drukowana A5
drukowana A5
Atlantis illusion

Bezpłatny fragment - Atlantis illusion

Mystery 456 time

126 str.
za 58.8
drukowana A5
za 126.01
drukowana A5
za 143.65


This text was found a long, long time ago. Attention: Imanuel’s lyrics are strangely difficult to read.

Are you a truth seeker, a believer in ancient aliens, or maybe conspiracy theories? Or maybe a tracker of unknown worlds, mysterious stories? Do you like puzzles, codes and secrets? Or maybe you are a scientist and you do not agree with some assumptions or hypotheses found in the world of science? Are you looking for new hypotheses? You will find them here. If you are a student, ask your teacher a question about Atlantis analysis. Are you interested in the mysteries of humanity: who are we, where do we come from and where are we going? Are you looking for motivation that will move you and push you forward because you can’t overcome your internal mountains?

If so, this book is for you!

Read my story of Atlantis and you will surely find a part of yourself in it as well as important life and scientific tips. Maybe it’s just some philosophy worth having in your library. And you may want to know the greatness and power of God. This work is, in a sense, dedicated to him. God helped me create this story.

I am the author of many analyses, including the most important for me “Theory 456” and items such as: “The Ark of Time”, “Atlantis Illusion”, “The Philosopher’s Stone”, “Genesis”, “The Light that Fell, or King Notof”, “God’s Ring” and many others, most of them have not yet seen the light of day. Atlantis is a summary of most of my analyses. I really like puzzles, my books are one big code. If you read them carefully, you will definitely find many surprises for yourself.

But now about Atlantis.

While analysing “Theory 456”, the ancient world emerged. I called it Atlantis. I successively found Atlantis, the later photon and the cosmos, thanks to working on many theories at the same time. The whole universe was slowly coming together in my mind, and this is because each of my new theories is connected to the previous one. The entire Atlantis operates on the laws of classical mechanics and is based on it. I’m not looking for miracles, I’m only looking for truth.

While reading, you can learn about the analysis of the structure of the cosmos, learn about the history of the search for time, and find the answer to the question of what time is and what its nature is. What are black holes and what secrets do they hide? What speed was once achieved and did the photon really exist? What would the world of giants be like if it had survived to this day, and what would the standard of meters or weight be? Would the world be smaller and would the speed of the earth change as a result?

Or maybe you are interested in time travel? Is it even possible to travel in time? What was and what is the ring structure of the world of Atlantis? You will find answers to these and many other questions in my analyses. They are written in a simple way so that everyone can understand them. I chose the most popular stories to make them interesting and reach the reader. It is possible that you will not agree with them, but then try (I encourage you) to question the first analysis regarding, for example, Energoton, or time.

Or maybe you are looking for the philosopher’s stone, you think that time works in old age, maybe you want to stop this process? Or maybe you are looking for a theory of everything? Certainly, by purchasing my “Atlantis” you support the work on my next analyses, regarding e.g. old age, disease…

Or maybe you are interested in the Ark of the Covenant, did you know that it could heal and build the world?

By purchasing Atlantis, you supported my hard work. It is possible that in many years, someone will appreciate my message, sometimes it takes time, and maybe when people start reading it, they will win today. I am also starting the “Let’s Plant an Oak” campaign.

I invite you to read and discuss.

God On

Time: over 2000 BC.

Let us imagine an ocean reaching to the horizon, a huge bottomless sink, a raging throat of countless tons of water. Torrents of rain create a black curtain of darkness. In the middle there is only one boat, with only seven people in it, barely clinging to life. The hurricane shakes her with great force, up and down. They are just realizing that there has been a terrible, global flood that has wiped out everything, the entire world. Finally, after forty days, the boat reaches the only shore. Exhausted, the survivors fall to the ground with their last strength and ask their God for forgiveness.

This is the God of Atlantis, i.e. the Creator of everything. Desperate people pray, begging for their homeland, Atlantis, sunk under the waves of water, to be given back to them.

