drukowana A5
About a creature that only wanted to live

Bezpłatny fragment - About a creature that only wanted to live

116 str.
za 12.6
drukowana A5
za 37.8


This book is dedicated to all people who want to live free. Today’s world proves to us that there are still many things we do not know about it. The proof of this is the Russian aggression against Ukraine, the war in the Middle East, the national conflicts in the territories of former Yugoslavia and the religious conflicts. If we want to live free and fulfill our dreams, we must stop this apocalypse of the destruction of the world. We thought that World War II would be the last threat to us all, but we were wrong. The age of destruction has come.

Henryk Langner


To Russia,

To Belarus,

To Serbia,

To Palestine,

To Jordan,

To Lebanon,

To Syria,

To Iraq,

To Afghanistan,

To Iran,

To Pakistan,

To China,

To North Korea,

To Mali,

To Niger,

To Chad,

And to Sudan

I, as a citizen of the Republic of Poland, the European Community, the States of the United North Atlantic Treaty Organization, democratic and sovereign rights, want to inform the governments that the world we walk on and its inhabitants desire peace, a peaceful life and an end to all warfare. Every day innocent people die, not only men, but also children and women. I believe that no one wants to die in a senseless war, but to live and fulfill their most secret dreams. I inform you — nations, warring governments, totalitarian, dictatorial states, to abandon the rifle and follow the path of democracy, otherwise they will be turned into the dust of history.


12 VIII 2024

Henryk Langnera

To the Republic of Poland,

to the United States of America,

to Ukraine,

to France,

to Japan,

to Great Britain,

to South Korea,

to Canada,

to Israel,

to the Republic of,

to Lithuania,

to Latvia,

to Estonia,

to the Czech Republic,

to Slovakia,

to Hungary,

to Finland,

to Norway,

to Sweden,

to the Netherlands,

to Belgium,

to Spain,

to Portugal,

to Switzerland,

to Austria,

to Slovenia,

to Croatia,

to Denmark,

to Moldova,

to India,

to Taiwan,

to the Republic of South Africa,

to New Zealand,

to Iceland,

to Romania,

to Greece,

to Andorra,

to Malta,

to San Marino,

to Liechtenstein,

to Luxembourg,

to Monaco,

and to Ireland

I, as your citizen and friend — democratic, sovereign and united states in the face of: Russian aggression against independent Ukraine, Muslim invasion of independent Israel, dictatorial and totalitarian governments in Asia, the spread of communism and Nazi ideology, national war in former Yugoslavia, conflicts, civil wars and military takeovers in Africa and South America, appeal for: continued financial, military and humanitarian aid for Israel and Ukraine until these nations win the war, building a strong military defense system against communism, Nazism, Muslims from Africa and Asia, and most importantly, for our unification to take place every day, day and night.


12 VIII 2024

Polak, Henryk Langner

0.1. Purpose of the work

The purpose of my work is: to commemorate the victims of all wars waged by the Germans and Russians, to look into the past, present and future, to present the world in which modern man lives and to show how a being who only wanted to live suffers.

In this book I also appeal to all totalitarian states to stop all armed conflicts. I also appeal to independent states so that their power of unification, which today’s totalitarianisms do not possess, could become even stronger and so that it never ends. I want to tell all people who want to live in freedom to remember that freedom was not given for nothing and does not last forever. Something great is coming and we must prepare for it.

0.2. Sources

To write my book, I used only the knowledge that I have and that I gained in classes in various humanities. I am taught by wonderful people, with whom I gain valuable knowledge. These teachers teach with passion for their subject, which they teach and always try. You can see from them that they want to teach the young generation and help them on their further path to adulthood. Thanks to these people, I gained the knowledge that I used to write this book.

Part 1

What kind of world do we live in?

1.1 What can we expect from our planet?

I think that at the very beginning we need to deal with what we expect from today’s world. We all think differently. For one person, family will be important, and for another, homeland. In this case, we can decide different situations, but I think everyone will agree with my concept. The most important thing for every person is life. If we did not have life, we would do nothing. Thanks to our life, we can fulfill our innermost dreams and live the way we want. The life of each of us is the most valuable. Therefore, in this case, we can expect our world to last forever, because if it dies, we will die too. Whether the world will last forever is decided by us — people.

Therefore, if we take care of our planet, it will give us life in return. It depends on it whether we will live. After all, it produces the oxygen we need, provides us with food, hydrates us, provides mineral resources that are needed to build our homes and meet our basic needs such as: electricity, gas, kerosene, which is converted into gasoline, etc. We can say that it is our planet — Earth that keeps us alive. It depends only on us — people, how much longer this will last. This is all we can expect from our world.

Unfortunately, what has been given to us is being destroyed by conducting military operations, arson, disrespect for nature, i.e. by the destructive actions of man. We should take care of our common world: plant new trees, segregate waste, implement diplomatic solutions instead of military solutions and respect everything that surrounds us. Taking care of our common world will help us in our common survival.

