drukowana A5
drukowana A5

Bezpłatny fragment - Adytum

106 str.
za 14.7
drukowana A5
za 34.7
drukowana A5
za 56.69

„Highlights (Prelude)”

Pasting some of the best lines I have written recently.

Cannot wait to write the book’s entirety,

and for the entirety to be brought to light.

You are the light.

„A Bundle Of Fun”

’It’s more fun to compete,’

said old pinball machines

’It’s more fun to compete’;

’It’s more fun to compute,’

sang Kraftwerk on Computer World

’It’s more fun to compute’;

’It’s more fun to commute,

sang Theatre of Tragedy on Musique

’It’s more fun to commute’

’It’s more fun to comprehend,’

scribe I myself nowadays;

’’Tis more fun to comprehend,’

scribe I myself nowadays

— the parallel coin’d and seal’d

within years in the amount of three;

during the timespan of three years

’It’s more fun to comprehend’

— if not includéd by you I am,

then at least strive to understand;

oh, but what the hell am I e’en on about, man?

neither use nor ornament; ’stay the pace’;

’I don’t walk at all,’ mimic I my idol great

— e’er seen me run or at least gait?

„Run For the Hills (The Extratemporal Dance — I)”

’I write, translate, teach, and contemplate…’

* * *

’e’en when

I o’ershare

— who I am

styll ayond

thy ken doth dwell

— and perhaps we should let it be, let it so remain;

perchance we ought to call it a day, maugre unfain,’

this is what I convey, and allow thee to sense

the honey of my Jean Paul Gaultier,

longevously acknowing it within the iciest o’ grue

as thy scent to have thyself refrain’d fro’ me to

yet these stairs thou dost not descend;

in a heartbeat deniest thou

such my in-a-heartbeat request —

forsooth, am not lief to have it made;

thou of awareness art withal

of ’ow great, ’ow awesome, and ’ow wondrous,

’ow amazeballs life can be once untam’d

and alas,’ I declaim, as tho’ by heart

I had it learnt, for one can get used to it,

but ne’er deal wyth, and iwis, I haven’t dealt myself—

I do that wyth my face styll expressing it grave;

’the tower is not

alone to have me chain'd’

„After All (I Dare Be Bound)”

I was always a lady,

whose direction was solely twofold

— ’a bridge too far’

and ’all dressed up and nowhere to go’,

which were of both

— mutual exclusion and similitude,

but any port in a storm

— would not do; feasible I would not hold, for sure

thus here I am wyth thee,

my once in a mortal coil,

and we are being edifiéd to exist within a mo;

’tis quite a task, a quest, yet I confide in our success

— altho’ nou I’m writing it lonesomely,

in no excess is my loneliness, my one and only

and I love thee e’en if leavest me thou here alow;

I love thee e’en if leavest me thou here all alone,

and I love thee e’en if goest thou aloft —

I love thee maugre aboon is where goeth thy road;

I love thee in spite of being here and there,

and neither giving me a choice;

an alternative to set our hearts onto;

in alliance to opt for — zilch, a nought

— less — I could not keep thee belovéd, no

be it for roller coasters, or mountain tops;

be it for soccer fields,

or most audience-packed concert halls;

I have not said ’no’ after all;

I cannot say ’no’ after all,

and do I want it? a response of what

betwixt ’yes’ and ’no’ dwelleth told or untold;

I have not said ’no’ after all;

I cannot say ’no’ after all

do I want it? oh, kiss me hard and take me home

I love thee, for it e’er hath to take just a mo,

and so a mo it e’er taketh, for sure;

I solely wish I did not live such a mo moe

intensively than the ones which in concert we know;

— less — I could not keep thee belovéd, no,

for e’en when to alleviate it ’tis impossible

— thy corse an’t reposéd, verily doth an uphill job;

thou in readiness to lend a hand forbye, so I myght

have it raught; we try to get each other aright

— after all — this way I dare be bound

and my importance

an’t greater than thine

— if one deemeth only theirs so, ’tis an’t love at all;

I earnestly want thee to go where’er feelest fine;

I shall always wait

ontill comest thou home;

I shall always seek it

watching thee fro’

where I myself am safe and sound,

e’en when playéd tricks on me I am by my mind,

that I am so bound, and wyth me — so art thou;

when disappearest thou fro’ where

reacheth my sight, I possess my trust for thy return

— after all — this way I dare be bound, my gem

of thee — my anticipation;

of thee — my celebration;

