when you act, you can see the effects, when you dream, nothing will materialize itself.

Each of us strives for happiness in life, wants to experience love and joy, and avoids suffering. That is why so many of us set similar goals, have similar dreams. We want to earn something first. We want our own effort to acquire and realize our objects of desire. Then when we get it, we want to enjoy it.

However, stopping any action and just enjoying our dream soon passes. What, then when you’re satisfied with it? We find new goals and new challenges. It is so with people that what they got too easily does not bring them such joy than what they gained with their own effort and then.

Many people fully support the words that the very path leading to the goal brings much more joy than just achieving it.

We want to act, we want to be useful, we want to be realized and be in the center of events. Then we know that we are living, we feel fulfilled and we are valued when we do valuable work. People forced to retire without acting in any way, for example, realizing their dreams, or indulging in their hobby, quickly „dry up”.

They fall into depression and this is the shortest way for them to the cemetery. They think they are no longer useful, that nobody needs them. Give such a man a task that he is able to perform, and you will see how he revives. He will feel needed again, he will have a purpose, and his life will regain meaning. It is sad, but very common in the case of people devoid of passion, unable to realize through action.

I wish you, dear readers, to find the meaning of life through action, preferably when, apart from you, others will also benefit. Be valuable to others, not just to yourself. Make your dreams come true and enjoy the path that leads to it.

“A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself.” — Abraham Maslow

The goal of human life is to find your life mission and live by doing it the best you can. Do you know your mission? I am not surprised by the negative answer. Only a few people really find their main purpose in life. Of course, probably everyone would want, but most people are sitting with arms folded. They think it will come to them automatically.

Unfortunately, this requires commitment and a lot of time. The sooner you start searching, the better. Although it is not said that we will find it after a certain time. Probably the best indicator of finding your passion is when you constantly think about this activity, you can do it even for free, because it gives you pleasure. Perhaps thanks to this action you are fulfilling yourself. You can stay with her for hours in a row without complaining or you are ready to sacrifice various things.

Here are just some of the most important „symptoms” of true passion, of which there are still plenty. For example, a musician will not be happy when he is forced to do things that he cannot do, he does not like them. It will slowly wilt when it is not composing. When he takes away the only thing he loves, he begins to lose the sense of life, because he lived to compose.

By staying still, he will do nothing, and then his life will lose meaning, because each of us is created for great things, for creating great works, for building great buildings, for spreading great ideas. Just find your passion and just watch how we grow, rise to a higher level and how we flourish.

After finding this spark, we have an internal motivation to do whatever we want. There are no limits for us. We are filled with the light of knowledge, the light of consciousness, of what and how we should do. The world takes on a sort of color, everything has a deeper meaning for us, and we are happy despite all the hard work and our dedication.

So when you want to see for yourself what it means to have a higher purpose in life, put in some effort and time and find it. Use the tips above and start living really. Whatever you do, remember to contribute to the development of humanity. Help yourself in any way to spread ideas that are worth attention. Have a higher purpose that serves not only you but also others. Let other people benefit you, even those who live after you. Make your life worth living, so that you can finally say that it was worth it.

Of course, everything I wrote above is just advice. What you do with it depends only on you. You might as well smile after reading and say what nonsense and forget about it. You can also think and be inspired by at least one thought. May it be that a thought will inspire and push you to great changes. I wish you this from the bottom of my heart.

“What man actually needs is not a tensionless state but rather the striving and struggling for a worthwhile goal, a freely chosen task. What he needs is not the discharge of tension at any cost but the call of a potential meaning waiting to be fulfilled by him.” — Viktor Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning

It all depends on your personal choice. We decide whether we have a goal in our lives or whether we make efforts to achieve it. Whether or not we set ourselves a task in life is just our choice.

Yes, you can live your life without doing anything, without engaging in any mission, good goals, but what is the value of our lives then? We practically do not develop, we stand still.

Without any ambitions, we drift through our lives and wait for our own death. Man is created for something much more than that. He is created for great things and deeds. So what if you encounter difficulties doing something? Defeat them!

People are already like this, that they need this tension in their lives, accompanying achieving new successes, acquiring new things. This feeling also occurs during the implementation of undertaken tasks.