1.2. What is good and what is evil?

What is good and what is evil? In today’s world, the ability to distinguish between these two things is disappearing. An example of this is wars that are started in different situations, to which social groups we belong and what goals and desires we have in life. Totalitarian states and great people cannot distinguish good from evil. These are countries such as: the Russian Federation, Serbia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, the People’s Republic of China and North Korea. People there cannot distinguish good from evil. They act with the thought that they are doing good. In these countries, murders, thefts, rapes and humiliation of innocent people occur every day. This is caused by the propaganda of local authorities. This great contempt is fueled by people in the highest positions, such as: Vladimir Putin, Alexander Lukashenko and Kim Jong-un. The inhabitants of these nationalities are the same as their leaders. These countries are anti-Western, anti-Polish, anti-American, and anti-NATO. The leaders of these countries are almost indistinguishable from their predecessors. They were: Adolf Hitler, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot. Like the dust of history, they strive to destroy the world. No one has succeeded. Perhaps one of today’s criminals will eventually succeed. That is why they must be stopped.

1.3. Freedom as a choice

Freedom is the ability to decide about one’s own life. Only the person concerned should speak out and make a choice about freedom. Every person wants to live differently, to become someone else. By choosing for someone, we deprive them of the choice about their own, not only freedom, but also the future. Every person wants to live free. Although we cannot imagine anyone taking away someone’s freedom in today’s world, this is exactly what happens.

War takes away a person’s freedom. Children suffer the most because their freedom is taken away before they even know what freedom is. Every war takes away basic human rights, including freedom. The war waged by the Russian Federation in Ukraine since 2014 has already claimed the lives of thousands of Ukrainian children and there is no end to it. Russian drones and missiles target children’s hospitals, kindergartens, schools and other places where children seek shelter. Some Ukrainian children are taken prisoner by Russian soldiers. In Ukraine, they do not have the opportunity to decide about their own lives.

I personally know many Ukrainian children. I help them every day and we play different games together. I met a very unique and full of values girl from Ukraine, whom Vladimir Putin and his sick ideology forced to leave her homeland. This girl is exceptionally nice. She is thirteen years old. She is in the sixth grade of primary school, where she attends. She did not want to leave her country. She wanted to study there. Despite various difficulties, she is coping. She is doing amazing things. Learning a language that is foreign to her was not difficult for her. Today, she speaks better Polish than a Pole. Here in Poland he is growing stronger with hope for a better tomorrow.

I also met another Ukrainian child. He is about the same age as the Ukrainian girl. Sometimes I do not understand him when he talks to me, but we still get along. Nothing can stop us from understanding each other. He told me that Putin will soon attack Poland and that is why we have to escape from this country, which is Poland, as soon as possible. Not all young Ukrainians are as cool as this girl and this boy from Ukraine, but their freedom should not be decided by anyone other than themselves.

1.4. Who is a human?

A human is a living being who wants to live happily and freely. The first humans were on this planet 4 million years ago, and our species — homo sapiens, or thinking humans — found themselves one hundred and sixty years ago in present-day Ethiopia. There are two answers to the question of where humans came from.

The first is that humans came from our animal friend — the monkey, which evolved into humans. There were several such stages, and the last of them is our species — homo sapiens. The first humans were small, hunched, very hairy and had small skulls. The largest skull was that of the species that came before us — homo neanderthal. It inhabited our planet four hundred thousand years ago. Today’s humans are very similar to monkeys. They have the same shape, head, limbs, hair, and some skills and can think like monkeys. The answer to this question comes from historical, natural, and biological sciences.

Theological science, on the other hand, speaks differently than other sciences. From its sources we can learn that man was created in the likeness of God, who created us. According to the sources of this science, in the beginning there were two people: Adam and Eve.

Man wants to be happy and wants to fulfill his dreams. Our dreams are different. A dream can be: starting a family, finding a partner, having a child, gaining a profession, creating your own company, etc. These things give man great happiness.

A human being learns throughout his life, not only while attending classes at school, but we also learn from our lives. Sometimes we make mistakes and we also learn from them, so as not to make them again. Our parents, teachers, neighbors, idols, colleagues, and ourselves teach us.

We also want to live completely free. We want no one to decide for us, and if this happens, it is only our fault, unless we have no influence on it. Each of us has the right to decide about ourselves, not other people.

1.5. So war! What does this mean to me?

War is a serious threat to the existence of a country. During conflicts, conscriptions are carried out, from the age of eighteen. At that time, very young people go to war, who have only just reached the age of majority. These are people who are still in school, taking their final exams and going to university. An example are the heroes of „Stones for the Rampart” by Aleksander Kamiński.

Young people most often die in war because they are sent to the front. There is always a danse macabre, or dance of death, on the front. Corpses lie next to corpses. Billions of liters of blood flow next to thousands of corpses. Next to young soldiers recently conscripted to the army, there are also bodies of generals, colonels and professional soldiers.

