drukowana A5

Bezpłatny fragment - Beauty

17 str.
za 1.58
drukowana A5
za 9.24


However it is easy to see beauty in other people, it is not easy to see it in yourself. That is very common, especially when we are talking about girls. Our society is teaching us, that beauty and young is a source of everything. You can see it every that on television screen, on internet, everywhere. Basically it is a problem for a lot of people who are female. Recently new trend started. Television programs present people who are obsese and showing their bodies, pretending that every single difference is a beauty. That is not the case. We must make difference between beauty and define it. Let’s say that definition of beauty is like that: common body, not fat, not light, just right. Basically, as it is.

There are many ideals of beauty. In the past, fat women were preferred, then skinny women. Everything depended on the times in which they lived. In the Middle Ages, women wore dresses that covered everything and simply had to be strong enough to lift a metal frame to a dress and at the same time to make the dress fit. In the ancient times a woman was beautiful if she was herself. Very large quantities of make-up were used in Egypt. Women even dyed their hair. But besides that, they were generally naked. In black Africa, women were generally naked for hundreds of years. The ideal of beauty during the Neolithic period is, in turn, a woman with wide hips and big breasts.

That is why we should laugh, when anybody is asking about going to fitness or doing all those stupid things, that society is expecting from girls. Basically feminists forgot, when fighting for better live and more respect, about having right to be just like themselves. Feminists have forgotten that the rights they fight for should also include the right not to bear the attributes of femininity. This is a crazy trend that was invented with no idea why. Women’s rights must be fought for, but in a completely different way. As part of human rights. The fact that women have lived for centuries in a society dominated by men is simply an element of social development. This will change with time. However, feminists were not patient enough. The fight for abortion, for equal rights, for everything and nothing. For nothing because the gender phenomenon was lost along the way. Here we come to the second element of the definition of beauty. For it results in a difference. Paradoxically, our society hates otherness, wants everything to be the same. But it is a contradiction. On the other hand, we want everything to be different. If every woman was blonde, how would they be different. But that doesn’t stop us from thinking that a blonde is prettier than a brunette. This applies to many statistical men. The very short conclusion from that is, that people should start from the scratch.

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