Struggling with problems, we shape our own character. The more you can overcome the bigger obstacles, the bigger man you are. It is your effort put into various things, matters, undertakings that will make you great. The extent to which you are involved in a thing shows how much you care.

Don’t mind the temporary adversities, the many discomforts you will experience. You can survive it if you want to. Give yourself to a noble goal in your life. Devote yourself to something, and then by filling every second of your day with this goal and striving for it, you will feel that you are really living. Only then will you discover what your life really means and what it involves.

Decide for yourself whether you prefer to lie over your life or whether you will take action now and start living really. Nobody forces you to anything, but when you feel that something is missing in your life, you would like to get much more out of it and find a sense of fulfillment, you already know where to start. The choice is yours.

If you have passion plus vision but no action — You’re daydreaming.

If you have vision plus action but no passion — You’ll be mediocre.

If you have passion plus action but no vision — You’ll get there but find it the wrong goal.

Marilyn King, An Olympian’s Challenge

In each situation, be yourself. Don’t try to be someone you are not. Don’t pretend or play any roles. Look inside yourself and ask yourself, „Who do I really want to be in my life?” Think outside the box and don’t settle for anything.

Remember that your desires are not your goals because it must be specific. The goal is a concrete promise of change for the better.

„The quality of life depends on what you do with it. The only limit is your imagination.”

Have different alternative paths leading to your goal so that you can overcome obstacles at any time. Never let go of your dreams easily, because only persistent people can achieve anything. Let perseverance be more important to you than many other qualities.

“Vision is not enough, it must be combined with venture. It is not enough to stare up the steps, we must step up the stairs.” — Vaclav Havel

Whether you persist in pursuing your goal or not is determined by the difference between the pain associated with walking the path to the goal and the pleasure associated with achieving it. If only pleasure is strong enough, you have a great chance to persevere, but remember that a vision without action will be of no use to you.

Vision is like a signpost, whose task is to show us the right way to achieve the desired goal, but it is the actions taken here that determine everything, and in particular whether we will achieve the desired goal.

„If you’re going through hell, keep going.” — Winston Churchill

To achieve your goal, you need to persevere in what you do, prove that you are worth something. In turn, to persevere in this, this thing should be your passion, because only then you will have a sufficiently strong desire to act. Your interests give you internal strength, which is why you do not pay so much attention to obstacles that appear from time to time on a winding path leading to your dream goal.

„A man deprived of passion has no grounds or incentives for action.”

It’s definitely worth having your goals, plans, dreams and doing everything to achieve them, because we are able to see what we can do, how much we are really worth. The beginnings will not always be successful, yet you strive for perfection, and as long as you fight, you will be a winner.

“The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.” — Marcus Aurelius

What is your goal in life? Would you like to live the rest of your life as most people without doing anything great for future generations, or would you prefer to use your time here on earth otherwise? Will you undertake this task and go to the „row of madmen”, you will be different than everyone else, unique? Will you decide to change something on this planet, make something valuable, despite the countless obstacles standing in your way? Do you dare to do it?

“It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.” — Sir Edmund Hillary

A man striving for a goal, no matter what it is and ultimately achieving it, must face himself first of all. He must face all his limitations and attachments. He should overcome his fear. Only by overcoming himself can he achieve his own goal.

The risk of avoiding risk is sometimes much less than what can be achieved by gaining courage and taking risks. It is always better to move without reaching your goal than to stand still.


„A great man manages his own life. Remember wealth is more than a pile of money. All that matters is how many challenges you can overcome.”

The first and most important rule is that you should learn to fight adversity, go ahead, despite the many adverse circumstances that may accompany you on your way. There are no things that could not be obtained by persistent work.

„If you are hesitating or turning back under fire, you are not of those who fight, but of those who give up; and the Devil himself also hates people with a rubber backbone, because they stink terribly when burning. " — Napoleon Hill

The precursor of the personal success literature — Napoleon Hill said that almost every famous person he talked to — achieved his greatest successes, just after what seemed to be their biggest defeat at first glance. Then, when all the signs in heaven and earth indicated that it was time to retreat and surrender. It was the subconscious mind that gave them the final test just before reaching their desired goal.