If war breaks out, we have an obligation to defend our country. We cannot run away, we can only fight. Going to war always causes fear. No one wants to die in war, especially when they have just started their adult life. Dying for the fatherland is the highest pride. Despite this, it is much better to live and fulfill your dreams.

1.6. Hegemony in Modern Europe

Europe is called the old continent because it was there that man developed the most, and there was no knowledge of other continents. Later, man discovered Asia and Africa, and it was not until the 15th century that Christopher Columbus entered the pages of history as the discoverer of America. Europe is surrounded by large seas, such as: the Norwegian Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, the North Sea, and one ocean, which is called the Atlantic Ocean. In terms of surface features, Northern Europe is a lowland region, while Southern Europe is an upland region. Spain and Portugal are otherwise called the Iberian Peninsula, Ireland and Great Britain the British Isles, Norway, Sweden and Finland the Scandinavian Peninsula, the countries of former Yugoslavia, Albania and Bulgaria the Balkan Peninsula, Italy the Apennine Peninsula, Poland the Polish Lowland, Germany the German Lowland, and France the French Lowland. The greatest powers in Europe today are: Poland, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Russia.

After World War II, an organization was established in Europe to unite European states. The European Union is the world’s largest economic power. The European Union is formed by many European states. It is headquartered in the capital of Belgium — Brussels. Every five years, elections are held in which Europeans decide who will represent Poland in the European Union. Those who are elected become MEPs or people who hold high EU positions. The current president of the European Commission is Urszula von der Leyen. Donald Tusk, the current Prime Minister of Poland, previously held the position of President of the European Council, thus raising Poland’s position in the EU. The European Union decides on climate, finances, education, healthcare, economy and justice, among other things, and in recent times there have been talks about the war in Ukraine and migrants who are trying to enter the EU illegally.

In 1949, the most powerful political and military alliance was established. The NATO alliance is not only made up of European countries, but also the United States and Canada. This alliance has already saved the nations that make it up several times. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization operates on the principle of one for all, all for one! Thanks to this, hostile and aggressive nations such as Russia, China and other totalitarian states are afraid to attack any country that joins NATO structures.

The old continent has already experienced many major wars. The bloodiest wars have always broken out in Europe. Currently, wars are ongoing in Ukraine, where the Ukrainian nation is fighting the communists, and in the Balkans.

Part 2

Political Aspects

2.1. The Significance of NATO’s Creation

The significance of this military alliance is very great. This alliance was not created to attack other countries, like the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact, but it was created to protect itself from evil. This treaty is valid for the joint defense of the entire territory of NATO. If any of the members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is attacked by aggressors, all the countries belonging to the alliance, together and united, defend themselves. Our ancestors knew that after World War II, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics threatened the entire world. They knew that only united can we stop and defeat evil, in the event of an armed attack. It is much better to be together than apart. That is why this alliance was created, to be united. The world of criminals is afraid of this alliance, because it knows that the united European countries with North America are invincible.

This alliance was mainly created to defend itself against the aggressive Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Until 1991, NATO protected itself against the USSR, and since that same year it has been protecting itself mainly against the Russian Federation. Awareness of the threat from Russia has grown since 2022, when the Russian Federation militarily attacked independent Ukraine, a border neighbor of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The united countries of the NATO alliance realized that Vladimir Putin wants to restore the former glory of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and will do everything to achieve this. Vladimir Putin is the first president of the Russian Federation after 1991 who will lead to the destruction of the entire world. This process of resuscitatio dictare of Sovietism, in fact, began with the man who became the second president of the Russian Federation, to this day.

2.2. Putin will not stop

Putin is a war criminal. For him, the war in independent Ukraine is theater, and for Ukrainians, a drama. Putin is performing Dantesque scenes, just like Adolf Hitler. Vladimir Putin’s next target after Ukraine is most likely Moldova. After Moldova, the next targets will be the Baltic States, Poland, and the entire North Atlantic Treaty Organization. This Russian leader will not stop if he conquers Ukraine. He is a war criminal who has murdered thousands of people. He wants to rebuild the former glory of the Soviet empire. He is not far from achieving what he has been dreaming of since 1991. He has subjugated Belarus. Alexander Lukashenko is at Vladimir Putin’s command. Countries such as Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan are modern totalitarianisms, so the president of the Russian Federation already has them subordinated and will not have to send armed invasions to these countries to persuade their leaders to create the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Before the creation of the USSR, Vladimir Putin only has to conquer: Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova and Georgia. If a Soviet empire is created, it will mean a long war. The path to the creation of the USSR is already leading to the outbreak of war. A defeated Ukraine by the Russian Federation will mean the defeat of the democratic and independent West. The organization of the North Atlantic Treaty will be seriously threatened than since the Cold War and the fall of the USSR. The West cannot allow the Russian Federation, led by Vladimir Putin, to win the war against independent Ukraine, because it will mean the end of us all. If someone does not stop him, he will not stop.