They know that it would really be no problem for their God to recreate in a second the world, or even the entire universe, as it existed before. He could build it in one moment, because the Creator of Atlantis is the greatest and most important of all Gods. The one and only all-powerful ruler of the universe. The typhoon raging in the distance began to calm down, as if a powerful force had tamed the raging elements with one gesture. The entire army of evil fell to its knees and there was overwhelming silence, worshipping the one who stopped the angry powers with one gesture. The universe bowed to its creator. The crew of the boat felt the presence of the Lord of Creation and worshiped him with adoration. People lying prostrate heard a voice coming from a distance, his voice. Everything around suddenly fell silent, the entire universe stopped. And the Lord spoke: “You went another way, your own way, and you had no need of me. Only the breath of the approaching, inevitable death woke you up. You say you believe in me? Are you shouting that I am among you and next to you? Listen: if I were among you, I would be in your hearts, and then not one of you would break a bruised reed. No one would dare to raise their voice. You would light a faint flame. You would see me on every corner, in every stranger, even in the enemy.


But you turned to molten images (Baal), and not to God, who made the heavens for you and kindled the stars. Do you know why you did not drown, what is the reason for your survival? How could you find the only remaining land that I created for you? This happened because I stand by you and take care of you.

And then, suddenly, in one moment, dark clouds rolled in and the whole sky became cloudy again, and the terrible cry of the sea raised the waves to the height of the sky. It was as if the Creator turned away from people and wanted to leave, allowing evil to complete its destructive work. Shatter these wretched remnants of life with waves and swallow the rest of the world.

Again the pleading voices were heard: “Lord, forgive us for our sins!”

There was only water and rocks around, and even if the waves were kind, the survivors could only survive a few days in these conditions. Clinging desperately to the barely smoldering life within them, they renewed their supplications and the intensity of their prayers. When God looked at his people again, the wave crashed down and became as level as a table. Then the Creator said: “Let there be land covered with greenery, let animals and birds dwell on it, and let all creatures return to the sea.” And then, as if by magic, everything suddenly bloomed and fell silent, and the world was reborn. The fear and uncertainty are gone as they appeared. The “man” was naked, but there was a smile on his face. Everyone will remember forever the greatness and strength of the Creator. In gratitude, they fell on their knees and worshiped the one who, when he appears, even the smallest dust and the entire power of the universe bow to him. The fire stops burning and the water stops flowing, and the wind whispers: “why don’t you see me in the quiet breeze?”

Every voice falls silent in humility, and the darkness disappears and the sun rises. Glory to the one who heals and refreshes with words. From then on, people worshiped their God every day.

Mount Saint Elia

Modern times. Year 1980.

Mount Elijah. An archaeological expedition goes to previously unexplored areas, conducting research on the legend of the mysterious Atlantis, lost thousands of years ago. During excavations, a young archaeologist – Dr. Paulina, supervising the entire research group, comes across mysterious tiles with strange inscriptions engraved on them: “Atlantis doomsday”.

However, most of the message is coded, written in an ancient language still unknown to researchers. After returning from the expedition, the entire team of scientists begins intensive work on deciphering the writing from thousands of years ago. Everyone is full of optimism and enthusiasm. Painstaking research has been going on for several years. The group of scientists is, of course, led by Dr. Paulina. The work is very exhausting and requires truly Benedictine patience, combining the skills of text encryption specialists with archaeological, detective and, of course, historical knowledge. Step by step, subsequent pieces of the puzzle are fitted together. Hard, many years of work is starting to bring the first results.

It’s finally here!

After forty years full of dedication, the text is almost complete. On Monday morning, the head of the group calls the president’s office to announce that what was unbelievable has become possible.

— Mr. President, Atlantis has been conquered!

The reaction of the scientific world was adequate to the importance of the event. A special plane, under extraordinary military escort, is sent to pick up the doctor and her team, consisting only of the most important colleagues. Time – 23:58, military base, exact location unknown.

This is where the meeting of the most brilliant scientific minds on earth and the presidents of the world’s greatest powers takes place. It will be a very special and stressful day for Paulina and her group. In a sense, the researchers were the stars of this meeting, specifically the lost Atlantis. The stress was building because of the news were in conflict with today’s science. Dr. Paulina was aware that this could be considered fiction, or at best a myth. Paulina wondered what would happen if the government strengthened her team with scientists, if larger subsidies were granted… “What can I imagine!”