“The highest form of success comes to the man who does not shrink from danger, from hardship or from bitter toil, and who, out of these, wins the splendid ultimate triumph.” — Theodore Roosevelt

The greatest people of this world started from scratch, gradually moving towards perfection. Starting, having nothing, they had the opportunity to learn everything through experience, learning through their own mistakes. And so a man who has been forced to work hard since his youth, learns humility and respect for hard work, and often that there is no such thing as talent, but only an urgent need and ambition, which he often had to find out for himself, overcoming these are new obstacles.

This is a very heavy burden to bear, especially for a young man, but those who cope with it have shaped their hard character, making them outstanding individuals today.

„To achieve anything, you must show intelligence, cleverness, enthusiasm, readiness and an irresistible willingness to act, as well as patience — because nothing comes right away.”

They did not go as easily as everyone else. They remained honest because they had enough self-respect and were always faithful to their ideals. Gradually, they made their own opinions on various topics.

The tough school and her lessons meant that those who graduated from it can take care of themselves and others, they are resourceful, alert, confident, prudent, and unaffected.

„The world is full of opportunities for a talented man who can think quickly and work hard.”

People who do not fall to extremes, remember honesty and justice, do not try to get rich on someone’s loss and misfortune, they are people that the world remembers and will remember.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” — Sarah Frances Brown (Mother of H. Jackson Brown)

Motivation, i.e. an internal state of readiness to take a specific action. It is almost always associated with success when talking about it. It is necessary when taking any actions that lead us to anywhere, because it gives us strength and through it we find in ourselves the sense of performing a specific activity. If its level is too low, we will not have the desire to do something.

For each of us, the motivating factor can be something else — most often, however, it is money and fame, but also it can be gaining recognition of people we care about, or even personal development and achieving independence.

“The man with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds.” — Mark Twain

One of the worst things that can happen to a person who wants to achieve success, pursuing his goal and sincerely acting in this direction is falling into a routine when performing activities. Firstly, routine kills creativity in us, and secondly we lose interest in our goal. And thirdly, we rest on our laurels and do not develop, because we are lazy people by nature and we develop habits that are the most advantageous and most convenient for us, and these habits less comfortable over time change into comfortable ones almost imperceptibly, and certainly not for us.

It is enough to refuse yourself to do something seemingly insignificant several times that was of great importance for our discipline, and we will quickly get comfortable, forget about the whole „matter” — we will not follow a path unknown to us, which will not cause difficulties, in turn and we will lose our chance for development.

“Businesses that grow by development and improvement do not die. But when a business ceases to be creative, when it believes it has reached perfection and needs to do nothing but produce no improvement, no development, it is done.” — Henry Ford

Action, i.e. the most important component of success, on which everything really depends. It determines our results, including what we want to achieve. It is necessary, and the whole plan, vision and goal show us the way to let us know in which direction to go. Without action, one cannot speak of achieving anything.

„Nobody knows where the road will lead him until he reaches his destination.”

If you don’t act and you have visions of what you want to achieve, you fantasize and no one but you knows about it. My easiest way to take the „first step” is to visualize the process. Thanks to it I know what action to start, what is most important and urgent, what should I focus on at the moment. And I just take this first step, and the next ones come much easier — just like that.

“I am rather like a mosquito in a nudist camp; I know what I want to do, but I don’t know where to begin.” — Stephen Bayne

A common mistake is to start too many tasks at the same time and not finalize almost any of them, because after a while, their number begins to overwhelm us — we are frightened by the enormity of things that still need to be done, or simply lack the motivation in the world. So focus on individual steps and only after obtaining satisfactory results go to the next step. You’ll see how much easier it is, and certainly less stressful.

„It is the results that make us stand out and that is why others pay attention to us. We are evaluated by the results.”

„For every act of the past and present you will pay in the future,” Isaac Newton

Each of our actions has an effect. It is very simple and obvious, but practically no one wonders about the consequences of their actions. Have you ever carefully considered all possible options before making hasty decisions? How often we also act impulsively. We are then guided by our emotional intelligence, which unfortunately is still very poorly developed in most of us.