2.3. The capitulation of Kiev

The capitulation of the capital of independent Ukraine was supposed to last from twenty-four hours to three days. Vladimir Putin stated that he would conquer Ukraine in seventy-two hours. Today, the Russian Federation has been trying to defeat independent Ukraine since 2022, or rather, for ten years, when in 2014 Russia attacked Kiev, entering the territory of the Ukrainian state in green clothes. When the Russians attacked Ukraine militarily in 2022, they did not expect that Ukrainians would stand up for the fight and die for their beloved Ukraine. Thanks to the courage and perseverance of Ukrainians, today Putin’s army is not, for example, in Berlin, destroying the eastern border of the NATO alliance along the way. If Kiev capitulates today, this event will mean the downfall of the democratic West.

2.4. American politics in history and today

The United States is a young country that was founded in the 18th century. During World War I, it did not engage in the conflict until the Germans declared unrestricted submarine warfare. This was the reason for the United States joining the world conflict in 1917, a year before the end of the war. Thanks to the fact that the Americans joined the great war three years after its beginning, they became a world military power. After World War I, they decided on isolationism, i.e. not getting involved in matters other than those related to the United States. This lasted for a short time, because until 1941. In that year, Japanese troops attacked American military bases in Hawaii. This event contributed to the United States joining the war. The United States, led by Franklin Roosevelt, formed the so-called Big Three, together with Great Britain and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. At the last conference of the Big Three, Roosevelt was replaced by Truman. The Americans created one of the occupation zones of Germany and contributed to the demilitarization and democratization of that country and the exposure of Nazi war criminals at Nuremberg. The Marshall Plan was created, which assumed the reconstruction of post-war Europe. During the Cold War, the world was divided into two parts: the Western, in which the United States was the power, and the Eastern, in which the USSR was the most powerful. A bipolar world emerged at that time. The United States, together with the Soviets, possessed atomic bombs. The world stood on the brink of destruction. However, a direct confrontation between these two superpowers did not occur. Instead of the outbreak of World War III, so-called proxy wars occurred, in which the United States helped democratic countries. In 1949, the NATO military-political alliance was established, in which the Americans are the largest military power. The Americans were involved in the Berlin Crisis, where the North Atlantic Treaty Organization threatened to use nuclear weapons to defend NATO territory, which also included the Federal Republic of Germany. The United States was threatened with a missile attack from the Cuban state, where the Soviets had installed missiles in Cuba. The Cuban Missile Crisis was resolved, the missiles no longer threatened the Americans. The greatest enemy of communism in America was the President of the United States Ronald Reagan. On September 11, 2001, the world saw the most brutal terrorism in the history of mankind. The terrorist attack on the United States turned into fear for the entire free world. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization then took up the fight against terrorism so that the world would never again be victims of terrorism. The last three Presidents of the United States are: Barack Obama, Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Today, the Americans pursue a tough policy towards Russia, intervene militarily, fight against communism, Muslims and terror, are members of the United Nations Security Council, members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the most powerful country in the world in military, economic and political terms.

2.5. Anti-Semitism

Anti-Semitism, or aversion and hostility towards Jews. Jews are also known as Israelites. Aversion towards Israelites has been going on for centuries. It gained the most momentum during World War II. During the total war, Jews were persecuted, murdered, tortured. German soldiers killed Jews en masse. Residents of Poland hid followers of Judaism in basements, invited them to their homes. The death penalty was prescribed for anyone who did this for hiding Jews. Today’s Polish symbol is the Ulma family, who died at the hands of Nazi Germans for helping Jews. The Ulma family was murdered only because they opened their hearts and hands to another person in need and helped them. Jews were brutally treated by the Germans during World War II. The followers of the Jewish religion had separate places prepared by the Germans in cinemas, public transport, cafes, etc. They also had to wear flags with the Star of David on their hands. They were humiliated every day. In one of his speeches, the Chancellor of the Third Reich, Adolf Hitler, announced the complete liquidation of Jews. He promised the German nation that he would not stop killing Jews until they were all dead. Before World War II, every third or fourth resident of Warsaw was a Jew. The capital of Poland was the largest concentration of Israelites before the war. However, after the war, the number of Jews living in Poland decreased significantly. Only a small handful of them remained. They were murdered or moved to the Holy Land after World War II.

Anti-Semitism also continues today. I recently saw a propaganda poster about Jews on the streets of Poznań. It said that the Israelites were committing mass genocide against the people of the Middle East. This poster also included a photograph of someone’s body. It further wrote that the United States, Great Britain and France, with their financial and military aid, were helping Israel commit genocide in the Middle East. This is of course completely untrue and propaganda. It was obvious that the man who made these propaganda posters did not know the history of the Middle East. Personally, it makes me sad when I see such things.