She mentally corrected herself. “But there were no appropriate subsidies here, they left us to our own devices.” Paulina continued her reflections. “It would certainly not be a fairy tale today, but a credible scientific work, I would certainly convey it and prove it better.”

Paulina was interrupted from her thoughts by the voice of her colleagues:

— Paulina, everything is ready, they are calling us!

A bit lost, because she had never spoken before such a group of celebrities, she entered the room and started speaking to such an extraordinary group of listeners.

— Ladies and Gentlemen! As you know, years ago, our team came across some amazing artefacts, namely prehistoric records placed on mysterious stone tablets. At the beginning, all that was known was that this text most likely concerned the lost, legendary Atlantis, which turned out to be true. The biggest problem was that this text was written in an ancient language unknown to us.

During our many years of work, we have concluded that it is essentially ciphertext. For forty long years we have been trying to solve this mystery. We can finally announce to the world that we have completed this long, titanic work, and we consider it the greatest success of all time. However, I must inform you that under the threat of intervention by the army and secret services, this message must be restricted, inaccessible to outsiders, this is a secret that at this point is passed on only to a narrow group of scientists and representatives of selected countries. I am counting on your understanding, ladies and gentlemen.

Finally, Dr. Paulina begins to get to the heart of the project.

— Let me start with the fact that, according to the deciphered text, Atlantis had its own God, who could create and destroy the entire world in the blink of an eye with one, let’s say, “click of his fingers”. His actions were based on certain, previously established patterns, or let’s say templates. According to these records, everything in the world and in the universe has its own specific, ready-to-use pattern, i.e. a specific code that just needs to be reproduced and, for example, a living being will be created, i.e. a human being, an animal, or any other organism. Unfortunately, the functioning of this method is still a mystery to us. We will certainly be able to solve this mystery in the future.

Doctor Paulina gritted her teeth. No one, except for two of her closest colleagues, knew that the scientist was deliberately lying. She was well aware of what would happen to humanity if she administered this method. She knew that man would consider himself the master of creation, i.e. a reflection of God himself, and this would mean the destruction of the world as we know it so far.

Of course, there were questions from the audience:

— Doctor, we want to know whether what you are telling us are facts, or maybe myths, or even fairy tales. We demand evidence. Hard evidence. For now, we only know that there was or is a God and that he performed miracles. What you are talking about is not enough to convince anyone yet.

Paulina, full of emotions, reacted nervously:

— Our team found it to be true, and what you, ladies and gentlemen, will do with this knowledge, I don’t know, I hope you will take it into consideration. The world of Atlantis, which, according to the deciphered records, really existed, was built completely differently than ours, namely: imagine that the earth did not have a moon at that time.

There were voices of protest from the hall that it was impossible, that if it were so, the earth would not have any fluctuations, but would have a completely different rotation.

The world of Atlantis

Paulina interrupted, silencing the audience.

— Here are the facts.

The light went out, leaving only the glow of the projector screen visible. Doctor Paulina continued her speech.

— The discovered tablets state that the earth had no fluctuations at that time, and therefore was turned with one and only one side towards the sun permanently…

— While speaking, Paulina displayed appropriate animations, additionally supplemented with photos.

Voice from the room:

— Does this mean that our planet did not rotate as it does now? And assuming, of course, purely hypothetically, that this was the case, was it heated equally only on one side?

The scientist, explaining, replied that based on our calculations, the earth’s rotation was of course, but very slow, around 4.56 km/h. The entire world at that time had a ring structure, which caused the planet’s heating to be constant and one-sided. This means that the sun’s heat only spread from the center to the sides. The corresponding drawing was displayed on the board. The units of time, distance and weight also changed because they depended on the observer’s reference point. Most likely, in a few thousand years, these units will also change.

Question from the audience:

— If that was the case, does that mean the other side was completely shaded and very cold all the time?

Dr. Paulina, focused, answered a barrage of questions:

“Shady, sir, the night and ice were completely on the other side. Please imagine the following example assumption: assume that the earth is the sun and the moon is the earth. We, as the sun, then heat only one side of the moon, the heat and light spread gradually and gradually disappear, and this is what I call the ring system.

Paulina puts another drawing on the projector to illustrate the arrangement.