It can be changed, but it requires a lot of effort, willpower, determination, calmness and patience. I believe that the best method for making a positive and noticeable change is regular meditation practice. This will not happen overnight, but it will certainly bear fruit over time.

“What we fear of doing most is usually what we most need to do.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

You can think about it for a long time, but it is so that what we fear the most, what is difficult for us, this is what we should deal with at the moment. What we postpone is probably the next step on the path of our development. So why are we delaying taking action? Why is procrastination manifested with uncomfortable actions?

We are not simply aware of this next step. Some time must pass, we need to acquire new experiences and maybe mature to certain things so that we can move on. It is never easy, because usually we are accompanied by uncertainty. Only after some time, after experiencing certain situations, after learning something, some skill „we experience dazzle” and we know that it is time to do something.

It is worth taking a look at such things in our lives that we refuse to do before and think about whether we are sure we are doing well or if these are not our next steps that will lead us further to happiness, self-fulfillment and success.

As always in these situations, you must take the first step to succeed. If your task overwhelms you, divide them into as many smaller tasks as possible, challenges that you will be able to cope with yourself. Start by executing them in order.

You will see that it is much simpler than it seemed at the beginning, and after each tiny step we feel better because we know that with each of them, even the smallest, we are getting closer to our task and goal. Once you get started, when you take the first step, it will only be easier later, and you’ll be able to deal with your task faster than you might think.

So start now, whatever it is, divide it into smaller tasks and start from the first one. You will find out how such a simple thing can work wonders, you will realize its power. The habit of doing something regularly and gradually, step by step, even doing the smallest things each day brings huge results.

„The disadvantage of wise people is that they are overwhelmed with doubts that keep them from bold deeds.” — Confucius

How many great things, how many great ventures and visionary projects could have been achieved if some people were able to eliminate this unnecessary hesitation from their lives. How often, dear reader, you had your own ideas with which you did nothing, so you buried them alive.

Well … most people take their ideas without presenting them to anyone, along with them to the grave. It is said that the largest and the greatest concentration of ideas is the cemetery …

Our initial visions of an undertaking, its assumptions, are refuted one by one through our doubts. We have been thinking too long. Or maybe it doesn’t make sense … or maybe it is not needed at all by anyone? How will it be adopted, how will I do it like that? And what if … what next?

The idea that one day seemed a revelation, the next one turns out to be a failure. However, there are also ideas that will survive the initial wave of criticism received from our brain. But then, if we still don’t start working to make it happen, it still doesn’t really exist and no one but you knows about its existence.

Fears of taking action may be simply related to a lack of knowledge on how to start, and above all, the lack of the ability to „sell” yourself and your own idea.

Wise people just think too much and act too little. However, this is due to their previous negative experiences. These people are aware of all the consequences, they know everything that may go wrong and they consider it deeply. In this case, they are realists with a tendency to think to pessimism.

I write about wise people, because in the second case, for the others it can be just laziness, lack of willingness to act. A person who conceals brilliant ideas is not very wise unless he assumes that the idea can do more harm to humanity than good if it was used in the wrong way. Unfortunately, I agree with the second case presented.

„First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win” — Mahatma Gandhi.

Everything else does not hesitate to even hasty action, but this applies to the last group, the fools. They are usually brave, but any fool can be. They lack the imagination to sometimes appreciate the seriousness of a particular situation. They are not aware of the consequences of their own actions. They don’t understand enough to be afraid.

So, the next time you come up with a brilliant idea and it survives the initial wave of partial resentment and criticism, then act, because without action nothing will arise.

“It is the mind that maketh good of ill, that maketh wretch or happy, rich or poor.” — Edmund Spencer

All our actions, whatever it may be, have their source in our mind. When deciding to do something, we first had to think about it, and make the right decision about a specific action. In a great simplification it can be represented that the mind produces thoughts, thoughts cause our actions, and all effects result from our actions. So our thoughts are responsible for ourselves. They are responsible for our lives, achievements, who we are and what we do every day.

Many guidebooks and motivational books present this truth in different light. Sometimes it is shown more optimistically, and sometimes worse. This truth is also shown in the film „Secret” by Rhonda Byrne. This film focuses mainly on the power of human thought and attracting to ourselves in life what we desire.