At the turn of the 2nd/1st millennium BCE, Israel was founded. In ancient Israel, the following ruled in turn: Saul, who was the first ruler, Saul’s son David, who led Israel to power, and Solomon, David’s son, after his death Israel fell. In 722 BCE, the kingdom was defeated by Assyria, one of the first civilizations of the ancient Middle East. The Israelites did not have their own state and were not on the map for about two thousand seven hundred years. In 1948, the state of Israel was re-established. The United Nations decided that Israel had to be founded. On the same day that Israel gained its independence, six Arab countries that were opposed to the idea attacked Israel. Another unnecessary war broke out in the Middle East. Israel was surrounded by Muslims on all sides. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Transjordan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq were responsible for genocides in the Middle East, just like today. In the following years, there were more Arab-Israeli wars. Even if it ended with the signing of a peace treaty, after a few weeks Israel was attacked again.

If someone says today that Israel is committing genocide, they do not know the situation in the Middle East and its history. Although they do not want to kill people, because it is not pleasant to kill someone, they have to do it in defense of their own country. These people are terrorists from organized crime groups and Vladimir Putin’s closest associates in the Middle East. The Israelites are in the same situation as the Ukrainians, they were attacked and will defend their country and their own species.

2.6. Why do Germans hate Poland?

There is a huge difference between today’s Germany and the Germans of the 20th century. Hitler’s Germany evolved into a democratic and sovereign state. Despite this, you can still find people in Germany who want to fight more Polish-German wars. The Germans are a very aggressive and primitive nation towards Poles. For centuries, they have not been able to come to terms with the fact that they have not yet managed to defeat Poland, murder every last Pole, rule over us and incorporate Polish lands into Germany. I suspect that the attacks from the West were carried out when humans did not yet exist, in the age of the dinosaur. The German policy of hatred towards Poland was most fully developed during World War II. The Germans and the still living Nazis cannot come to terms with the fact that Poland exists, has its independence and is an increasingly important country on the international stage.

2.7. No Difference — The League of Nations and the United Nations

After the defeat of the Germans, who started World War I, the League of Nations was established. The League of Nations was an international organization responsible for maintaining lasting peace in the world, security and was supposed to ensure that another major war, similar to World War I, would not break out, which would take millions of innocent people. This organization operated from 1920 to 1946, twenty-six years, a very short time for an international organization. It did not fulfill its basic task. It allowed another war to break out, which took millions of victims. The League of Nations failed the entire world, and the Germans once again killed, robbed, raped and committed mass genocide. The League of Nations was one big mistake.

Another international organization that does not fulfill its goals is the United Nations. The UN was also supposed to prevent the outbreak of war, like the League of Nations. It is very good at providing humanitarian aid, mainly to African countries, organizing peacekeeping missions and sending blue helmets to countries at war. The blue helmets are an army consisting of soldiers from different countries belonging to the United Nations. The UN sent blue helmets to the former Yugoslavia, Chad and Congo, among others. These peacekeeping missions did not always end in success and they returned from them with their heads down. Proof of this is the peacekeeping mission in the countries of the former Yugoslavia, where the blue helmets did not stop the genocide of the local population. The United Nations did not stop or stop the war in Ukraine, which is the beginning of the outbreak of World War III. The Russian Federation has the right of veto in the UN and thanks to this it can block an armed intervention with a UN peacekeeping mission. The United Nations is tasked with ensuring that no one commits genocide or kills the world’s population. Currently, Russia is one of five permanent members of the UN: the United States, Great Britain, France and China. The duty and primary task of the United Nations is to remove the Russian Federation from the Security Council, even if it has the right of veto and is a permanent member. The UN is a peacekeeping organization that should do everything in its power to stop Russia. The Russian Federation violates the basic principles of the UN, including committing genocide against the Ukrainian people, and previously against the Georgians and Chechens. Today we can say that the United Nations is no different from the League of Nations and, like the League of Nations, will lead to a world war.

2.8. 1997 — Constitution of the Republic of Poland

Thanks to the introduction of the Polish constitution on April 2, 1997, Poland became a democratic country free from communists. The current constitution of the Republic of Poland states that Poland is a sovereign, independent and democratic country in which power is exercised by the Polish people, elected in democratic elections. Since 1997, we have a Poland that cares for the freedom of all citizens and ensures human rights. Currently, free and democratic elections are held in Poland, with parliamentary elections every four years and the election of the President of the Republic of Poland every five years. In addition to the ability to vote, Polish citizens also have human rights that are respected by the Polish state.

The 1952 Constitution of the Polish People’s Republic contained all sorts of lies. It stated that Poland was a people’s democracy and that power belonged to the people. There were even more lies. The Soviets treated the Constitution of the Polish People’s Republic, which was the highest legal act in Poland, like a piece of paper that had long been lying in the trash. They did not care what they had created. The Polish People’s Republic was not a people’s democracy, but a communist state in the zone of influence of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, built by Joseph Stalin on Soviet models. Power did not belong to the Polish nation. There were no elections, and if there were, they were rigged by the Soviets.