Inquiry from the floor:

— What, the earth isn’t moving? Then the sun will burn her!

Doctor Paulina’s co-worker, Elena, spoke:

— If you’ll excuse me, we’ll discuss this topic later.

And a very important thing: if the earth stands still or the sun stands at one point, this is just a mental shortcut on our part, because we know that for the sun to remain at one point, the earth would have to change its rotation around its axis.

Paulina continued:

— We managed to read this type of information, among others, and that is what I am trying to convey to you. Please note that thanks to this rotation and this arrangement, it was daytime on one part of the earth all the time, without interruption. On the other side, only night and permafrost covered with ice.

According to our findings, Atlantis was approximately at the height of the third or fourth ring. These areas had the most optimal conditions for living and development. Perfect conditions that allowed Atlantis to develop prosperity and wealth.

And now, if you allow me, I will move on to the analysis of this extraordinary world. We already know that if the earth stands still, or rather almost stands still, because it moves extremely slowly, this condition is called the annular structure effect. Each ring had its own specific dimension. The average length of such a circle was, from the smallest to the largest, approximately five to fifteen thousand kilometers, while the width of the ring was about 1,670 km. These rings were divided by ocean and seas.

Based on our research, we can assume that we have found the much-sought-after paradise and Atlantis. The references come to mind: Atlantis: paradise and hell. (See Figure 1.) Once we accept our thesis, i.e. the presence of the sun at one point, then logically we assume that at its epicenter the temperature on the surface will be over one hundred degrees Celsius. The ancients called this ring hell, if only because no living being could stay there, every organism died in a few moments, the heat burned everything to ashes, and the atmosphere was deadly. Going further, to make it easier to visualize the phenomenon, we can divide the world at that time into hours.

And we assume that the hottest area, i.e. the proverbial hell, will be at twelve o’clock. The next ring is the hour

10–11 or 13–14 (if we use the time as sunrise and sunset), so the average temperature is about 35–45 degrees, so the place is not friendly to many creatures, including, of course, human beings, but it is livable. The predominance of a desert climate, at the edges of which was the limit of vegetation, because the temperature dropped as you moved from the center to the edge of the earth. It is possible that the biblical Adam was sent there because the land was poor and difficult to cultivate. The third ring, however, is the proverbial paradise. I remind you that the sun stands still all the time. We have 8–9 or 15–16 hours here, the temperature ranges from 20 to 30 degrees, everything grows, blooms and ripens in the proverbial three days. For people, it means prosperity, a wonderful, carefree life at every step. Perfect conditions for life, because this is probably what Eden looked like… But unfortunately, such a perfect world was closed to people by God and everyone was expelled from it. We assume that the exiles were undoubtedly our proverbial Adam. Of course, the power and will of God did not allow people to return there.

The next area is the fourth ring, i.e. the time between 6.30 a.m. and 8 a.m. or 4 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Our findings show that Atlantis was located here. The temperature oscillates between 10 and 20 degrees Celsius. It’s a bit worse, but the conditions for living and development are still very good. Prosperity and splendor prevail in most of the area. It may not be a paradise, but this world is also powerful and developing very quickly. People are getting rich and living without major problems. The fifth ring is a very difficult area to inhabit. It is between 5.00 a.m. and 6.30 a.m. or 5.30 p.m. and 7.00 p.m. The temperature is up to eight degrees and drops below zero. A very inhospitable area, the world of sunset and sunrise, called by some the border of Lucifer. The world of the devil, ice and night. Records show that prisoners were sent there. It is possible that it was possible to tell the time in such a place thanks to the difficult conditions, but there is no mention of this.


So much for now about the zones on Earth, but let’s focus on the figure of Lucifer from Atlantis, because he is mentioned in the texts found. Well, Lucifer stood at the right hand of God at that time and judged people’s actions, both good and bad. In the notes he is called something like a prosecutor and prosecutor. Theory 456 draws attention to the words “Judge not, and you shall not be judged.”

The accuser only pointed out people’s bad deeds. We cannot assume that he wanted to condemn them, he was only doing what he had to do. That’s why the inhabitants of Atlantis were reluctant to judge him, to call him real evil.