This description is very simplified because I think it is worth to personally watch this movie. However, it is worth mentioning here that without any action on our part, nothing will happen.

It’s really worth being optimistic, think positive and believe in meeting our goals. But it should be added here that the necessary ingredient is action. So, modifying the main message of this film a bit, it would look something like this:

Thought is a real force that directs you to the necessary actions to achieve the main goal.

It gives you strength and you begin to see the possibilities in your life to make your dream come true. Doors that have previously been closed, and skilful choosing them and entering through them on the road to success, can really lead you to success. You must believe it and start acting.

You can develop positive qualities and get rid of fear. Learn the right habits, be persistent, confident and approach what you do with enthusiasm.

Since all our actions depend on thoughts, it is true that the mind makes us happy or unhappy, rich or poor, healthy or sick. All these states depend primarily on our actions. What categories we think, whether we are ambitious and creative, leads us either to wealth and happiness, or to their opposites. However, whether we eat healthy, do sports, take care of ourselves — we generally lead a healthy lifestyle and put our health at the top of the hierarchy of our values, leads to the fact that we are either healthy or not.

Of course, there are always exceptions and very difficult individual cases, but they can also help themselves by using the main idea contained in this text. We create our reality through our own thoughts. So let’s make them positive, because every creation begins at the level of thought and idea.

“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” — Francis of Assisi

Always be aware that it is only you who is responsible for your fate. No one will be able to help you if you are not ready to do it yourself. Nobody can act for you, so nobody will help you. First you have to help yourself.

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favour all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way.

Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.

Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it!” — Goethe

If you want to achieve success in any area of life, your positive thinking is not enough in itself, it always has to go hand in hand with action. Remember that you don’t need more knowledge, but more action.

Worries and problems

“Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create.”

― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

The most valuable tip about worries and how to deal with them is the one that tells us to stop thinking about things that we have no influence on, because we only lose our precious energy and time. Despite the fact that it is not real, it does not give us tips on how to act and live. So I would like to share with you some of them.

The most effective ways to get rid of and avoid worries are the seemingly simplest ones, but I recommend trying them out yourself. Here are some of them:

— always think positively and put enthusiasm in what you do,

— take up your thoughts — sport, work, reading, hobby, do not be passive or bored — be busy,

— don’t take anything personally or accept what others say about you, too seriously,

— do everything as best you can and have nothing to complain about,

— don’t worry about what will happen in the future, focus on the present moment.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” — Albert Einstein

If we were at such a level of thinking, at the time of our decision, of our action, that we would know that the decision we are making does not serve us, we would not create a problem intentionally, knowing that it would be a problem for us. There is simply a lack of awareness at the moment that comes with time and the ability to think and predict the future effects of our decisions.

Some events cannot be predicted, but some effect should always be assumed. After making the decision, a large circle of events is set in motion that cannot be stopped. Our actions directly affect us, but also affect the entire environment and other people.

To be able to see certain effects of actions you need to look at them in retrospect, then we are only able to decide whether our choice was right or wrong. However, this is never a foregone conclusion, because no one knows where a choice can lead us, looking at it from an even longer perspective.

Let’s be conscious people. Let us be aware that the impact of our decisions and actions is always much wider than we might think.

Looking at certain issues from a distance, after a certain time our knowledge probably increased and developed our awareness, which, thinking about the right choice, we can come to the conclusion that we would not do the same way again.

We can never predict all the effects. Even the smallest, seemingly trivial things, decisions and matters have enormous power after a certain period of time, and therefore should not be underestimated.

The next time before making any decision, it’s worth thinking for a moment, thinking about the possible consequences. Developing this habit is really beneficial for us, because it will allow us to make better and better decisions in the future.

Let this first decision you make after reading this text be a decision to develop this habit.

“There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.” — William Shakespeare

Take note of the information, accept it, and then do everything possible to solve the problem that bothers you, find a way out of the difficult situation.

Sometimes it is worth preparing for the worst-case scenario, taking all necessary steps to prevent it and looking for all ways and methods to avoid it, and in 99% of cases it turns out that our worries were unfounded and exaggerated.

