ISBN (The International Standard Book Number) is a unique, 13 digits long, numeric commercial book identifier.
It provides information about the publisher and the book.
You do not need to seek for it – ISBN will be given by Ridero for free. The barcode will appear on the backside of your book.
You will be able to make a choice whether you want the ISBN or not, while placing an order for printing. The system will calculate the price of printing with the accurate VAT rate and cost of the delivery by itself.
The rates for a book with ISBN stands at 5% VAT, whereas without ISBN stands at 23%.
If the edition is smaller than 100 copies, Ridero is obliged to send 2 copies to the National Library in accordance with the law referred to the article of Legal Deposit Libraries of 7.11.1996.
In that case giving the ISBN is unprofitable for those who wants to publish book in small edition.
Out of concern for author’s convenience, the cost of two extra copies, that Ridero will send to the National library, is added to the final price.