I bear wyth thee,

as wyth me thou didst and dost;

such our choice, common, mutual, is come;

of thee — my anticipation,

of thee — my celebration;

and I love thy roller coasters,

thy literal mountain tops,

those soccer fields of thine,

and the most audience-packed concert halls

where in concert be — we cannot,

if we tried to opt for it all,

maugre I despise that fact itself a lot;

maugre my wish to follow thee, to be able

to do so — at times forbye

is bolting down my soul;

maugre my lack of interest in some of them,

yet the teares shed

— mourning the lack of choice

— of thine — my celebration to reign e’ermore

— after all — this way I dare be bound,

my once in a mortal coil,

my once in that extratemporal waltz, if it will at all

I love when thou callest them ’mine and mine alone’,

for unintendéd to be hurtful thy purpose and goal,

and of thy laud — freedom is the subject sole,

just like of mine, for there is a plethora of miracles

in-between what ’bound’ and ’unboundéd’ they call;

I love when thou callest them ’mine and mine alone’;

I love that they are thine and thine everso therefore

my dusk’n'dawn, iwis I dare be this bound, after all

and remindest me thou

of togetherness ontill snow covereth our heads;

of adoration ontill such wisdom we do possess;

’why na longer than that?’

interrogatively speak I dare,

and some good laughter

mixéd wyth teares we share,

loving and bereaving our

possibilities and impossibilities,

so wonderfully common-and-garden agen

thou and I,

so fine and unfine;

thou and I

— so bright

in conjunction

and out of one

yet for our love

— we do and will strive, my gem aglow;

we dance till exhausted

where’er the space is me-friendly and enow,

honoring what ought to be typical;

o, to emblazon — e’en if bittersweet so

— it all ere, dureing, post

our ’snow on the mountain’ lore;

we want it — of it we dare be bound, will be bound;

in alliance we go and do find miracles, miracles

in-between what ’bound’ and ’unbounded’ they call:



and our winters,



rises, and falls

our silver mountain tops

both unlikely and achievable


’canst thou not behold?’

’canst thou not withhold?’

„Truth To Tell”

and I don’t want it to end this way:

that thou remindest me more

of what I cannot do than of what I can

that this would be thy fault

— I say not;

that such hurt would be mutual

— I am cognizant of;

confide in my words

— we’d better steer clear of it therefore

„Reality Check („Truth To Tell” — Modern English Version)”

and I don’t want it to end this way:

that you remind me more

of what I cannot do than of what I can

from reproaching you so

— I withdraw;

that such hurt would be mutual

— I am cognizant of;

confide in my words

— we’d better steer clear of it therefore

„Gaslit — II”

’thy strength shall endure e’ermore’

’by dint of me enduring it all?’

„When the Smoke Clears (The Extratemporal Dance — II)”

rushest thou to me like a shot,

having hearken’d to the parle so concise,

yet styll being blood ’n’ thunder as all what is mine,

and allegedly, ’tis not a pity of thine

to determine this quirk o’ fate —

to make us have this room longsomely shar'd;

patchouli — sensest thou? our closeness accordeth;

have deem’d thee as hot as hellfire,

yet thy breath to be whiskey at times is

— agin all appearances—

hotter when of cigarette smoke it is bereft;

honey, let that base note o’ my scent-

oh, let it circumjacent be instead

if thou actually makest thy mind to stay

„Gardenia Time (The Extratemporal Dance — III)”

fro’ bihindan approach’d by thee I am,

and our countenances meet by dint of thee, as well

— now the iciness appeareth to melt, howbeit

as thou touchest my arms, which due to the

Spanish style of my dress are bar'd, there

cometh the urge to break our silences, which blend:

I write, translate, teach, contemplate,’ I try agen,

but thou silencest me anew, and I fear that I fail’d

— that’s not the thing, tho’, and we both know it well

— ’tis important to read between the lines,

albeit lines and signals ought to be precise

to the greatest extent, so there afresh I commence:

’confuséd be thou not, I beg, for I am not bound,

yet what they call unbounded is not for me itself;

confuséd be thou not, I beg, for freedom is the term

I define my mobility aid wyth, yet I must be frank;

to be a woman in a wheelchair, and to be a poetess

is in sooth to be misunderstood, and neither

of us two can help, my dearmost, my solar flare;

those heels shall ne’er click, ’n’ e’en if gone flat

— shall not make silver mountain tops achiev’d by,

but, ya, I could imagine that, couldn’t I?

and so couldst thou, yet thou canst fulfill

such dreams wyth somebody else styll;

having each other met halfway now, let’s proceed

further and amain — in directions opposite,

natheless na longer lost by wanting to lead

each other and ourselves down the garden path;

confide in me, I hate to say it, I do despise, but

thorns appear to be a goddamn blessing this time

— thanks for the gardenia time;

the first impression more than nice

— ephemeral ’tis withal, I do realize’

„Gaslit — III”

’purely and simply to have thee withdrawn,

my child — I say it all — knowest thou not?’