“I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened.” — Mark Twain

“One can stand still in a flowing stream, but not in a world of men.” — Japanese proverb

The world that we as people make up seems to be accelerating. It accelerates because we accelerate. This world is already rushing. Most importantly, we express our willingness to participate in this rush, but if we gave up, we would be somewhere in the margins. The pace of this world does not slow down thoughts. It is still accelerating, and it happens through people who are chasing happiness all the time. They chase a decent and dignified life at a high level.

We are forced to take on more and more responsibilities, we participate in more and more things, just to stay in this game. At what cost This usually affects our health and relationships with others, including our family. The winners in this race seem to be people who have escaped from this rat race — are they really? They managed to earn a larger sum of money and achieve the longed-for success.

These are exceptions. The rest of us are sometimes forced to take part in it, whether they like it or not. We are under pressure from the environment — the people we hang out with, the family. We can’t be worse than our friends. The family does not help either, but only gets along, asks uncomfortable questions …

Of course, you can take the first better job and so slip through this life. Ambitious people, however, cannot stand it, so they are all the more exposed to „taunts” of a family that has achieved little in life and does not understand how much effort at the beginning you have to put in to become something more, which they themselves wanted for us.

People have a strange tendency to see only the success itself, and somehow they do not pay attention to the path that led to it. How much does sacrifice cost us, how much effort, sweat and stress. They have no idea about it and cannot appreciate it.

Success can be compared to an iceberg. People see only its tip, which floats above the water, which is success. However, you cannot see what is under it, i.e. over 80% of the entire iceberg, which is the equivalent of our hardships and effort.

We are racing with someone all the time, we are chasing success, not seeing that we are missing beautiful moments along the way.

We lose our youth and our health. Is this our nature already? Can we do something about it? How do you break out of this vicious circle?

People who stop are out of the game. This is clearly seen on the example of prisoners who, e.g. after serving a sentence for several years, are released. They cannot find themselves in a life that has changed so much since they were free before their punishment.

The world is racing so fast that we cannot keep up with everything alone. We are lost alone, and what can be said about people who are several years back. They almost fall out permanently from society because they don’t know how to start, they often fall into depression.

We constantly raise the bar ourselves. We have more and more stress and it costs us more and more nerves. This condition will not last forever. Eventually it will happen, something will burst, explode and collapse. Up to this point, however, we need to run with others, whether we want it or not, in order to support ourselves.

“There is more to life than increasing its speed.” — Mahatma Gandhi

The following text applies mostly to hard-working and busy people.

Have you ever stopped for a moment to think about matters not only related to everyday duties? Do you still run, chasing fame and money, while losing what is most valuable in human life, i.e. your own health? Do you have time for yourself in this continuous race? Do you remember about yourself?

You are still chasing something. Finally, find a minimum of a dozen or so minutes a day only at your own disposal. Stop the eternal excuses and give up pleasure, and instead sit in peace, focusing away from people. Book these several minutes a day exclusively for yourself, and it soon turns out that it is also a pleasure — a pleasure that brings many benefits.

If your schedule is already filled to the brim and there is no time for it for any pleasure, then think about how much you can handle in this way. Will your whole life be on the run for someone? What is the most important for you? Striving for happiness, success is a good goal — whatever it means to you, but don’t forget about the most important thing, namely health. If you lose health, you will not be able to enjoy and make good use of your goal.

“The Dalai Lama, when asked what surprised him most about humanity, answered „Man! Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”

Slow down finally! Until now, you probably kept increasing the pace of your life, taking on more and more tasks, and slowly losing yourself, you lost your own self. You could even lose count of the days that go by so quickly, and with them your life

Today’s world is already sufficiently stressful in itself — noisy cities, attention is constantly distracted to dozens of gadgets, etc. Do not add another stress to yourself. Go to the park or the forest for a walk and relax at last. If you don’t know how to do it and you still don’t have time, then seriously think about your life. Do not underestimate your own health, focusing only on achievements and only on the good of others, because you have only one life.

And then, if you are gone, the people you worried about so much will have to do without you, and your achievements, titles, honors, who will enjoy them then?