2.9. Adolf Hitler’s Conversation with Death — a Warning for Vladimir Putin

The creator of German ideological superiority — Chancellor of the Third Reich Adolf Hitler — committed suicide a few days before the fall of Berlin. On April 30, 1945, the greatest criminal in the history of humanity died. The Chancellor of the Third Reich knew that this was the end of everything. The awareness of defeat hastened him to death. This awareness that defeat was certain decided everything. The Germans were losing all the conquered territories, both the Western and Eastern fronts were painful for them, from the West came: the British, Americans and other nations, and from the East the Red Army with the Poles. In 1941, a powerful anti-Hitler coalition was formed, which no one would be able to defeat. Warsaw, Paris and other important Nazi cities, the Germans were losing. Dreams of a mighty German empire that would rule all nations in the world turned into a few grains of sand that were scattered over Berlin. The Third Reich, without a leader and the ability to continue fighting, fell on May 2, 1945. This story is a warning to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. It proves that in a war between good and evil, the brightest good always wins.

2.10. What makes it difficult to interpret criminals as doing wrong?

People who want to live freely, happily and fulfill their dreams find it difficult to understand in the modern world of wars, religious and political conflicts, the expansion of various states and the people who wage these wars. Such a phenomenon is easy to understand for historians, political scientists, politicians, lawyers, ministers, presidents, MEPs, experts in international law, social sciences, political sciences, humanities and law who are familiar with this field.

The Chancellor of Nazi Germany — Adolf Hitler was guided by the belief in German superiority. That is why he believed that Germans should rule the entire world. The desire for power ultimately led to his death in 1945. Interpretation in understanding that he was doing wrong was made difficult by his belief in his superiority, i.e. the ideology of Nazism. He aimed to instill in the identity, consciousness and psyche of Germans their superiority. This political doctrine, created by Adolf Hitler, was guided by the whole of Germany. Germany, drawn by Nazi beliefs, supported Hitler every day, only a few of the German nation were not fooled and tried to stop the greatest criminal in Europe.

The pretended friend and greatest enemy right after the Americans, Poles and Jews of Adolf Hitler was Joseph Stalin. Stalin lived in the same times, apart from the world reconstruction after the total war, as the German Chancellor, but he had something different in mind than Hitler. The Georgian believed that societies had to be controlled. This belief was born in the political ideology known as communism. The Big Two: Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt knew that without Joseph Stalin they would not be able to cope with Adolf Hitler. That is why they invited Stalin for talks and together they created the Big Three. Joseph Stalin had his conditions and these included the creation of a Soviet sphere of influence in Eastern and Central Europe.

2.11. Is the war still relevant?

Since 1945 we have thought that another war is out of the question. For seventy-nine years we have thought that nothing like World War III will happen to us. This is and was a mistake. We thought that everything would end with the Cold War. The fall of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics gave us hope for a better tomorrow. Hope for a better tomorrow is needed today, but a new evil has been born in the form of the Russian Federation. The war is still relevant. Today we must not think that everything ended with World War II, the Cold War: the Vietnam War or the Korean War. Something big will come soon and we do not know what it will be. One thing that is known is that the world will be completely destroyed. We must prepare for this and stop the destruction of the world.

Part 3

In the footsteps of history

3.1. Rebellion, or the beginning of the fall of evil

Many people oppose evil. The proof of this act is rebellion. Ronald Reagan was a very tough enemy of communism. He pursued a global policy of world rebirth, world peace and the absence of evil. He supported all anti-communist states. He was one of the world heroes who wanted a peaceful life in the world for all people who wanted to live freely.

Mahatma Gandhi was a man who strived for peace. The greatest rebellion can be seen in Gandhi. He organized strikes and demonstrations. He was a supporter of dialogue and conversation with other people. He had one principle — not to use violence against others. He did not want forced subordination to other countries and their political ideology. He opposed colonization and the division of the homeland. He died fighting for a better Asia.

Soviet Russia abandoned the plans from the Big Three agreements. After World War II, Russia rejected the terms of permanent peace in Europe. One of the British did not allow this. The person who opposed first Nazi Germany and later communist Russia was the Prime Minister of Great Britain — Winston Churchill. He fought hard against the sick ideology of Adolf Hitler, and when he noticed that Joseph Stalin wanted more and more power, he opposed him as well. He was a supporter of peace in the world, he did not want the red evil to dominate this world.

Karol Wojtyła had a lot of strength to fight evil. When he became pope in the Vatican, he led a dialogue and encouraged peace in the world with his actions. When he was still Karol Wojtyła, he fought the Nazi wolves of evil, and when he was proclaimed John Paul II, he stood up against madness — the communist destruction of the world and all evil.

