

Complete Guide to Digital Growth Hacking

Amdan Naturinda

Book Author

About this book

Imagine you were able to understand the way you can create a company over the internet, making passive income by doing exactly what you love but most the Youth who have triedestablished or Startup companies that in the market. Attention is the currency a commodity though most of the social platforms are free to use and get instant Fame but their also difficult to break through if you don’t have proper guidance on the best practices to use all the tools and technology at hand to grow a business,


Amdan Naturinda

Amdan Naturinda was born in Western Uganda(East Africa) and lives in the Kingdom of Bahrain has a master/postgraduate in Digital marketing from Digital marketing institute (Ireland Dublin)and bachelor’s in Business Administration working as Freelance Developer, Marketer, Brand Management. He loves to contribute to the success of enterprenurs and develop a career while serving in a challenging environment.

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