Maybe it’s time to finally change your hierarchy of values, according to which you live and act every day? Slow down the pace of your life and finally find time for yourself. Don’t lose yourself, because it’s very easy in today’s world.

“Anxiety is caused by a lack of control, organization, preparation, and action.” — David Kekich

Everyone probably likes to have everything under control. The state of nervousness, stress and the accompanying tension can be easily sensed in important situations. Whatever it is, when it is important to you and your fate, we tend to think negatively and worry.

This happens depending on the situation for several reasons. They usually occur all together, making our feelings stronger and sometimes separate. It may be our lack of control over events. We do not decide on a matter, we do not make a decision or we are e.g. assessed.

For example, lack of control occurs when things are organized differently from the way you are used to. This is new to you, you have a different vision of it, or you just don’t like the way things are going on. It is usually associated with a lack of preparation and action, when we did not devote enough time to solid preparation of something and we know it when things that should have been done a long time ago are even not started.

When we lose control over something, when things are going wrong, not as we expected, then there is anxiety because we are not able to predict what will happen in a moment. This is a new situation for us and we do not know how to prepare for it and there is probably not much time for it.

In order to get rid of anxiety it is necessary to prepare in advance and thoroughly for a specific situation or event, otherwise the situation may overwhelm us. Great people know how to handle it and don’t let things get out of hand.

“Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning.” — Winston Churchill

What is the use of worrying? No, just what, it will deteriorate our mood and we will lose time. Although everyone knows it, we cannot get rid of this harmful habit.

Worrying only leads to strengthening this habit in us, because by repeating it, we remember it more and more deeply. Negative thinking will not bring us any benefits. It will lead to the realization of failures in our lives. Do not see the world and events in it as endless obstacles and problems.

Be aware that from time to time you will have to face a challenge, but thinking positively, you will certainly cope with it. Positive thinking will give you strength and motivation to act. Being optimistic about each day and the tasks ahead of us, we will have a much better mood, which in the long run will translate positively on the level of our health.

Remember, however, not to look at the world only through pink glasses. There is a subtle difference between this healthy optimism and the harmful one. Harmful optimism can even lead to overestimating one’s own strengths, possibilities, and thus to various dangerous events and accidents.

Healthy optimism is nothing more than being a realist, knowing your capabilities, what awaits us, but approaching matters with the attitude that we will succeed. It is a deep faith that we will succeed.

It depends on you how you perceive the world around you. You just have to choose wisely. A change from pessimist to optimist is possible. I know it for myself.

Returning to the quote, regardless of whether you are positive or negative about the world around you and its events, do not worry about the supply. Replace this negative and pointless thinking with something that can really help you. Plan things in such a way that you will be prepared for everything that comes to mind that may happen to you.

It is better to think productively and take action than to waste energy and your own health without need. Why stress when you can prevent it. Think in advance what and how you can do and get ready for it. It is important that you are aware of this and really take advantage of this advice.

Don’t read it just to read it. This is not the point. Use the advice given here and bring it into your life if you deem it appropriate.


„No man can achieve happiness through material goods because he knows no divine plans.”

Happiness is a priority in everyone’s life. Each of us strives to be happy. Happiness is something that does not depend on who you are or what you possess, it is something that depends only on what you think — your attitude.

Happiness should not be „postponed”, eg by worrying about everyday problems, because lost happiness is lost forever, it cannot be recovered in any way. We cannot go back to the past and experience the time again. This should be enough proof for each of us to take care of happiness now.

„Happiness is focusing on things that make us happy.”

The easiest way to avoid worries is to do something that sufficiently engages us to devote ourselves to the activity. However, the most effective way to deal with worries is daily meditation. For example, you will never find peace if you only think about how to get rich, get as much money as possible. When you always worry about money, it will complicate your life even more.

„Successful people always help those who were less fortunate than themselves.”

Of course, everyone needs money or items that can be obtained through them. However, remember to approach them as you would any other thing — in moderation.

“Happiness is not easy to find. It’s very difficult to find it in yourself — and impossible to find anywhere else.” ― Nicolas Chamfort

We often don’t realize how lucky we are. We cannot appreciate it until our situation worsens. Then we notice what fools we were.