But for most defendants, the prosecutor is a bad character. To conclude, the position of understanding, of seeing, depends on the position of the observer. Changing his position and remaining close to God showed that Lucifer had done a good job and separated the wheat from the chaff, because in Atlantis people were aware that they would be judged.

However, in the end, all of Atlantis, with all its wisdom, lost because at some point it abandoned its God. The consequences, as we know, were tragic – the land disappeared from the world maps forever. This is the most difficult art: judge not, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned.

Forgive and you will be forgiven. As our defender, the son of God, Jesus says (Gospel according to Luke 6:37).

At this point, the doctor became lost in thought. Someone from the room took advantage of the break:

— I take it they also worshipped Lucifer? And he was the accuser of Atlantis? And was this before the fall of Lucifer? Paulina:

— No, they had the same attitude as us, it was a dark power for them.

They thought he was tempting and testing them in their faithfulness to God.

I’m not sure of the pronunciation of this text because it stops at some point. People are always looking for those responsible for their actions. The snake was at fault and I “picked” the apple.

There’s always someone to blame. Question from the audience:

— And the whole power and army of evil?

— When the Creator appears, the entire army falls on its knees and worships Him.

— Was it their army that served God?

The doctor smiled.

— The Creator worshiped by the people of Atlantis, according to records, did not need an army. He himself could change everything in a second, both for good and for bad.

They all bowed, probably only out of sheer fear that God might destroy them. So whenever he appeared, the world stopped and fell to its knees before his majesty.

“I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end” (Revelation 13).

Next question:

— I understand that other gods also worshiped him?


— Of course, everyone, regardless of their status.

— Doctor, if such a power really existed, why doesn’t it appear, for example, to us, modern people? Why doesn’t he just create a paradise with a so-called “click”?

— The Creator has no problem giving us what we want. However, there is one “but”. Atlantis, and probably our world, was built for freedom of choice. To sum up, man had and still has the freedom to choose the path he will follow. This is what we read from the texts.

Atlantis felt that way too.

These texts are an example of choosing the wrong path. God stood by the people of Atlantis, but they decided to follow a different path, their own path. God still existed for everyone, but everyone had to find Him for themselves. The mistake of the people of Atlantis was that no one wanted to notice the greatness of the Creator. They focused on their own infallibility, disregarding a superior power. Paulina, she continued.

Flat Earth

— But let’s get back to the ring structure effect. We already know that the earth always has one side facing the sun. This system of almost imperceptible rotation caused people to think that the earth was flat. This reasoning has been established for many thousands of years. This is what it seemed to the inhabitants of the earth from their logical, simplest point of view. The flat earth, below and on all sides on its edges, must have had eternal night cold: a kingdom of ice and snow, due to the lack of sun. In fact, this style of rotation provoked opinions about the flat earth effect. It was at the limits of the sun’s influence, because only permafrost was beginning. (See Figure 2).

In this model, the sun heats and illuminates only fifty or sixty percent of the earth’s surface, or on average about twelve, fourteen hours, or twenty thousand kilometers. Then the impression of a flat earth is created in the minds, because in every direction the same obstacle appears – night and ice. Even if someone tried to travel and wanted to walk over twenty thousand kilometers in ice, at minus temperatures, and at night, it was not possible.

Statement of an observer from the audience:

— I agree, it can be said that the information about the flat earth has reached our times.

— Exactly. Yes it was. Returning to Atlantis: it was a very, incredibly developed land – according to the records, even space flights took place, but this was probably just the imagination of the inhabitants – although I believe in it and it is written in the texts. The technological level was unimaginable for us, the little ones. But it was from space, from low altitudes, that our planet looked as if it were flat. Of course, in the areas that were visible, i.e. where life took place.

So for the inhabitants, it was obvious, and this impression was intensified by this border of ice and frosty, impenetrable darkness. This information at that time created records adequate to the then state of knowledge that the world was flat and life existed only in this area.

Next question:

— They flew into space?! Isn’t this pure fantasy, professor?

The doctor replied with a smile:

— If it was just a fantasy of our survivors, I can congratulate them on such a fantasy. And I remind you, the survivors were uneducated, their knowledge was negligible. So where do these records come from? They had to see it and experience it.