’having withdrawn thine eyne anon

to ne’ermore purely and simply behold?’

„Like A Demon (The Extratemporal Dance — IV)”

honeybun, no path consisteth of roses only,

sayest thou asudden, stroking my lire slowly

and we both know that life seldom is comely,

but e’en when on thorns we are, it an’t lonesomely

— honeymoon phase fore’er lasteth not;

’tis within one when I am aghast at

big and small things to come withal;

fear I becoming a dæmoness of thine,

as into my den of evil I plunge;

everyone hath one, dare be bound,’ avouch

we at once, yet dare I augur and warn thee forbye:

neither killing nor unleashing the omnia

o’ demons befalleth o’ernight; ne’er is it in a flash—

no, ne’er hath it e’er been done rathe, in spite

of morns being as harsh as eventides at times;

and what if it hath more of a bloomicide,

for thee to hither, and thither, and yon settle down

— all o’er hell’s half acre,

yet pivotally by my side?

„Common-and-garden — Part II (The Extratemporal Dance — V)”

and declarest thou volition to dive along;

I will not tell thee to put that in thy pipe

and eke have it smok'd, despight

that impression that thou wouldst burn to the core

— I desire it not, may heaven and hell both forfend,

wyth elsewhere considered

to have been aboue ’n’ beyond, I swear;

if it hath to be our swan song, I fold

my hands for ’tis one, of course,

for I prefer it to thine own sung solo,

and oh, thou wost, forsooth wost wherefore

(he hath read, he hath read…):

’I don’t want it to end-

(…just to misunderstand, misunderstand)

I don’t want it to end

as it ended in ’The Extratemporal Dance’,

as Odile I set my shriek free;

ne’er shall it be — thy Daniel to my Odette;

ne’er shall it be — thy Julian to my Anneliese;

ne’er shall it be — thy Stefan to my Rapunzel;

ne’er shall it be — thy Derek to my Genevieve

— life is not a fairytale, we have known it too well!

’and couldn’t we be



to longsomely,

yet not lonesomely have it led?

couldn’t we be


and bringing it into blossom,

couldn’t we just have it shar'd?

’will we be this common-and-garden e’ermore?

will we, when I’m not young and beautiful anymore?’

’’tis abowt being old

and growing e’en older wyth thee;

canst thou not behold?

’tis already happening

now that we are here’

„Gaslit — IV”

chewing the scenery

I dare squint my eyne

ontill the crow’s feet maskerade me

ostensibly fine

„Off Cloud Nine (The Extratemporal Dance — VI)”

’I don’t want it to end

as it ended in ’The Extratemporal Dance’’

’the future is come and doth proceed

— canst thou not see?

nought is foretold, nought carv’d in stone,

but ’tis already happening now that we are free

and bold enow to mold it all ’n’ dive so deep,

aren’t we?’

’I don’t want it to end

as it could end in ’The Extratemporal Dance’…’

(he hath read the book, he hath read;

long is thine experience in sitting —

as reposest thou, make him repose next)

’…I write, translate, teach, and contemplate…’

„Ships In The Night — I”

altho’ I appear to be one,

and it echoeth fro’ thy mouth styll:

’in my eyne shining bright,

e’en when burnt out

— ’cause ’tis better to go and lyght one glim

than to curse the engulfing darkness fain;

burning candles at both ends, a candle in the wind;

ethereal, yet ne’er as changeable as weathervane;

maugre onerous ’tis to stay,

at heart not to rescind she is’

— I am not a star; being a back-cloth one

hath ne’er been intendéd, my hot lips;

my loveling, I’d rather embrace the e’entide

the blackness of which would overbrim

and bolt me down in no time,

than make one on this very hill

now that we are here—

now that bring me here thou didst

„Ships In The Night” — II

yon the estrellas flare

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