Don’t think about the future. Just follow the individual steps and you’ll enjoy every single step for the rest of your life.

Happiness and unhappiness lie in the way we receive events, not in the nature of the events themselves.

“Desire is a contract you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want.”

― Timothy Ferriss, Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers

A state of desire, or deep lust, whether it refers to a thing or a person, is a constant pursuit of happiness. It is not known why we tell ourselves that we will not be happy until we get the object of our desire.

Such a constant pursuit of something or the pursuit of something takes place all the time in the minds of people, which is why we are not happy most of the time, because there is something else before us. This is a kind of dilemma.

Should we cease our pursuit of the desires that make us happy for a short period? Or completely abandon this race and focus on the present moment, thanks to which we will be able to find happiness within us?

The Buddha himself said that desire makes us unhappy and is one of the four sources of suffering. To free yourself of it, you must eradicate lust.

A contract with yourself is a contract that can sometimes not be broken until we change our views and attitudes to certain matters, which usually takes a long time. That is why we stick to our dreams so tightly and sometimes we try to achieve them at all costs. The promise of the prize waiting at the end of this path is extremely tempting, which is why we usually lose and follow our desire.

“The health of the people is really the foundation upon which all their happiness and all their powers as a state depend.” — Benjamin Disraeli

Everyone’s health should be at the top of their hierarchy of values. It has nothing to do with selfishness or selfishness. It’s just the way of things. What will happen to us when we put the good of others above our own? Continuing this way of thinking, we will probably be gone soon, so the other person will not gain anything. Whatever it looks and sounds like, it should be. This principle is confessed in emergency medicine.

The first responder arriving at the accident site must take care of his own safety. If this is not fulfilled for any reason, he will not simply take action. As a result, the injured person has even more serious consequences.

Each of us wants health above all. Unfortunately, not everyone was lucky when they were born. People who for whatever reason are sick with something, desire health like no other.

Looking at people, they don’t care much about their health. They begin to pay attention to them only when something begins to happen, when the body recalls itself. People are self-destructing themselves, whether by eating things harmful to their health — all kinds of stimulants and a bad diet, or not providing any physical effort to the body, as well as fresh air.

Usually, when people „wake up” it is too late, but then they cannot blame anyone. In the era of today’s information flow, where it is easily available — messages on how to live a healthy life are nevertheless unsuccessful, because they do not reach the recipients.

People are aware of the consequences and consequences, but more suffering is denying them pleasure, which comes from laziness and vanity, than later possible consequences, delayed in time.

„But who said it would happen to us?” It’s probably the motto of these stubborn and vain people. They are aware of the effects, and yet they live on as they did. The handful of people the message will reach will always come to their senses and start doing something, whether it’s less or more successful.

So what’s wrong with the others? You can’t change anyone by force, and even if it’s not a change, because the real change comes from within. It comes from ourselves.

Someone may say that all this is too sharply presented, because you can’t blame them for what they are. So who else would be responsible for their lives if they were not alone? It’s time for people to know the truth about themselves, no matter what it is. The truth is that it usually hurts, which is why people avoid it. They are afraid of her, they do not want to know her.

Who is still not convinced, let them try to talk about such topics with those hardened people. Let them try to make them aware, whatever that means in their case. He’ll find out that these people are hopeless cases. Everything comes from a person’s character, personality. One person can postpone the gratification, and the other person does not even want to hear about it. They would like to eat a cake and have this cake at the same time. Unfortunately, it can’t be done!

If such a person is addicted to the immediate need for pleasure, cannot postpone it, then he probably will not achieve much in life. Successful people are characterized by the ability to deny themselves momentary pleasure, are patient and can wait for later, usually increased benefits.

Of course, everything can be learned, but it requires a profound personality change. Such a person needs unearthly motivation and enormous self-denial. Usually, when someone decides to take such drastic steps in their lives, they had to experience either revelation, enlightenment, or simply threatens something if it does not change — even death.

This text is intentionally written in such a way as to challenge similar people and finally give them food for thought.

Returning to our main topic, it is mainly health that determines whether we will be happy, because suffering cannot be happy at the same time, unless suffering pleases someone, but that’s another matter.

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