So, to sum up, the flat earth myth fell on fertile ground for a long time.

But let’s get back to the world of Atlantis. We must remember that there has also been one constant season and even hour all along. This condition produced the effect of being locked in an empty room. It was a very strange and interesting phenomenon, causing everything to happen very calmly and very steadily.

It was distinguished by the lack of rush, the lack of fighting for food, for work, for existence. The world was blooming all around and there was enough of everything. There was real prosperity, there was no need to work excessively, everything grew without any special effort, as in the tropics. Complete bliss, lack of problems and stress meant that man lived even for over a thousand years. And this is not a joke.

Please remember that the Bible also mentions this possibility.

One of the most important generals, after thinking about it, asked:

— I’m sorry, but if the light, i.e. the sun, was at one point, what was time then?

— Thank you for your question. I am conducting this lecture in such a way as to provoke questions about time. I will try to explain the condition in which the sun was at one point. It is an impression similar to a situation when someone is lost in time. For example: simply drinking a cup of coffee would take up to a few of our earthly days, but in relation to that world it is only minutes, in our world it is seconds. It’s quite complicated. Points are created thanks to which the observer perceives a given situation, but everyone sees and interprets it differently, the one who drinks and the one who observes.

This was what caused the state of no rush, the state of permanent day, always the sun without a trace of night. The inhabitants of Atlantis were not rushed by anything, they knew that they could do something now, in a moment or in the future, without major consequences. A state of complete nirvana.

It is as if time were stopped at one hour, for example at twelve o’clock; the moment lasts and you do whatever you want, and the moment of rest lasts forever. There is no night, no winter, no rush. There is no need to even build a house. You can simply fall asleep in a hammock. Basically, there was no such thing as the concept of time. Such constant and stable conditions make time basically unnecessary. We have everything we want, whatever we want. The land of happiness. Please imagine that we currently have a plan to reproduce Atlantis, that is, the conditions that prevailed there – at least as close as possible – to conduct research on the behavior of a human, or rather a group of people, in such circumstances. We want to check how the body and mind will react if the sun (light) is only at one point. We are very curious whether and how this will relate to the descriptions we have found.

Our only problem is organizing a group of people who will take part in the experiment. For this purpose, we have created a special game that will facilitate the recruitment of candidates. It is a game and at the same time a recruitment system under the working name “Theory 456”. If the earth rotates at 4.56 km/h and the sun remains at one point, and time plays no role, there will certainly be more people willing than places. We can’t share the details of this game yet because we’re just at the beginning of setting the rules. Anyway, to qualify for our experiment, to complete certain tasks, you will need to play this game. We think this will be the fairest way.

Next question:

— All this is understandable considering the level of scientific development we currently have. And yet it is impossible that people living thousands of years ago had such knowledge and opportunities?

— I would like to remind you that our findings show that they did not know exactly what the sun was, not to mention space. All they could say was that the earth was flat and it was bright all the time.

To sum up, they had to obtain knowledge from sources unknown to us, and maybe even fly into space.

The doctor continued:

— I am providing you with information only from what I have read.

This is undoubtedly true. Despite Atlantis living in a land of happiness, filled to the brim with too much time and omnipresent care freeness, there were a few enthusiasts – today we would call them scientists – who were looking for explanations for this state of affairs. And now the most important thing, although we are not entirely sure because the text stops at this point. Well, the matter certainly concerns the moon, and specifically its formation.

The formation of the moon of Atlantis

There was noise and general confusion in the hall. Dr. Paulina, who wanted to continue the lecture, had to firmly silence the audience.

— Please be quiet! I cannot continue my lecture under these conditions! Please, ladies and gentlemen! — The noise gradually died down, but there was a general liveliness in the hall.

Paulina took up the topic again.

— From the records of “Theory 456” it appears that Atlantis has begun building a moon! Yes, ladies and gentlemen. It was supposed to be, as it were, a second sun and at the same time a kind of time indicator. It was supposed to be a powerful mirror whose task was to illuminate the other, dark side of the earth. An additional and probably most important task of this global object was that thanks to it it was possible to observe movement and, ultimately, simply create time. Because as we already know, with the sun aligned at one point it was simply impossible.