In Tbilisi, during the Russian military invasion of Georgia, he uttered prophetic words that went down in history and are still being fulfilled today. The president of the democratic Republic of Poland — Kaczyński predicted the future of Europe with his speech. After the Russian genocides in Georgia, he knew that Russia would attack independent Ukraine, independent Baltic states: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and later Poland. Today, Ukraine was attacked by Russia. Lech Kaczyński fought for peace in the world. He was an exceptionally brave man who stood in the way of Vladimir Putin. He was not even afraid to call Putin a criminal when he stood next to him. He died in Smolensk in 2010. He died for his courageous fight against Russian evil.

When Russia attacked independent Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky became a true and courageous leader. Zelensky was able to lift the spirits of his Ukrainian citizens when they were attacked by the Russian Federation. Most likely, thanks to him, Ukraine exists to this day, undefeated by the barbarians of the Russian green sham. He supports and visits his soldiers daily in: Kyiv, Lviv, Donetsk, Odessa, Kherson, Mariupol, throughout independent Ukraine. He appeals to Vladimir Putin to end the senseless war. Volodymyr Zelensky is one of the people who know that if the Russian Federation wins this war in Eastern Europe, it will not stop, but in Ukraine and conquer other independent countries, such as: Poland, Moldova, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Finland, the United States, etc.

Above I have mentioned only a few people who, in my opinion, deserved, through their great deeds, to be included in this list of people who rebelled and thus initiated the decline of evil. I considered them world heroes who fought for a better tomorrow for the world. Ronald Reagan, Winston Churchill fought against communist Russia, and John Paul II and Lech Kaczyński showed theirs against the Russian Federation — totalitarian and criminal, while Volodymyr Zelenskyy continues to fight against the Russian empire of evil. Is it a coincidence that it is always Russia, regardless of its name, that kills, robs, rapes? I think not.

Two of them, Mahatma Gandhi and Lech Kaczyński, died for rebellion and for standing in the way of evil. More people died when mass strikes occurred. Let us remember these great people, but let us not forget those even greater ones who created a great shield that stood in the way of murders, tortures and humiliations of the weaker.

For centuries, Poles have been fighting for their free, peaceful, democratic and sovereign country. They showed the most faithful rebellion during the partitions, when for one hundred and forty-six years they fought against three countries: Austria-Hungary, Prussia and Russia. They did not have it easy. They were under the rule of Germany, Russia and Austria-Hungary. Poles were tortured, imprisoned, forced to work and hard physical labor. The hope for their freedom was the Great War. After World War I, Poles had their own state.

Only for twenty-one years. In 1939, Germany attacked independent Poland, and a few days later the Red Army attacked from the East. And it was precisely the Russians who held Poland in their hands until 1997. The fact that the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics fell does not mean that there were no Russians in Poland. Russians were here until 1997, in the government and in the army. The Republic of Poland became a free, sovereign and democratic state on April 4, 1997. We have been living in free Poland for twenty-seven years and Russia wants to attack our country and may do so again.

Another nation that has shed thousands of liters of blood for its homeland is the Hungarians. The Hungarian people fought the communists for a decent life, democratic elections and freedom. Hungarians protested en masse in the streets of Budapest. The vile hyenas from Moscow carried out an armed intervention. Soviet troops opened fire on spiritually and materially free people. Unfortunately, the rebellion for a better Hungarian tomorrow was bloodily won by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The Israelites also showed their greatest rebellion, when on the same day they gained independence, they were attacked by as many as six Muslim countries: Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq. The Israelites bravely fought the Muslim beasts, defended themselves and did not lose their independence. Today, they must once again face the same situation.

Today, Ukrainians stood in the way of Russians. Every day for over two years, they have been fighting not only for their independence, but also for the independence of other European countries. They know that criminal Russia will not stop in Ukraine, but will also attack Central Europe and further into the western part of Europe. Ukrainian friends die every day for the freedom and independence of people from all over the world.

3.2. Hitler’s Third Reich

Hitler was the Chancellor of the Third Reich in the years 1933—1945. In the years 1939—1944 he had leadership, hegemony in Europe. In the face of the defeat of Berlin and the entire Nazi world, he committed suicide in his bunker. The greatest war criminal in the history of mankind believed that the German nation was better than other nationalities, which was caused by his creation of a new political ideology, called Nazism. He pursued an anti-Jewish policy, otherwise known as anti-Semitism, anti-Polish, anti-American and anti-communist.