So Atlantis needed such a global object to create the concept of time and see it, both in theory and in practice.

A loud protest from the audience interrupted the statement.

— But you understand that we cannot believe these revelations, they contradict our views and many years of our science!

The next, calmer question was asked:

— Did Atlantean society even know what time was?

So where was it all heading?

Paulina explained persistently:

— We already know that the time in the context of the Atlantis environment was completely different from ours. So, of course, the sand hourglass measured much slower time, and the atom also measured it in totals slowdown, from our point of view, of course. To sum up this interesting thread, conclusions can be drawn about the concept of time in the regions of Atlantis, namely that it depends on the conditions in which the observer is located. And we’ll get to that in a moment.

Deciphering our inscriptions further, we learn that the people of Atlantis were actually seriously thinking about building their own moon and placing it in the sky. We learn that the construction process, creation, has started and work is progressing extremely well. Finally, the hard work was completed, albeit with a little delay. The facility was built of trillions of tons of diamonds, gold, titanium and platinum, and the energy was to be provided by the Saag stone, i.e. blue energy.

The moon shocked and delighted with its immensity and power. It was indeed otherworldly in its beauty, majesty and wonderful splendour. He radiated his power throughout the world.

When it finally ignited, there were several so-called service people on the surface. The day was exceptionally beautiful. Beauty further intensified the impression that man was a being more powerful than God himself, that he could create unimaginable things just like him. Self-love and arrogance caused people to lose faith in the power of their God, who until then could both create and destroy in the blink of an eye. Now they were above everything and, focused on their own abilities and talents, they turned away from him. They decided they no longer needed it. How wrong they were.

Finally, the president himself asked the question:

— Doctor, does the description speak specifically about the same “our” God who appears in the Holy Scriptures, the one who is omnipotent?

Paulina answers honestly:

— We assume so, Mr. President, because the records coincide, even very precisely, with the Bible. I promise that in the near future – I am sure of it – we will learn all the elements of our puzzle, i.e. those that we have not yet fully figured out, but there is still some work ahead of us.

And again a question from the audience was asked:

— Wasn’t the appearance of an object like the moon a harbinger of a future tragedy?

— That’s exactly what happened, and that’s what caused the future catastrophe that was so fatal.

Next question:

— I don’t really understand how it is possible that such a developed civilization did not predict the scale of the moon’s “impact” on the earth?

Paulina didn’t even have time to answer when someone asked next:

— It was obvious that such a powerful body would have a huge impact on the entire planet.

— Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it was a terrible calculation error.

We don’t have the exact text on what exactly they wanted to achieve. But the moon acted, making the earth move more. This movement caused Atlantis to crumble into dust and shatter as if it were a small handful of sand.

That’s one of the reasons. Considering other versions, we wonder whether they wanted to accelerate the movement of the earth, but in our opinion, this would be absurd, because it is logical that such an action would create a sky-high tsunami.

At this point, Dr. Elena interrupted the conversation:

— Just remember that Atlantis used different mechanisms of action than we do and such a procedure might not have resulted in tragic consequences.

Next question from the floor:

— Please, doctor, tell us exactly what happened on that fateful day. Was this also written down?

Paulina, after thinking for a moment, replied:

— Of course. To quote the inscriptions, this day was one of the most beautiful days, although all days were beautiful.

However, this one was particularly delightful, perhaps because humanity was waiting for the otherworldly effects of the moon. Of course, only positive effects. During this state of rapture, something terrible happened. Suddenly the ground shook and its speed increased rapidly, well above 5,000 km/h. It was a terrifying experience. In one moment, trillions of tons of water, ice, rock, and mud descended on the wonderfully peaceful world of Atlantis. In an instant, the darkness of night covered everything. The world has ended.

This unreal, terrifying spectacle appeared to the speechless handful of people working on the moon. People were shocked, the world they knew disappeared before their eyes under a layer of ice, water and stones. He ceased to exist in one moment, as if he had never existed before. It was simply ground into dust. And so, ironically, the time longed for by people began to unfold.

However, things took a turn for the worse on the moon. The days passed, and people in the base were in despair due to the impossibility of returning to earth, due to the powerful tsunami raging across the globe. Food and water supplies began to dwindle. Another tragedy has begun. The problem was how to get back to earth. The conditions that prevailed made the return impossible, as the global tsunami, 30 km high, was still circling the world.