The Chancellor of the Third Reich was very angry at European countries and the United States for humiliating Germany after World War I. The Treaty of Versailles, which limited the German army and ordered the payment of war reparations, the loss of territorial gains and the recognition of the Germans as guilty of the outbreak of the Great War, was, in his opinion, humiliating for Hitler and the whole of Germany. For this humiliation of Germany, he wanted to take revenge. He and his closest associates violated the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler’s Germany recruited soldiers for the German army and resumed the production of military equipment. In 1938, Germany occupied Austria. A year later, Czechoslovakia was incorporated into Nazi territory. The Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact decided to divide Europe into two parts of influence: German and Soviet. This agreement is also known as the Hitler-Stalin Pact. It led to the outbreak of World War II, although its beginning was already the violation of the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles by Hitler’s Germany. Adolf Hitler issued the order to attack independent Poland on September 1, 1939. This event initiated the outbreak of World War II. The leader of the Third Reich could not accept that Poland had its own coastline, which separated Germany from East Prussia. At 4:45 a.m. on September 1, 1939, total war began. From that hour, a German battleship shelled Westerplatte. The Poles fought bravely, among others, in defense of the borders and in the battle for the Polish Post Office. The Poles went into this war with nothing against the mighty German army. Poland fell after a month. Its fall was accelerated by the Hitler-Stalin Pact — September 17, 1939. In the later stages, Hitler ruled over France, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, the Balkans, Norway. In France, Hitler created a new state, Vichy. Vichy was to produce military equipment for the German army. The Hitler Chancellor failed to conquer Great Britain, the United States, on which he declared war, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. In Great Britain, the German army could not win thanks to the excellent English and Polish, who were unmatched in terms of aviation. In the USSR, the poor preparation of soldiers for the war against the communists and the harsh winter failed. The United States was geographically distant from the Third Reich and was too strong militarily to be defeated.

The invasion of the British Isles marked the beginning of the end of World War II. Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin formed the Big Three and the three strongest countries in the anti-Hitler coalition. The fate of the Third Reich under the leadership of Adolf Hitler had already been decided at the conferences of the Big Three. Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin made decisions about occupation zones of German territory, the liquidation of Nazism, the punishment of German war criminals, in other words, the end of the Third Reich along with Hitler and his dogs.

June 6, 1944 marked the end of the Third Reich’s power. The Normandy landings opened a second front in Europe. The first front was in Eastern Europe. The Socialist Union with Polish troops captured the Third Reich Chancellery and its entire capital, Berlin, on May 2, 1945. A few days earlier, Chancellor Adolf Hitler committed suicide. He knew that this was the end: of himself, Berlin, the power of Germany, Nazism, and the entire Third Reich. Hitler’s Germany capitulated. The Nuremberg Trials punished Nazi criminals with death, including Adolf Hitler’s greatest collaborator, Hermann Göring. Thus ended the era of Nazi Germany.

3.3. The Third Reich!

The Third Reich!

On September 1, 1939, you attacked Poland.

Poland, a Poland in which the inhabitants of this country

Wanted to fulfill their dreams and live free and happy.

You attacked millions of innocent people by force of arms.

At dawn,

When the sun was just waking up,

You entered Poland.

You killed five million Poles.

You plundered its modest wealth.

You raped poor Polish women.

You tortured our Poland for five years.

Why did you do it?

Why were we your target?

Why did you kill your brothers?

3.4. The former glory of the USSR and 1991

The first creator of this most powerful state in history was Vladimir Lenin. After Lenin, Joseph Stalin of Georgian origin took power in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. A few days before the outbreak of World War II, the USSR signed a criminal agreement with the Third Reich, known as the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact, also known as Hitler-Stalin. According to the future of the pact, the USSR attacked Poland on September 17, 1939, and in subsequent stages: Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. On July 22, 1941, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was unexpectedly attacked by the Third Reich. Stalin did not expect that his friend would attack him. The USSR began talks with Great Britain and the United States, and together they formed the Big Three. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Great Britain and the United States were the most powerful of the Allied anti-Hitler coalition. The West knew that without the USSR they would not win the war against Nazi Germany, so they had to establish contact with Stalin. Soviet troops entered Berlin, which fell on May 2, 1945. Ultimately, the USSR won World War II. During the Big Three agreements, Stalin secured a zone of influence for the USSR. After World War II, the Russians began to be called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The Soviet zone of influence included: Poland, the GDR, Albania, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Czechoslovakia. The second Soviet occupation began in Poland. During the Cold War, the USSR was one of the two most powerful countries in the world. At that time, it was fighting the United States. There was no direct fighting, but the world was threatened by the outbreak of World War III. In 1955, the Warsaw Pact was established, which was a military alliance between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and its zone of influence in Europe. The USSR had complete control over the countries in its zone of influence. It used terror, genocide, and deprived people of their basic rights. After Joseph Stalin, the leaders included Nikita Khrushchev, Leonid Brezhnev, and Mikhail Gorbachev. The latter led to the collapse of the USSR. Its actions were intended to avert the crisis of the USSR, but they accelerated the collapse of that state. In 1991, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics fell. From this country emerged democratic and independent states, such as Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. In turn, in 1989, the Soviet sphere of influence in Europe ended. This is how Soviet power ended.

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