Someone interrupted the speech:

— I have a question. Everyone knows that the oceans will not cover the earth completely?


— Everyone knows, at least in theory, today’s Antarctica, and I assure you that once, on the other side of the earth, the masses of ice were even a hundred times greater.

— Sorry, I forgot about that fact. Please continue.

Paulina resumed her lecture.

— There were a lot of problems at the base, too few engineers, managers, and a few cleaning staff. Nobody had any knowledge on how to get out of this situation. It was decided that the flight would take place as late as possible. The rescue capsule located at the base was used to return to earth. But time had already started working to their detriment. They went from paradise to hell, where every second mattered. However, having no choice, they abandoned the moon and risked returning to earth. However, the maps showed no solid land and the conditions on the ground gave no chance of survival. All around there is only the ocean and a raging tsunami. Immeasurable and deadly waters to the horizon. They waited as long as possible, the departure was scheduled for the last possible day. Records say that Atlantis may have been trying to align the moon correctly during this time, or search for the correct distance from the earth, or even send it into space to restore it to its previous state. All this to save the situation, at least partially.

Eventually the base was abandoned. The capsule fell into the water without any major problems, turning into a life raft. The survivors had difficulty staying on board due to the raging elements. All the equipment was taken away by the waves, nothing was retained, much less recovered. The life raft drifted for forty days, and then they saw land.

Inquiry from the floor:

— You say: forty days, I wonder why so long?

— We don’t like it either. Our calculations show that the tsunami should continue to rage for years, as should the land formation process. It should also last for years. However, I would like to remind the distinguished audience that thanks to the rotation of the earth initiated by the elevation of the moon, the world could be created in a few days, this is how we read it.

So we know that after forty days of wandering, land appeared to a group of lost people…

This story is described in more detail in another material, now due to lack of time we have to shorten it to the most important events.

— Can we please have a break? We need to check what the Bible says about these forty days.

But after the break, the barrage of questions got bigger and bigger, they came from all sides:

— So there’s a base on the moon? Is it a machine? Can it fall apart? What drives her?

The audience was dominated by a question, slightly deviating from the mainstream:

— I’m very sorry, I understand everything, but was it necessary to organize such an extraordinary meeting? Couldn’t the doctor simply convey this information at a scientific symposium or in an appropriate magazine?

A heated discussion ensued. Those gathered tried to answer the question themselves. Chaos ensued.

More people spoke up. The doctor replied:

— Maybe you’ll note that it was Noah’s flood. A global flood that took place thanks to the action of the moon. Even if no one built it, it could have been responsible for this cataclysm. And it didn’t matter whether he was getting closer to the earth or away from it. Apparently he caused the disaster. I believe that, first of all, the president and a group of the most outstanding, trustworthy scientists should learn the research results. Only then should we consider whether they can reach a wider audience as, after all, very unusual information.

— I’m sorry, but what do we have to do with the moon? After all, with this level of knowledge and technological capabilities, we have no influence on it – added another guest.

— Doctor, did you find fragments of documentation regarding the structure of the moon?

Paulina answered according to her knowledge.

— Let me remind you that only a handful of people from the staff survived, as they had narrowly defined tasks. No one in this group had any knowledge about the structure of the moon, because other scientists were responsible for the project of creating this unusual, unimaginable project. Yeah, so we don’t have any information about that. I would like to remind you that the wave of trillions of tons of ice removed and reshaped the area. The land was different in those days. That is why most of the old stories and stories do not suit us today, and we cannot find them. The biblical flood created a completely different terrain, so we will not find what existed before the flood, the power of water took away and then built a new world, so unlike the previous one.

— And what do you think, the moon is man-made?

Something like a mirror, or maybe a machine?

The doctor wondered:

— It seems to me that my opinion is of little importance here. I have no knowledge in this field, I am a translator.

It is science that should deal with the processing of this data. But in a few thousand years we will also be able to build such a moon, and it is not certain that there will not be even ten moons orbiting the Earth in the future. Building a moon (large orbital station) is easier than building a base on Mars.

One of the guests asked another question.

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